Wendy Patrick
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  • Wendy Patrick 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
  • Leeren

Dr. Wendy L. Patrick is career prosecutor who has completed more than 165 trials ranging from hate crimes to domestic vio­lence to first-degree murder. Named the "Ronald M. George Public Lawyer of the Year" by the California State Bar's Public Law Section, she has been recognized by her peers as one of the top ten criminal attorneys in San Diego by the San Diego Daily Transcript. She is a certified instructor for law enforcement with the Institute of Criminal Investigation and a certified chaplain with the California Practical Chaplain Association. Passionate about apologetics, Dr. Patrick uses her evi­dence-based persuasion skills to defend the faith. She holds a master of divinity degree from Bethel Seminary San Diego, where she received the "Excellence in Preaching" and "Zondervan Biblical Languages" awards. She earned her doctorate in the­ology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and is formally ordained as a Christian minister through Converge Worldwide. She also holds a biblical counseling certificate from Horizon College. Dr. Patrick spoke on the subject of human trafficking at Faith and Law Around the Globe conferences in Hong Kong and South Africa and taught a course on human trafficking at Handong International Law School in South Korea. She reg­ularly teaches sexual assault prevention for the United States Army, presenting programs domestically as well as in Bavaria and Germany.