Wojciech Czekała
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  • Wojciech Czekała 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Lebensstil 
  • Leeren

Wojciech Czekała is a researcher and a lecturer at the Poznań University of Life Science. He is a graduate of the Poznań University of Life Sciences in Environmental Protection (2011) and of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in Geology (Management of Mineral and Water Resources, 2013). His research fields include waste management, biofuels production, biogas, energy recovery, composting, fertilizer production, sustainable development, and circular economy.

He is a participant in a number of research projects and over 100 research and development projects that were performed for industrial entities, including the largest Polish enterprises; the author and the co-author of 170 publications; and a speaker on over 80 conferences. He was a project manager of a LIDER program grant for a project entitled “IN OIL: An innovative method for bioconversion of by-products from food processing industry”.