1 & 2 Timothy: Heaven's Truth and Urgency 12-week Study Guide - Brian Simmons - E-Book

1 & 2 Timothy: Heaven's Truth and Urgency 12-week Study Guide E-Book

Brian Simmons



1 and 2 Timothy, given from a spiritual father to his spiritual son, contain powerful revelation-insights for our churches today! Paul's message is filled with an unusual urgency, unveiling the glorious truths of our Life-Giver and our life in him.   We have designed this study to help you explore and discover God's heart for you, the church, and the world through heaven's truths. Each uniquely-crafted lesson opens with an introduction and key verse to reveal important themes. Four sections guide readers through 1 and 2 Timothy in a way that will help you discover, explore, experience, and share the heart of God more deeply.   Engage these truths with a hungry heart, wrap them around your life, and watch God bring true growth and maturity into your spirit to help you finish your life-race with passion and love to the very end!   About The Passionate Life Bible Study Series God longs for everyone to encounter the passion of his heart. Inspired by The Passion Translation, this heart-level Bible study is ideal for both individual devotional study and small groups. Each lesson will kindle within readers a burning desire for a passion-filled life fueled by the heart of God!  

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BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA


The Passionate Life Bible Study Series


Copyright © 2016 The Passion Translation®

Edited by Jeremy Bouma

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5335-8 (soft cover)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5336-5 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

All Bible text is from The Passion Translation®, including the following books: Matthew: Our Loving King, Psalms: Poetry on Fire, Hebrew and James: Faith Works, and Letters from Heaven: 1 & 2 Timothy. Copyright © 2014, 2015. Used by permission of The Passion Translation and BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. All rights reserved. thePassionTranslation.com

To purchase any of the study guides in the The Passionate Life Bible Study Series in bulk for use in groups, please send an email to [email protected].

Cover design by Chris Garborg at GarborgDesign.com

Typesetting by Katherine Lloyd at theDESKonline.com

Printed in the United States of America

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Using The Passionate Life Bible Study

Introduction to 1 and 2 Timothy

Lesson 1

The Worst of Sinners Captured by Amazing Grace: 1 Timothy 1:1–20

Lesson 2

A Lesson on Prayer and Worship: 1 Timothy 2:1–15

Lesson 3

Qualifications for Those Who Serve the Church: 1 Timothy 3:1–16

Lesson 4

Train in a Way That Brings Lasting Benefit: 1 Timothy 4:1–16

Lesson 5

Proper Treatment of Fellow Believers: 1 Timothy 5:1–6:2

Lesson 6

Persevere in the True Faith, Spiritual Fruit, and Trust: 1 Timothy 6:3–21

Lesson 7

Rekindle the Fire of Your Spiritual Gift: 2 Timothy 1:1–18

Lesson 8

Endure and Overcome for the Sake of Christ: 2 Timothy 2:1–15

Lesson 9

God Knows His Own, His Own Forsake Wickedness: 2 Timothy 2:14–26

Lesson 10

A Warning about the Final Days: 2 Timothy 3:1–9

Lesson 11

Continue in What You Have Learned: 2 Timothy 3:10–17

Lesson 12

Fight the Excellent Fight: 2 Timothy 4:1–22

Using The Passionate Life Bible Study

The psalmist declares, “Truth’s shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of your Word makes my pathway clear” (Psalm 119:105).

This verse forms the foundation of The Passionate Life Bible Study series. Not only do we want to kindle within you a deep, burning passion for God and his Word, but we also want to let the Word’s light blaze a bright path before you to help you make truth-filled choices and decisions, while encountering the heart of God along the way.

God longs to have his Word expressed in a way that unlocks the passion of his heart for the reader. Inspired by The Passion Translation but usable with any Bible translation, this is a heart-level Bible study, from the passion of God’s heart to the passion of your heart. Our goal is to trigger inside you an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible.


Each of the following lessons is divided into four sections: Discover the Heart of God; Explore the Heart of God; Experience the Heart of God; and Share the Heart of God. They are meant to guide your study of the truth of God’s Word, while drawing you closer and deeper into his passionate heart for you and your world.

The Discover section is designed to help you make observations about the reading. Every lesson opens with the same three questions: What did you notice, perhaps for the first time? What questions do you have? And, what did you learn about the heart of God? There are no right answers here! They are meant to jump-start your journey into God’s truth by bringing to the surface your initial impressions about the passage. The other questions help draw your attention to specific points the author wrote and discover the truths God is conveying.

Explore takes you deeper into God’s Word by inviting you to think more critically and explain what the passage is saying. Often there is some extra information to highlight and clarify certain aspects of the passage, while inviting you to make connections. Don’t worry if the answers aren’t immediately apparent. Sometimes you may need to dig a little deeper or take a little more time to think. You’ll be grateful you did, because you will have tapped into God’s revelation-light in greater measure!

Experience is meant to help you do just that: experience God’s heart for you personally. It will help you live out God’s Word by applying it to your unique life situation. Each question in this section is designed to bring the Bible into your world in fresh, exciting, and relevant ways. At the end of this section, you will have a better idea of how to make choices and decisions that please God, while walking through life on clear paths bathed in the light of his revelation!

The final section is Share. God’s Word isn’t meant to be merely studied or memorized; it’s meant to be shared with other people—both through living and telling. This section helps you understand how the reading relates to growing closer to others, to enriching your fellowship and relationship with your world. It also helps you listen to the stories of those around you, so you can bridge Jesus’ story with their stories.


Reading and studying the Bible is an exciting journey! This study is designed to help you encounter the heart of God and let his Word to you reach deep down into your very soul—all so you can live and enjoy the life he intends for you. And like with any journey, a number of practices will help you along the way:

1. Begin your lesson time in prayer, asking God to open up his Word to you in new ways, show areas of your heart that need teaching and healing, and correct any area in which you’re living contrary to his desires for your life.

2. Read the opening section to gain an understanding of the major themes of the reading and ideas for each lesson.

3. Read through the Scripture passage once, underlining or noting in your Bible anything that stands out to you. Reread the passage again, keeping in mind these three questions: What did you notice, perhaps for the first time? What questions do you have? What did you learn about the heart of God?

4. Write your answers to the questions in this Bible study guide or a notebook. If you do get stuck, first ask God to reveal his Word to you and guide you in his truth. And then, either wait until your small group time or ask a trusted leader for help.

5. Use the end of the lesson to focus your time of prayer, thanking and praising God for the truth of his Word, for what he has revealed to you, and for how he has impacted your daily life.


The goal of this study is to understand God’s Word for you and your community in greater measure, while encountering his heart along the way. A number of practices will help your group as you journey together:

1. Group studies usually go better when everyone is prepared to participate. The best way to prepare is to come having read the lesson’s Scripture reading beforehand. Following the suggestions in each individual study will enrich your time as a community as well.
