a bouquet of poems - Sara Arneberg - E-Book

a bouquet of poems E-Book

Sara Arneberg

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Life is never what you expect it to be. Whatever you do to follow the plan, life always surprises you with the most amazing and horrible things. This collection of poems captures just that, all ups and downs of life. Both the good and the bad, the glad and the sad. Though these poems mostly reflect a later teenage life, everyone can find some poems they resonate with. Whether it's the feminist frustration in « Woman's issue » or the timeless love of «Never thought I would have fell for you » there is something for everyone! Browse through titles such as « Lighthouse Love », « Apple pie » and « There is this guy » while getting a peek into the author's colorful mind.

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Seitenzahl: 19

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To my closest friends

Poems in this collection

Will there always be rain?

To all girls

A life

Different but yet the same

A love poem

There is this guy

The color grey

To live forever

Shower thoughts

Astronaut love


Garlic Bread

I miss you

Apple pie

Here with you

I wish I lived an 80’s song

Never thought I would have fell for you

Do you love me all the same?


My name

Lighthouse love

The game called life

You said you didn’t want me


The sounds of childhood

Do I really like him?

Woman’s Issue

What happened to the little girl?




Body of a goddess

I’m a seven

The land far away

My year

Flower bouquet

Will there always be rain?

Lips are broken, tears keep falling

with loss of friends, this girl is bawling

No words spoken, she's in such pain

after sunshine, will there always be rain?

Dawn is woken, when she wish she had

someone to hug, when things feel so, so bad


To all girls

Girl, stop crying

pick up your crown,

hold your head up high

and look at the sky

Dance like the clouds,

sing like the wind,

shine like the sun

and for once in your life,

have some good fun


A life

A heartbeat,

so loud but yet so silent

A voice,

so powerful but yet so powerless

A life,

so strong but yet so weak

We could change the world,

if we just dared to speak


Different but yet the same

You're the sun and I'm the moon,

like siblings in the universe

We float in space with so much grace

we make all others furious

Eyes are blue and eyes are brown,

like ice cold ice and caramel

We sing and dance at every chance

though it might sound kind of terrible

You're the sun and I'm the moon,

like siblings in the universe