A Daughter of Albion - Anton Chekhov - Hörbuch

A Daughter of Albion Hörbuch

Anton Chekhov

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Albion's Daughter is a story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Written in 1883, first published in 1883 in the magazine "Oskolki" No. 33 for August 13, signed by A. Chekhonte. 'A Daughter of Albion' is a short story hitting out at the free-spirited and broad-minded British of the nineteenth century. The word 'Albion' indicates someone belonging to Great Britain or England. In this story penned by Anton Chekhov, one of the greatest short story writers of the nineteenth century, a British governess is ridiculed by her cynical employer, who is infatuated with her. Her married employer is in a sexual relationship with her despite having a wife and children. He loves spending time with this free-spirited and haughty governess who looks down upon the Russian's backwardness. Because of her, he has taken to fishing all day without caring for his job, family, or friends. Chekhov uses subtle and brazen sexual innuendos to bring out the feelings Gryabov, the landowner, has for Fyce, the British governess.

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Zeit:0 Std. 8 min

Sprecher:John Brown
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