A Queen of the Stage - Fred M. White - E-Book

A Queen of the Stage E-Book

Fred M. White

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  • Herausgeber: Fred M White
  • Kategorie: Krimi
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2016

Timidly, almost appealingly, a girl with pathetic blue eyes looked at a man opposite to her. They were a striking contrast; the girl so young and fair and innocent of the world, the man wearing an assumption of benevolence which was belied by the furtiveness of his eyes, and the sensual lips. Smooth were his words; but anybody who knew the world would have mistrusted Roger Carney instinctively. As to the rest, he was a theatrical agent in very poor repute, though Elsie Vane was ignorant of that when she wrote to him from the country in reply to a plausible advertisement. He spread out his hands and affected a look of sympathy.

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Fred M. White

A Queen of the Stage

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Timidly, almost appealingly, a girl with pathetic blue eyes looked at a man opposite to her. They were a striking contrast; the girl so young and fair and innocent of the world, the man wearing an assumption of benevolence which was belied by the furtiveness of his eyes, and the sensual lips. Smooth were his words; but anybody who knew the world would have mistrusted Roger Carney instinctively. As to the rest, he was a theatrical agent in very poor repute, though Elsie Vane was ignorant of that when she wrote to him from the country in reply to a plausible advertisement. He spread out his hands and affected a look of sympathy. "My dear young lady," he said. "I trust you will see that I am not to blame. As I wrote to you, I had succeeded in obtaining for you a part in a first-rate touring company. Judge of my surprise when I found that the manager was nothing but a barefaced swindler. These things will happen, you know, in the profession." "Then you have nothing to offer me?" Elsie asked, with a sinking heart. "I expected to start at once. I am absolutely alone in London, and after paying my railway fare this morning have only a shilling left. If you will be so good as to return the money I paid to you in fees——" Roger Carney smiled sadly. Many a poor girl knew that smile to her cost. He looked round the scantily-furnished office, and sighed in a manner that was quite pathetic. "I am very sorry," he said, "but every penny of the money you sent me was expended in finding this opening for you. Up to now I have made nothing out of you at all. I am not of a greedy or grasping disposition, and did not expect to be recompensed until you had entered upon your engagement. There are a lot of low-class agents who live on their preliminary fees, but that has never been my method. Yours is simply a case of sheer misfortune——" "We need not discuss that," Elsie said. Her courage was coming back, and she began to have more than a vague suspicion that she was dealing with a swindler. "When I wrote to you I explained my circumstances. I told you I was an orphan, without friends or money. You promised me a definite engagement on the stage at a fair salary, and on the strength of that promise I realised every penny I had and sent it to you. At the present moment one shilling lies between me and starvation, and I only know one man in London who is likely to help me. I must ask you to return the money you obtained from me." The blue eyes were no longer pathetic and pleading, but bright with the light of resolution. Gradually Mr. Carney dropped his benevolent aspect. The thick sensual lips grew hard, and the watery eyes obstinate. He stood up in a threatening attitude. "None of that," he said hoarsely. "Don't come here trying to bully me. I have done all I can for you, and it is no fault of mine that the show went bankrupt, so just take yourself off. You girls are all alike." He pointed towards the door, but Elsie did not move. The last few moments had been a revelation to her. She no longer doubted that she had placed every penny of her worldly wealth in the hands of a common swindler. Dismal as the future was, she had no intention of leaving the office until she had wrung something from this pitiful rascal. What was she to do, where was she to go in this cruel city, where she was known to none? Well might she shrink from the contemplation of the days to come. But innocent as she was of the ways of the world, coming as she did from a quiet country home, she lacked neither courage or resolution. The hour was at hand when she would need both. "You have robbed me," she said quietly, but firmly; "I see exactly how it is. You obtained no engagement for me, you never even tried to. You live on the ignorance and vanity of poor girls like me. If I went to the police I daresay you would produce some other villain who would swear you had obtained a post for me with his assistance. Oh, there are many ways of getting the best of one like me." Carney grinned uncomfortably, quite by accident Elsie had guessed one of the common swindles pursued by the shady crew who make their money out of stage-struck men and women. "You had better be off," he said. "You gain nothing by staying here. Little as you deserve any consideration——" Whatever Carney would have added was cut short by the sudden opening of the office door and the appearance of a shock-headed youth, who seemed to be in a state of considerable agitation. "Clear out!" he cried excitedly. "They're after you. They're coming up the stairs." The door closed again, and the shock-headed youth vanished. The change on the appearance of Mr. Carney was ludicrous. His great fat face quivered in jelly-like fashion, and his eyes were filled with terror. He glanced helplessly at the door and shook his head, as if giving up all hope of escape in that direction. The 'offices' of Carney and Company consisted of the shabby room in which the interview was taking place, so that there was no avenue of escape by means of a second apartment. Carney appealed piteously to Elsie. "Well, if this isn't cruel luck," he protested. "One day more and I should have been safe, and it isn't altogether for myself either. I have treated you badly, and I don't mind admitting it, but if you will help me now you won't find me ungrateful in the future. They're after me——" "I suppose you mean the police," Elsie said coldly. "That's it. Never mind what for, and me with a fortune in my grasp! It is too cruel, but there is just a chance that if I hide beneath my desk nobody can see me, unless you give me away. You are a good, kind-hearted girl, I know. I can tell that from your face. Don't say anything." Steps were fast approaching, and Carney had only time to slip behind the imposing-looking desk and bestow his bulky figure under the well. The whole thing had been so swift and unexpected that Elsie had no time to think. In the space of a few minutes all her pleasant dreams of a brilliant stage future had been dissipated. In the last few moments she had found herself face to face with poverty, and now she was calmly asked to shield the mean scoundrel who had brought it all about from the stern grip of the law. All these things passed through her mind in a flash, between the moment that Carney had concealed himself and the opening of the office door. An alert-looking man walked in and gazed about him. Probably he was re-assured by Elsie's appearance, for he asked her politely if Mr. Carney was anywhere about the premises. "I am waiting for him," Elsie said coldly. It was perhaps a quixotic thing to do, especially for a miserable creature like Carney; but the words were spoken, and, strange as it may seem, Elsie did not regret them. Outwardly she was cool, but her heart was beating fast and painfully. She tried to think she had told no lie, but she was grateful all the same when the intruder turned to a second man standing in the doorway, and muttered that the bird had flown. Then there was an echo of retreating footsteps, and Carney crept from the shelter of the desk, his pasty face a ghastly green. "You did that uncommonly well," he gasped. "No doubt about it, you've the makings of a fine actress. That chap was completely taken in by your innocent face and pathetic blue eyes." "How dare you speak to me like that?" Elsie cried, quivering with anger. "Why did I do it? Why did I humiliate myself for a scoundrel like you? Perhaps it was because my dear father always taught me that even the most abandoned wretch was an object of pity. I ought to have told the truth, I ought to have let the police take you. It would, at any rate, have been the means of preventing other poor girls from being placed in the desperate position in which I stand at present. Why are such men allowed to live?" The burning words poured from Elsie's lips in a passionate stream. She had forgotten herself and her surroundings. To all intents and purposes the dingy offices ceased to exist. Surprised by a timid touch on her arm, she turned and saw another girl in the room. She was a slight, pretty creature, dainty and refined-looking, though her whole aspect was spoilt by the tawdry and cheap smartness of her attire. "What were you saying to my father?" the girl asked. "My daughter Dora," Carney stammered. "This, my dear, is Miss Elsie Vane, a lady who has been so unfortunate as to take an engagement through me in the 'Long Arm' Company." "You need not go into that," Elsie said coldly. She looked at the girl with a smile on her face. "I do not know whether you are aware of your father's methods——" "Oh yes, yes," the girl cried. "I heard all you said. Please do not humiliate me by going over it again. Father, this young lady must have her money back." "I haven't got it," Carney protested. "On my word of honor as a gentleman, I haven't ten shillings in the blessed world. And that rascal Perks has put the police on my track. If he had waited until to-morrow I could have paid him every penny I owed him, and a handsome commission for himself besides. You must get me out of this, Dora. Get me out of the way till it is safe to show my face again." "But what about Miss Vane?" the girl asked. "Have you no consideration for her? Oh, my dear young lady, if you only knew what I suffered when I heard how you have been treated, but there is no time to be lost. I came to warn my father and bring him some disguise, trusting to luck that the police would not know who I am." With a sigh of relief Carney grabbed eagerly at the bag which his daughter was carrying. Possibly he was not unacquainted with the stage himself, for a few moments' working with the contents of the bag sufficed to transform him altogether. He was no longer a tall, clean-shaven being, but had a thick crop of brown hair and a neatly-trimmed moustache and beard. A pair of spectacles and a clerical band and coat and vest converted him to a middle-aged parson of benevolent aspect. His whole manner seemed to change with his disguise, so that even Elsie could not but admire his make-up. "I think that will do," Carney said complacently as he surveyed himself in a hand mirror. "You had better step out and see that the coast is clear." "That is all very well," Elsie said, "but what is to become of me? You have forgotten that you owe me some gratitude for the part I played." "You were a good girl," Carney said huskily, "and I won't forget you. But I can't spare a sou. I don't know if Dora could find you a bed——" "No, no," Elsie cried hastily. "I could not think of intruding in this fashion. Perhaps the one friend I know in London may help me." Somewhat to Elsie's surprise, Dora made no suggestion of assistance. She had seated herself at the desk, and appeared to be writing on a card, which she held in her hand as she crossed to the door and looked down the corridor. "There is no one about," she said eagerly. "You had better go while you have a chance, father. I will follow you as far as the street. I shall be anxious to know that you have succeeded in getting away." As the girl spoke she turned upon Elsie an imploring glance, which the latter failed to interpret. Dora seemed to be making some kind of a signal, but, what it was intended to convey, Elsie had not the slightest idea. She stood lingering, not knowing what to do or where to go; but, as the bulky figure of Carney vanished, Dora threw the card at her. Mechanically Elsie picked it up and read the mysterious words—— "Be brave and patient. If your friend fails you, be under the portico of the Regency Theatre to-night."


For some moments Elsie stood in the dingy office turning the card over in her fingers, wondering what it could mean. Greatly as she had mistrusted Carney, she did not entertain the same feelings towards Dora. It seemed impossible the young and timid girl, with the frank, innocent face, could be the daughter of the sorry blackguard who made a living by robbing ignorant girls with a fancy for the stage. Elsie would have been puzzled to explain why she herself had been lured in that direction. The only child of a scholarly country parson, she had seen nothing of the world, and all her ideas of the Theatre had been drawn from novels which had presented the pleasant side of the picture. Had Elsie realised half the perils and privations of the stage, she would have shrunk appalled from the prospect. As it was, she had had her lesson. She was quite cured now. She wished to have nothing further to do with her old ambition.

Meanwhile, she was alone in London, and her sole means of subsistence lay within the narrow limits of the solitary shilling which she had in her purse. She had come, fully believing that she was to start at once on a provincial tour, when everything would be found for her, and every provision made for her comfort. She had left her wardrobe at Paddington Station, where she had intended to take it up before beginning her tour in the West. And here she was stranded, a pretty, innocent girl, alone in the cruelest city in the world for anyone who lacks friends.

It was fortunate she knew the address of her father's old acquaintance in the city of London. She had never seen Mr. Jeffries, but she knew he had been at school and college with her father, and had heard the latter speak of him as a man doing a large business as a solicitor. When in the street, Elsie summoned up courage to ask the way of a policeman, and was pleased to find she had no great distance to walk. With beating heart she inquired for Mr. Jeffries. The clerk was civil, but had a piece of information to impart which brought the tears to Elsie's eyes.

"I am sorry you can't see Mr. Jeffries, miss," he said. "He is out of town. If you are here on business connected with the firm, there are other gentlemen——"

"Oh, my business is quite private," Elsie said. "Mr. Jeffries was an old friend of my father's, and I wanted his advice."

"That is unfortunate," the clerk said. "Mr. Jeffries is on the Continent. He hasn't been well lately, and we don't expect him back for a month. Will you not see one of the partners."

Elsie shook her head. She had no words for the moment. It was all she could do to keep from breaking down. She was feeling faint from want of food, for it was nearly two o'clock, and she had had nothing since her early breakfast, which she had been too excited to eat. Desperate as her situation was, she could not find it in her heart to unbosom herself to strangers. She contrived to find her voice at last.

"It is very good of you," she said, "but I don't think I will trouble the other gentlemen. I dare say I can call upon Mr. Jeffries another time. I hope he will soon be better."

Elsie drifted out of the office, feeling she had broken the last link between herself and the past. Few well-educated, well-nurtured girls had fewer friends than she. Her mother had died years before, leaving her to be her father's only companion, in a small country village where congenial society was scarce. The failure of one or two concerns in which Mr. Vane had invested his money had so preyed upon his health that he died, leaving Elsie practically penniless when his debts had been paid. When she left home that morning there was not a single friend to bid her good-bye. So far as she knew, she had no living relations in England; and here she was, young and strong and active, with nothing but a slender wardrobe and one shilling in her purse.

Come what may, she must have something to eat. She wanted to sit down and rest herself, and think the situation over. Save for one happy fortnight three years before, she had never been in London, and the crowds of people dismayed her. She would not have been afraid to walk through the most desolate country place at midnight but in these thronged streets she felt abashed and frightened. It seemed dreadful to stand there with that stream of humanity flowing by, and not be able recognise one of that sea of faces. More by instinct than anything else, Elsie drifted into a tea shop and laid out sixpence of her money to the best advantage. She was pleased to find she could have a fresh egg and bread and butter and tea for the limited sum of sixpence. She was decidedly the better for her meal, frugal though it was. Her natural courage rose, and she felt able to face the situation. The healthy life she had led in the past had given her a perfect nerve and a magnificent constitution.

Surely there must be some place where girls situated as she was could find food and lodging for a day or two. If only these could be obtained, she had nothing to fear. She had been thoroughly trained to look after a house, and her learned father had educated her far beyond the ordinary standard.

Elsie wandered until she came at length to the Park, where she sat down and watched the children play. She resolved not to think of what was likely to happen later. She could not let her mind dwell upon the problem of her night's lodging. She would wait on the off chance of something turning up, and, if necessary in the last resort, would confide her story to a policeman, and ask her way to the nearest station. Then came a glimmer of hope as she remembered the card in her pocket. She could not help feeling that Dora Carney would prove her friend. If the appointment outside the Regency Theatre failed, then she could put her other plan into execution.

A smart nursemaid with two little children came to the seat, and one of the bairns asked for a knife to mend his boat. Elsie complied eagerly. She even mended the boat to the child's gratification. Elsie loved children, and here, too, was a means of escaping from her sad thoughts. For an hour or more she sat chatting to the children and their nurse, and watching the stream of glittering carriages flash by. The nurse was Cockney to her finger tips. She seemed to know a great many of the fashionable folk by sight, so that to Elsie the conversation was really entertaining. Presently there passed by a landau in which an elegantly dressed lady was seated alone. She was young, and apparently surrounded with all that wealth could bestow. There was something in her face that appealed to Elsie strongly. It was a beautiful face, clear-cut and pathetic, with dark, melancholy eyes, and Elsie thought the owner of such a face must be capable of rising to the loftiest heights both of courage and self-sacrifice.

"Do you know who she is?" she asked the nursemaid.

"Who doesn't miss?" the other replied. "That is Vera Barrington, the great actress. I suppose you have heard of her."

Elsie nodded. Even in the remote village where she came from, the name of Vera Barrington was known. She was young, not more than four and twenty, and yet had already arrived at the very zenith of her profession. Nothing appeared to come amiss to the woman who only three years before had made a hit at one of the minor music halls. She had her chance in a musical comedy, in which she had proved a brilliant success. Thence she had gone straight into the realms of tragedy, when her acting had been a perfect revelation to the critics. There was a slight feeling of envy in Elsie's heart as her eyes followed the figure in the retreating carriage.

"Of course, I have heard of Miss Barrington," she said. "Is she married? I understand there is something romantic about her."

"Nobody knows, miss," the nursemaid answered. "I am told she keeps herself quite to herself. She has a beautiful house in Regent's Park, but nobody ever goes there. Even in the theatre, they say she is standoffish. And now I must be going. Come along, children. Say good-bye to the lady first."

Elsie did not part with the little ones without a real sense of reluctance. The Park had suddenly become very lonely, and the stream of humanity in the streets would be preferable to this. So the hours drifted on till night fell, and the houses were picked out with points of flame. It was nearly eight o'clock before Elsie went back to the shop where she had had the previous meal. When her hunger was satisfied her purse was empty. Thanks to her country training and regular hours, however, Elsie was not utterly tired and worn out. Besides, she was buoyed up by the hope that something would come of the assignation outside the Regency Theatre. It was a fine night so that the anxieties of the situation were not too strongly marked. For nearly three hours Elsie walked briskly along, striving to assume the air of one who has some definite object in view.

Her heart beat faster and her pulse quickened as the hour of eleven drew near. She came at length to the portico of the Regency Theatre, and stood there waiting. One or two men in evening dress inside the vestibule gazed at her admiringly, but the girl's proud, unconscious face, and assured manner checked all attempts of familiarity. She turned to look at the large frame of photographs hanging in the doorway, and saw to her surprise that the figure in the centre was that of Vera Barrington. It struck Elsie as strange that she should be keeping an appointment outside the very theatre where the brilliant actress was engaged. A moment later a tall, graceful figure flitted through the entrance hall towards a brougham standing by the pavement. Elsie caught a glimpse of a pale, pathetic face, and, with a thrill, recognised that it was the tragedienne herself.

"She finishes early," Elsie heard one man say to another. "Beautiful woman, isn't she, but cold as ice."

The brougham drove away, and presently there was a sound of music within the theatre and the distant notes of the National Anthem. Evidently the performance was over, and almost immediately crowds of people in evening dress thronged the vestibule. Outside a couple of commissionaires were bawling hoarsely for carriages and the shrill sound of cab whistles filled the air. The clock had struck eleven, and with some dismay Elsie felt the appointment would not be kept. As she stood uncertain what to do, her eye fell upon the jaunty form of a little messenger-boy, who started forward as he met her glance.

"Miss Vane?" he said. "If so, I have a letter for you."

Elsie grabbed at the envelope and tore it open. Inside was a short message.

"Could not come," it said. "Go at once to 12 Regent Terrace and ask to see the mistress of the house. Go boldly without fear. Your presence is anxiously awaited."


Elsie stood for a moment oblivious to her surroundings, her whole attention fixed upon the letter in her hand. Here was a development which she had not expected. Not till now had she realised how much she had counted on the hope of seeing Dora Carney again. Nor could she be absolutely sure that the letter had come from the dramatic agent's daughter. Elsie knew little of the world, but, like most people who live in country places, she had read a daily paper carefully, and some weird stories came into her mind. Was this some subtle plot to lure her into a situation fraught with danger and difficulties?

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