Aboriginal America (Illustrated) - Jacob Abbott - E-Book

Aboriginal America (Illustrated) E-Book

Jacob Abbott

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It is the design of this work to narrate, in a clear, simple, and
intelligible manner, the leading events connected with the history of
our country, from the earliest periods, down, as nearly as practicable,
to the present time. The several volumes will be illustrated with all
necessary maps and with numerous engravings, and the work is
intended to comprise, in a distinct and connected narrative, all that it
is essential for the general reader to understand in respect to the
subject of it, while for those who have time for more extended
studies, it may serve as an introduction to other and more copious
sources of information.

The author hopes also that the work may be found useful to the
young, in awakening in their minds an interest in the history of their
country, and a desire for further instruction in respect to it. While it
is doubtless true that such a subject can be really grasped only by
minds in some degree mature, still the author believes that many
young persons, especially such as are intelligent and thoughtful in
disposition and character, may derive both entertainment and
instruction from a perusal of these pages.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2025

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Aboriginal America (Illustrated Edition)

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Table of contents

Advance of Civilization Preface

It is the design of this work to narrate, in a clear, simple, and intelligible manner, the leading events connected with the history of our country, from the earliest periods, down, as nearly as practicable, to the present time. The several volumes will be illustrated with all necessary maps and with numerous engravings, and the work is intended to comprise, in a distinct and connected narrative, all that it is essential for the general reader to understand in respect to the subject of it, while for those who have time for more extended studies, it may serve as an introduction to other and more copious sources of information.

The author hopes also that the work may be found useful to the young, in awakening in their minds an interest in the history of their country, and a desire for further instruction in respect to it. While it is doubtless true that such a subject can be really grasped only by minds in some degree mature, still the author believes that many young persons, especially such as are intelligent and thoughtful in disposition and character, may derive both entertainment and instruction from a perusal of these pages. Chapter 1

Types of Life in America. Subject of the Volume

The first step to be taken in studying the history of our country is to form some clear and proper conception of the characteristics and condition of the territory which is now occupied by the American people, as it existed when first discovered and explored by Europeans. The aboriginal condition of the country, therefore, anterior to its occupation by white men, and the character and condition of the native tribes which then inhabited it, will be the subject of this volume.

Origin of Vegetable and Animal Life in America Means of Communication With the Old World. The Plants and Animals of America Generally New. Man Admitted to be an Exception What is a Species? Evidence of Ancient Records Evidence of Fossil Remains Opinions of Naturalists and Philosophers Examples of Diversity The General Types the Same The Mystery General Condor of the Andes The Two Principal Theories Inquiries Into This Subject Right and Proper The Testimony of Scriptures Means of Transportation for Animals and Plants Glacial Action The Glacial Period of North America These ideas, however, are, after all, at present only the speculations of naturalists and philosophers, ingenious and interesting as they are. The Map The Lake Country. Fur-Bearing Animals The Indian Inhabitants Influence of the Moral Instincts The Great Central Valley The Soil of the Great Valley Formation of Islands in the River Swamps The Old Forsaken Channels The Mouth of the Mississippi The Prairies The Northern Atlantic Slope Native Animals Man All this, however, will be more fully explained in a subsequent chapter. The Southern Atlantic Slope Character of the Coast The Western Slope The Great Salt Desert The Deposits of Salt The Diggers Climate of the Country Recapitulation These are the great leading features of the country, which it is necessary to keep distinctly in mind in studying its history. Chapter 3 Remarkable Plants Distinction of Indigenous and Exotic The Cotton Plant Cotton Intended for the Clothing of Men The birds in the countries where it grows make great use of it too to give a soft and downy lining to their nests. Rice, Maize An Indian Tradition Note: We use here the English names of the plants referred to. Of course in the original legend the Indian names are given. Next came a young man named Bean. He, too, was refused, and fell back and died like the other. The Distinction of Exogenous and Endogenous The Tobacco Plant The Habit of Using Tobacco Botanical Name The potato The Magnolia Middle and even in the Northern States, but in this latter locality they are rare. The Mahogany Tree Remarkable Animals The Beaver The Beaver’s Teeth Fame of the Beaver The Beavers at Work His System of Building The House Working Hours Other Fur-Bearing Animals Curious Phenomenon The Buffalo Annual Migration Swimming the Streams Crossing on the Ice Trails Use of the Buffalo The Buffalo-Skin Boat The Turkey The Alligator The Eagle The eagle is very long-lived. Some specimens have been known to live from eighty to a hundred years. cochineal The Rattlesnake and Humming Bird The Rattle The Rattlesnake more Sinned Against Than Sinning The Humming Bird The Indian Races Question of the Origin of the Different Races of Men Distinction of Races Important Conclusion The Distinction of Race Fixed and Permanent The Weak Especially Entitled to Protection From the Strong Original Peopling of the Continent Crossing the Northern Seas Traveling Upon the Ice The Pacific Islanders Arctic Emigration Currents of the Ocean Antiquity of the Aboriginal Population of America, Ancient Nations of North America Durability of Earthworks Ancient Fields The Copper Mines The Mounds of Florida Conclusion The Indian Family The Institution of Marriage General Law of Pairing But sheep and other such animals do not pair, for their young do not require the joint attention of father and mother. Application to the Case of Man Construction of Dwellings Coverings Interior of the Lodges When there were babies, beds were made for them of the finest moss, with a skin spread over it that was covered with some soft fur. Indian Housekeeping Removals Canoes

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