Adventures of Stoob: Mismatch Mayhem - Samit Basu - Hörbuch

Adventures of Stoob: Mismatch Mayhem Hörbuch

Samit Basu

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When Stoob and Ishani go on a family vacation together, they leave behind in New Delhi a world of intrigue and strange new friends. Once the holiday is over and they return to normal life, they realize that they need to look back on what has been a very odd school year. What cunning secrets do the new friends, they have each made, have up their sleeves? Why did Stoob try to become a football hero? Will Stoob and Rehan, once the best of friends, fall out over, hold your breath, a girl?

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:2 Std. 27 min

Sprecher:Ashwin Mushran
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