Ascension of the Earth into the fifth dimension - Ute Kretzschmar - E-Book

Ascension of the Earth into the fifth dimension E-Book

Ute Kretzschmar



This German bestseller of many years, now published in English for the first time: The Ascended Masters Confucius and Kuthumi, channeled by the author herself, explain in their wonderfully light and humorous way -The Genesis of Planet Earth -The Time Levels -The various Stages of the Soul -The Founding of The Dual Universe -The Hereafter - How to manage our every day worries and fears -What will become of Planet Earth -How our consciousness is connected to this process .....and so much more..... This book is a must- read for everyone who is seeking for answers. It helps expand your consciousness and clears up many existing confusions.

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Seitenzahl: 230

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2013

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Original Publication

D ch. falk – verlag, Seeon

E-Book by Antar-Verlag 2013

Translation by Karin Toutounji

Female and Male Spirituality
Deviations from the Akasha – Chronicle
Dual Souls
The Hall of Mirrors as Elucidation of the Dual World
The Higher Self
The Levels of the Hereafter
The White Brother and Sisterhood
The Soul-Ages
The dream-level


This book, “The Ascension” of the Planet Earth into the 5th Dimension” is a collection of messages which I have channeled over the past one and a half years.

Most of the messages are from Master Confucius and Master Kuthumi. I am extremely grateful to them for being permitted to write this book.

It describes clearly and simply a new point of view of the phenomenon “time”, the beginning of Earth and the dual universe. It answers many questions regarding the hereafter and pursues the development of consciousness that is happening now on Earth; it also tells us what we are heading for. It gives us trust in our divine strength and courage and all the changes this entails.

I thank Master Confucius and Master Kuthumi, my Higher Self and my dual soul Antar for the loving, comprehensible transmission. I also thank all my terrestrial and ethereal teachers for their patience with me.

I hope this book will inspire many readers with more hope, more love and more freedom.

Ute Kretzschmar

Time – Dimensions and the Akasha - Chronicle


I have looked at some of my earlier incarnations and have realized that I had two lives at the same time, they overlap completely. That means I was in two different bodies at the same time on earth. How is that possible?


Blessings and welcome, this is Confucius. I will explain whatever you wish to know and more will transpire from this; questions which don’t even exist in your fantasy yet! So you want to know how time works? Right, let us begin thus:

When a human being is incarnated on Earth he will perceive time as linear, as moving forward according to his growth, his development and his ageing process. This fact makes you count time, to divide one year into 365 days and then start a new one. Actually time does not exist in the way you understand it! Time is only an auxiliary means with an alibi function to establish a wider frame for experience!

In order to explain this phenomenon “time”, we will assume it is reality and facilitate this explanation to fully comprehend this.

You are on an earthly level of reality, writing the year 2010 and that means you began counting time 2010 years ago. Your level of reality already existed before you started counting but its existence doesn’t depend on a calendar.

Your level of reality, your environment which you perceive through your physical senses, is not the only one. Many other levels of experience exist beside yours and for the people who live in them they are just as real and material as the one surrounding you.

For your comprehension we shall use a picture: Imagine a widely open fan. The single facets are part of the entire fan depicting a beautiful painting. If you were a little dot on one of the facets you would have problems getting the general view. You could perceive the entire fan only if you could look at it from a distance. Your view of time is quite similar.

Imagine further: each facet of the fan is a different level of reality showing a certain program. One program could be “The Rise Ascension of the Earth into the 5th dimension”, “The end phase of Atlantis” or “The Middle Ages”. If you are “playing” in one of the programs you can only perceive the film showing at that moment. You are there with your presence and all your concentration,

because it is tuned into your frequency. However all the other parallel programs are invisible to you.

From a higher point of view, time is rather like a circle and far more complex than you could ever perceive at this moment. All around you there are many levels of reality.

Demonstrating a different, but also consecutive time. All of them exist simultaneously on the planet Earth and are separated from each other by different frequencies.

We give back to Antar! Be blessed!


Welcome, this is Antar!

Confucius permits me to give you some practical examples to supply the background of this explanation from my point of view. There is a very strong relationship between me and the Channel Ute; we are of the same spiritual family.

I live in the 4th dimension, in the higher resplendent areas where people of the planet go that you consider dead. According to your vocabulary I am dead however rest assured I am enjoying wonderful health and vitality and have a general view of events that I didn’t have from a terrestrial vantage point. For example, I am more confronted with time systems of the Earth, than an incarnated person.

At first glance the higher levels of the “worlds of light”, as we call them, could be compared to your environment of Earth. They are just as real to me as the Earth is to you.

I live here and I am not a recluse, there are many of us and I have many friends. Let’s say that I lived on Earth, the last time being 1870 to 1948. According to your time I died at the age of 78. The moment I die I leave my physical body behind me and move up into the worlds of light in my spiritual body. I would say I go back home. The process of dying is very joyful as long as the individual doesn’t hold on to his physical body.

You can compare life to a visit to a cinema, where the spectator is so glued to the film that he experiences fear, hope and suffering. He may cry with emotion at the end and when the curtain falls he wakes up out of the trance and exclaims to himself, “You let yourself get carried away so much that you completely forgot who you really are!”

When your life is done, you move through the channel of light and you suddenly remember everything. The channel of light is a kind of tunnel, a bridge between worlds. There you will remember where you live and where you belong and that’s where you will go.

You come home, everybody gives you a big welcome and then you go and visit all your old friends and relatives. Meanwhile it is possible that your best friend has reincarnated. While you were living a life on Earth and were away from her, she was born again. Now assume that this friend was born in 1900 and you got this information in your dream state. You were a bit sad because part of you knew that you wouldn't see each other for a long time. Now that your life is done and you're

back home in the fourth dimension, you suddenly know the reason for that emotional feeling back in 1900, the time your best friend was born. Would you like to know now how she is faring? Here is Confucius.


Blessings and welcome, this is Confucius. Here you have more information about "time". What is the practical meaning of all these levels of reality that give you so many different time levels? It means that time is simultaneous. You can incarnate to and fro in time without taking into consideration a specific sequence. At this moment you are living in the year 2010. Other time levels around you represent different dates that are as real to the people living there as yours are to you. There are time levels that are ahead of yours and others that you consider in the past. They all co-exist on Earth; you just can't see them as they are on different frequencies. Back to Antar.


Hello, this is Antar. How can I contact a person on Earth, in this case my reborn friend?

I concentrate on her soul, her familiar personality and let my consciousness flow there. It's very similar to when you concentrate hard on someone who lives far away. Only in my case my consciousness actually travels there. I'll see a middle aged woman (as I myself lived until 1948) who might not physically resemble my friend at all but the substance is definitely hers. I am very happy to see her and perhaps make an appointment to meet in her dreams at night. Of course she can't perceive it’s me when she is in her physical body but I can contact her subconscious part and actually have a conversation with her while she might be busy cooking a meal. She isn't conscious of any of this. In her sleep at night her dream body leaves her physical body and visits the dream level. It is here that we actually meet and she'll wake up in the morning feeling happy and fulfilled.

Maybe her dream consciousness translates our meeting into pictures she has been impressed with in her present incarnation. You might dream of meeting an old friend and spending a wonderful day with him.

Time levels become very important when you want to reincarnate. Some people favour certain centuries and keep on reincarnating in the same time. They feel secure, firstly because they know all about this time and its character and secondly because they are familiar with its history. Other people prefer the opposite. They would get bored incarnating at the same time. They choose a different time level and a different century each time. Compare it to certain preferences people have as to their holiday destination. Some people will go somewhere different each time and others prefer a familiar destination. This is similar to when you incarnate in certain time levels. If you discovered in a regression that you had two lives at the same time then it just means that you decided twice for the same time frame. Of course, you had those lives after each other, but in the same century.

When a person plans to reincarnate he will take into consideration certain aspects; above all his friends are very important, one hardly ever makes a decision alone. We sit together in groups and talk. Each one relates his experience from previous incarnations. To aid matters there are also so-called

"Hologram cinemas". There you can study programs of events and certain eras. It's a bit like watching documentaries on different continents and destinations on television. You have a wide range of films to get information on technical details from and how people interact at that time. All this documentation also entails the specific historical events and the connected places of action.

A group of friends will all go to this cinema, much the way you do, and we'll watch various possibilities of reincarnating. Then we will discuss matters in length as some might want a particular event to take place and others might not. The decision for an incarnation also depends on wanting to stay together with your friends. We choose who we would like as parents and which friends we want to meet in a terrestrial life. You incarnate into a region and a time level where you'll all meet up. Most of the friends we make throughout a lifetime we already know from previous ones. That also includes people we don't like!

While you plan your incarnation you also decide what you want to do and experience, but I'll explain that in more detail later on. Of course this planning is always in agreement with your Higher Self and the Higher Selves of all involved.

Finally your group have decided on a certain time frame, and it is now that you go deeper into your program. Quite like clicking onto a certain subject from the menu on your computer to glean more knowledge about it. You go into such detail as family constellations and family biographies. That means each one of you chooses his or her future act. You watch the person you are going to enact in your future life in this hologram cinema, you watch yourself, your “future you”!

Now it gets even more complicated. You can log onto every single character in the film, like in your computer program, and get additional information. The most important information you can get is the code of hypothesis - a difficulty gauge of the offered part. So each film part also has a degree of difficulties! As you are aware of your own capabilities and experience due to all your past incarnations, you also know which parts you can play and which ones are still too difficult for you.

Your Higher Self assists you in your choice!You get an additional clue to the code: who played the part and who finished it! On the ethereal level you can meet with somebody who just finished your future part and died. These people often like talking about it and can give you hints as to the difficulties and obstacles they personally encountered.


Welcome, this is Antar. Last time I explained that you can meet somebody on the ethereal level who already lived your future incarnation. This might give you the impression of a very rigid structure of such a role, but it’s not like that at all! As each personality is unique, each part will be played as a variation. Every person brings along his very special character and of course, each one experiences individual difficulties with various events.

Your predecessor might have had certain problems where you react in a completely different way. As your personal convictions and thought patterns attract your experience; each role looks different at the end. So you won’t live the blue-print of the life you saw at the Hologram-cinema.

I bid you good-bye!

Kuthumi explains the time levels

Blessings and welcome, this is Kuthumi.

The Akasha-chronicle is identical with the collective contents of the Hologram-cinema, the film of origin, as it were- the world premiere recorded in the “archives” of the earth!

The image my channel is receiving now is quite correct!

For many people it’s very difficult to imagine that so many time - or reality - levels exist;

the earth revolves around the sun on a specific track, the circumnavigation taking approximately 26000 years, according to your idea of time-that is called the time track. The earth exists on this entire track in different frequencies, in different times.

(The vision I am receiving shows the earth in complete elliptic orbit around the sun. At one point the planet is well-focused and colourful; then there are innumerable earths all differing in hues, clarity and focus, just a fraction from each other. They’re all lined up on this track, not beside each other like on a string of pearls, but overlapping by millimeters, until they close the circle.)


You can imagine those levels of reality as a string of beads, where each bead permeates the next. The roles offered at the Hologram-cinema are valid on each frequency, for each pearl. So every role exists more than once!

Supposing that you were born in 1956 and decided in the Hologram – cinema to take on the life of one “Susan Smith”. You sign up and wait until the “part” is free. The next two time – levels might already be cast so you will have to wait.

You wait for your time – level and your year of birth to come up. It is not unusual for one or two time – levels to pass and you can watch your “Pre-predecessor” and “predecessor” being born and grow up. And now you know: It’s my turn next, on the time track I chose.

Question: Can one choose any part in the Hologram-cinema? I imagine that many musicians would want to play Strauss or Mozart and so there are thousands of applications, but nobody would want the part of a charwoman?


That is why you have a certificate of competency. You are expected to have certain talents for the part you choose, \previous knowledge of some sort.

E.g.: You can’t have had a life in the stone age and then choose a life as W.A. Mozart. That is what the code of hypothesis is all about!

The code for the part of W.A. Mozart, for example, asks for the person to be familiar with the time frame 1700/1800, for him to have intensive musical knowledge and talents and to be psychic. You see, not everybody who wants to be born as W.A. Mozart qualifies for the part.

Now what about the parts you assume nobody wants! Well. At the Hologram - cinema you may think certain roles are fun and to be strived after, then you may change your mind later when you judge from an earthly point of view. OR if a person just finished a very difficult life he might want to choose an incarnation where he can relax without too many obligations but a certain financial security and then he might choose e.g. the life of a housewife.

This housewife might better herself financially and decide to work a charwoman. This would be a relaxing, easy part between exacting incarnations.

A person can also be predestined for certain roles due to his character. If someone needs to feel victimized he’ll hardly incarnate into a royal family where they expect the heir to the throne to be a public figure and to represent authority and power.

The “composition” of a person due to convictions or the way he or she projects or withholds energy is also a sort of code, as it were!

It is this code which indicates which role would help the person evolve in order to finish and transform his individual program.

Remark: I have never been interested in power.


It depends on how you relate to this expression. Many people react negatively to the word. “Power” contains “to do”, to be constructive, to create, people who relate negatively to power keep away from it and prefer to stay in a state of dependence. They decide to play a subordinate part thinking they can escape responsibility. They throw dust in their own eyes convincing themselves of their innocence about a certain state of affairs. “It’s not my fault!” But that’s where they’re very wrong!

From our point of view any kind of power is positive! Each person is responsible for his own life, even if he’s not aware of that fact at all.

Be blessed, this was Kuthumi.

Question: The time – levels are still a big mystery to me. Can you explain again please?


Blessing and welcome, this is Confucius. Time levels are rather difficult to understand while you are incarnated in a body and moving in the material world- an actual time level.

At this moment on your time level you are convinced of its authenticity, but in reality you are in a huge big Hologram called Earth. Collectively you decided to enact the year 2010, just as you played the years before this one.

When you are caught up in matter it’s not easy to see into the heart of this hologram. Everything seems so real, so very genuine! You can touch the things around you, you feel how you age and other time- levels don’t exist for you right now.

But as soon as you leave your world of matter you will realize the infinite amount of the time levels: the Stone Age, your ideas of sunken continents, the Middle Ages, many versions of the so- called “modern” times, all to be experienced like your own chosen time level.

As we already told you, you choose three things in the Hologram – cinema: Time– Place – Person. Time and place being the first choice.

Say you choose 1750 and Paris. You “dive” into the film, pick a person you like and follow him or her “in a rewind” through his film life. Possibly you decide somewhere through it: no, I don’t want this!

So you choose different characters until you are really taken by a person and your own “scaffolding” is in accordance with the code of the part in question.

Imagine the offer of roles as a huge gigantic theatre play and you choose a part. You wonder:

“If I were born in this time, in this place, which character would I like to play?”

Then there’s the moment when you decide, when you actually sign up for a chosen part. Done! Now as soon as your time level comes up it’s your turn to act, you are born!

Suddenly you’re in the middle of the game you watched at the Hologram – cinema.

Question: Explain again, please: you gave the example of Mozart; does that mean that many people play this part?


Yes, that’s correct. And they are all born after each other in different time- levels. Let’s take Mozart:

Mozart existed before your time came up with 1756 and has existed again since then.

On each time – level in the year 1756 there is another Mozart. The year 1756 is not important really, as each level of reality starts counting time from a different point on.

The fact is that the part of Mozart exists in the Akasha –chronicle. And on each level of reality one person decides to incarnate as W.A. Mozart!

Not every Mozart was successful. Some were older than the Mozart you know. Others were musicians but were more interested in financial security. Each person creates his life individually. The part is in the Hologram – cinema, but it’s enacted by many people and in many different ways.

Question: I still don’t quite understand why we never heard of other Mozarts?


Many were famous, but in different time – levels! You can’t see the entire picture yet. Your history tells you of W.A. Mozart born 1756. That’s it! So that’s all you see!

Each time-level sets out a different historical term. The Mozart born on another time-level may have been successful much later in life than Mozart, the wonder child. Your history lessons at school can tell you only about your own time-level.

There are variations of history on other levels. They can’t swerve completely from the ‘film of origin’, but some events have a different impact. For example, on your time level the French Revolution was extremely violent but there are other levels where the same Revolution was nipped in the bud, or where the Aristocrats understood their errors and mended their ways.

History differs from level to level. The events, as a whole, stay the same because of the original chronicle, but the parts are played in a myriad of variations.

Imagine, even you who are reading this book, exist on many time-levels. There are people much older and much younger than you, however you are on different levels and separated by different frequencies. The younger person playing your part might be facing an important decision and might choose a totally different direction than you yourself did at that juncture, but even that person was born from the same parents who also played that part in your time-level.

Maybe that person lived a similar life to you for some time but then that ‘other you’ took a totally different direction from ‘you’.

You were told that these time levels are separated by frequency. Your ‘sense organs’ have built in filters that have been imprinted on you by the parents of your time-level so that you are unconditionally aware of your present time-level. You are totally unaware of all the other surrounding levels of reality.

So, your own story is being written on the time-level you physically exist in now, it being a variation of the one in the Akasha-chronicle.

Imagine the distributed parts of a theatre play. Imagine “Faust” being played for the very first time in Dresden. The stage is set and the actors play the characters.

The same ‘Faust’ is being played in Basel; the parts have been distributed to a group of actors, the stage is set in a slightly different way, even the acting differs from the Dresden Theatre, but basically the play is the same!

That’s how you can imagine the various time-levels. It’s the same play everywhere but it’s up to you how you act!

Question: Can I watch from the ‘level of the dead’ how others play the part I’ve just finished?


Yes, you could, but it won’t interest you much now. Once you’re out of a role and out of your physical body the ‘part’ doesn’t hold any attraction for you anymore.

You will want to see what you did with your life, what actions you took, what reactions resulted and what you would do differently now. We don’t think it significant to compare with others as there are so many people who played this part differently.

Questions concerning the Hereafter

Question:There is something like a ‘film of life’ that we watch after we die. Does it get evaluated?


Of course it does, by yourselves! The ‘film of life’ contains every experience, every act, and every conclusion you came to in your past life. The moment the soul separates itself from the body you get a film-like summary of your finished life.

You account for everything in front of yourself. You assume responsibility for your actions; your Higher Self also knows the ‘film of life’. However, the deceased himself is the most severe critic! No outsider, no friend or spiritual relative criticizes as uncompromisingly as you do! On the contrary, the others try to show you sympathy and understanding.

There are two facts that really bother the deceased later; the first being acting rashly which he later regrets, the second being omissions, i.e., situations where he failed to act.

The first fact contains immature acts without considering their consequences or interactions with others, whereas the second fact is of a more hesitant nature, where you regret your reserve and caution later. This all depends on the age of a soul and on its energy flow.

There are seminars for those deceased who suffer having gone through their film of life. You meet others with the same experience but recognize the duality in both situations; some people rush in, others hesitate and miss the right moment to act!