Beginning DB2 - Grant Allen - E-Book

Beginning DB2 E-Book

Grant Allen

50,28 €

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IBM’s DB2 Express Edition is one of the most capable of the free database platforms available in today’s marketplace. In Beginning DB2, author Grant Allen gets you started using DB2 Express Edition for web sites, desktop applications, and more. The author covers the basics of DB2 for developers and database administrators, shows you how to manage data in both XML and relational form, and includes numerous code examples so that you are never in doubt as to how things work. In this book, you’ll find:

  • A friendly introduction to DB2 Express Edition, an industrial–strength, relational database from IBM
  • Dozens of examples so that you are never in doubt as to how things work
  • Coverage of important language interfaces, such as from PHP, Ruby, C#, Python, and more

The book is aimed at developers who want a robust database to back their applications.

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