Clarinet 2 part of "For Children" by Bartók for Clarinet Quartet - Bela Bartok - E-Book

Clarinet 2 part of "For Children" by Bartók for Clarinet Quartet E-Book

Bela Bartok

4,99 €

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Bb Clarinet 2 part of 10 selected easy/intermediate pieces from "For Children" Sz.42 - Book I (based on hungarian folk tunes) by Béla Bartók arranged for Clarinet Quartet (four soprano clarinets) by Francesco Leone. 
Score and parts available in serie.
Significantly, the publication provides detailed informational sheets about the composition in a range of languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.
Béla Bartók's "For Children" Sz.42 - Book I consists of piano compositions inspired by Hungarian folk melodies. These works echo Bartók's profound passion for ethnomusicology and his unwavering commitment to uphold the musical legacies of Eastern Europe. Through this collection, Bartók sought to familiarize budding pianists with the nuances of Hungarian folk tunes, crafted to suit their proficiency yet preserving their intrinsic allure.

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