Courage to Conquer - Brian Simmons - E-Book

Courage to Conquer E-Book

Brian Simmons



The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth detail powerful stories of God's sovereignty as he led his people from wilderness wanderers to conquering heroes. The Israelites faced battles, oppression, and famine, but God guided them through it all, revealing himself as the heavenly Joshua, holy Judge, and merciful Kinsman-Redeemer.   Courage to Conquer presents 365 daily devotions and prayers to inspire you with fresh vision, bold faith, and renewed passion to possess God's plan for you. Featuring Scripture from The Passion Translation®, this devotional will encourage you to defeat every obstacle that may hinder your advance in God.

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Courage to Conquer: 365 Devotions from Joshua, Judges, and Ruth Copyright © 2022 Brian Simmons

978-1-4245-6366-1 (faux leather)

978-1-4245-6367-8 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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To all the faithful servants of Jesus who have overcome passivity and stand faithful in difficult times of pressure this book is lovingly dedicated.




January 1: New Beginning

January 2: Move Ahead

January 3: Land of Promise

January 4: Fresh Vision

January 5: Word of Promise

January 6: From Conviction to Action

January 7: Meditate on the Word

January 8: No Reason to Fear

January 9: No More Wandering

January 10: Covenant Obedience

January 11: Holy Transitions

January 12: Roadmap to Victory

January 13: Renewed Passion

January 14: Unsuspected Help

January 15: Yahweh’s Renown

January 16: Acts of Kindness

January 17: Pledges of Honor

January 18: The Crimson Rope

January 19: He Goes Before

January 20: Holy Anticipation

January 21: Eyes on the Ark

January 22: Get Yourself Ready

January 23: Blessed Assurance

January 24: Lord of All the Earth

January 25: Great Miracle

January 26: Crossing Over

January 27: Stones of Remembrance

January 28: Favor of God

January 29: Listen and Respond

January 30: Future Generations

January 31: Heart Circumcision


February 1: Wait on Healing

February 2: Disgrace Rolled Away

February 3: Remember to Feast

February 4: Fruit of the Land

February 5: Commander of Yahweh’s Armies

February 6: Untold Blessings

February 7: Faith to See

February 8: Before Your Eyes

February 9: Wait for It

February 10: Joyful Shout

February 11: Devoted Offering

February 12: Incredible Victory

February 13: Time to Repent

February 14: Disappointing Defeat

February 15: Lay Out Your Questions

February 16: Purify the People

February 17: A New Day

February 18: Heavenly Orders

February 19: Triumph over Enemies

February 20: Worship There

February 21: Stone Altar

February 22: Obey Written Laws

February 23: Covering of Covenant

February 24: Consult with God

February 25: The Lord’s Renown

February 26: Marvelous Mercy

February 27: Vow of Victory

February 28: Divine Help


March 1: God for Us

March 2: Don’t Stop

March 3: Courageous Conquerors

March 4: All-Powerful God

March 5: Secrets of Conquest

March 6: Outnumbered

March 7: Spiritual Battles

March 8: Legacy

March 9: Fight for Your Inheritance

March 10: Permanent Portion

March 11: Keep Record

March 12: There Is More

March 13: Take Hold of What God Offers

March 14: Moving Forward

March 15: Tribal Inheritance

March 16: Move In

March 17: Share in God’s Offering

March 18: Fullness in Yahweh

March 19: Remember What He Has Spoken

March 20: Faithful Obedience

March 21: Plead Your Case

March 22: Claim Your Promise

March 23: Blessed to Receive

March 24: No Inheritance Forgotten

March 25: Clear Ground

March 26: Empowered to Do Greater Things

March 27: Israel’s First Capital

March 28: From Passivity to Passion

March 29: Doing Your Part

March 30: Detailed Description

March 31: God’s Choice


April 1: Warrior-Chief

April 2: Cities of Asylum

April 3: Explain Your Case

April 4: The Innocent Protected

April 5: Remain

April 6: Heavenly Refuge

April 7: No More Guilt

April 8: Ask and You’ll Receive

April 9: A Blessing to Others

April 10: Costly Gifts

April 11: Settled in the Promise

April 12: Promised Land Rest

April 13: Faithful and True

April 14: Honorable Mention

April 15: Help to Those in Need

April 16: Learn God’s Commands

April 17: Ways of God

April 18: Heart and Soul

April 19: Sent Out with Blessing

April 20: Godly Generosity

April 21: Self-Serving Altars

April 22: Remember What Came Before

April 23: Rebellion Affects Everyone

April 24: Return

April 25: Holy Warning

April 26: Misunderstood

April 27: Walk by Faith, Not Fear

April 28: Vow to Yahweh

April 29: Serving the Same God

April 30: Place of His Presence


May 1: Peace Promoted

May 2: Witness

May 3: Faith-Rest

May 4: Final Words

May 5: Grace of God

May 6: Bold Faith

May 7: Strong and Steadfast

May 8: Warning against Wandering Ways

May 9: Heart Set on Yahweh

May 10: Faith-Filled People

May 11: Renewed Relationship

May 12: Words of Caution

May 13: Realize Your Limits

May 14: Wonderful God

May 15: Covenant Keepers

May 16: History Teaches Us

May 17: From Barriers to Breakthrough

May 18: Stay Strong

May 19: Powerful Protector

May 20: Nothing Impossible

May 21: Abundant Life

May 22: The Choice Is Yours

May 23: Fully Embrace God

May 24: Worship Him

May 25: Holy God

May 26: Purging Our Hearts

May 27: Full Hearts of Surrender

May 28: Renewed Covenant

May 29: Created to Witness

May 30: Servant of God

May 31: Faithful Lives


June 1: Transition

June 2: Answered and Directed

June 3: Agreement

June 4: Yahweh Gives Victory

June 5: Seek the Blessing

June 6: Presence and Power

June 7: Dealing with Every Issue

June 8: Areas of Compromise

June 9: Pushback

June 10: Strength to Overcome

June 11: Holy Rebuke

June 12: Consequences

June 13: Pierced Hearts

June 14: Repentant Sacrifice

June 15: Restored to Conquer

June 16: Undeniable Power

June 17: Forgotten Wonders

June 18: Falling Away

June 19: Wandering Hearts

June 20: Near Destruction

June 21: Merciful God

June 22: Commissioned to Deliver

June 23: Imperfect People

June 24: Long-Suffering Love

June 25: Lost Art

June 26: Times of Testing

June 27: He Answered

June 28: Champion-Deliverers

June 29: Yet Again

June 30: Cries for More Mercy


July 1: Power through Weakness

July 2: Led Into Revival

July 3: Follow His Lead

July 4: Times of Peace

July 5: Raised Up

July 6: A Better Way

July 7: Modern-Day Deborahs

July 8: Wisdom Giver

July 9: Celebrate Courage

July 10: Today’s Victory

July 11: God’s Help

July 12: A Woman’s Victory

July 13: No Holding Back

July 14: Make Music

July 15: Motherly Confidence

July 16: Everyone Declare

July 17: Compassion over Comfort

July 18: Shine Like the Sun

July 19: Man of Courage

July 20: Even in Incredulity

July 21: All You Need

July 22: Carriers of God’s Presence

July 23: Confirmation

July 24: Supernatural Fire

July 25: Be at Peace

July 26: Yahweh-Shalom

July 27: Not Our Battle

July 28: Secrets of Success

July 29: Empowered to Lead

July 30: Lay Out Your Fleece

July 31: Unfavorable Odds


August 1: God’s Wisdom Is Better

August 2: Godly Leadership

August 3: Heavenly Intervention

August 4: Wounded Pride

August 5: Humble Hearts

August 6: Continue to Pursue

August 7: Misdirected Hopes

August 8: Use Wisdom

August 9: Pride Comes Before a Fall

August 10: Distinguished by God

August 11: Throw Yourself on God’s Mercy

August 12: Get Rid of Barriers

August 13: Into God’s Family

August 14: Humble Yourself

August 15: Pledge of Loyalty

August 16: Try to Understand

August 17: History Lesson

August 18: Let Yahweh Be the Judge

August 19: Empowered by God

August 20: Hall of Faith

August 21: Willing Surrender

August 22: Lay Down Offense

August 23: Faithful to Provide

August 24: Miracle Child

August 25: Dedicated to God

August 26: Share Good News

August 27: Prayer for Wisdom

August 28: Purpose in Life

August 29: Wonder-Working God

August 30: Visited by God

August 31: Yahweh’s Blessing


September 1: Heart Stirred

September 2: Part of the Plan

September 3: Protected and Empowered

September 4: Justice Is the Lord’s

September 5: Faithful to Answer

September 6: Springs of Comfort

September 7: Supernatural Strength

September 8: Convinced to Confess

September 9: Compromise Weakens

September 10: Just Once More

September 11: Whatever They Wanted

September 12: False Confidence

September 13: Recognized

September 14: Eyes of Yahweh

September 15: Pursued and Persuaded

September 16: Holy Hospitality

September 17: Holy Outrage

September 18: Uphold Justice

September 19: No More Civil War

September 20: Seek Counsel

September 21: Encouragement to Persevere

September 22: Let Weeping Lead You to the Lord

September 23: Don’t Give Up

September 24: Mourning For Others

September 25: Divided and Disheartened

September 26: Moved with Empathy

September 27: Change of Heart

September 28: Godly Sorrow

September 29: Foundational Territory

September 30: Each to Their Own Way


October 1: In Times of Uncertainty

October 2: Immigrants

October 3: Left Alone

October 4: Connection to Others

October 5: Even More Alone

October 6: Glimmer of Hope

October 7: Journey of Returning

October 8: Blessing of Release

October 9: Redemptive Blessing

October 10: Heart-Wrenching Goodbye

October 11: Longing for More

October 12: Makes No Sense

October 13: A Hopeless Case

October 14: Too Bitter

October 15: Which Way Will You Go?

October 16: Cling Tightly

October 17: Live by Conviction

October 18: Noble Choice

October 19: I Will Go Too

October 20: Undying Devotion

October 21: Solemn Vow

October 22: Heart Set

October 23: Homecoming

October 24: Grief’s Mark

October 25: Identity Crisis

October 26: Early Harvesttime

October 27: Honorable and Prominent

October 28: How to Help

October 29: A Shot in the Dark

October 30: Portion of Provision

October 31: Just So


November 1: Surveyor of the Harvest

November 2: Noticed

November 3: No Need to Hide

November 4: Our Circumstances, God’s Faithfulness

November 5: Mercy over Judgment

November 6: Provision and Protection

November 7: In Awe

November 8: Humbled by Kindness

November 9: Selflessness

November 10: No Sacrifice Unseen

November 11: Comforting Words

November 12: Unabashed Favor

November 13: Grace to Glean

November 14: Extra Blessings

November 15: Generous Portion

November 16: More than Enough

November 17: Bounteous Blessings

November 18: Heart of God

November 19: Kinsman-Redeemer

November 20: Gracious Generosity

November 21: Encouragement to Continue

November 22: Faithful Love

November 23: Desire for More

November 24: Redemptive Hope

November 25: Anoint Yourself

November 26: Risk of Humility

November 27: May It Be

November 28: Quick Obedience

November 29: In the Details

November 30: Courageous Love


December 1: Tender Appeal

December 2: Love’s Kindness

December 3: Beautiful Response

December 4: Complications Arise

December 5: Promise of Redemption

December 6: Awake with Wisdom

December 7: Before You Go

December 8: Generous Determination

December 9: Share Your Experience

December 10: Magnanimous Mercy

December 11: Waiting on the Promise

December 12: Seeing to Business

December 13: Greater Mercy

December 14: Present What Is Offered

December 15: Ought to Know

December 16: True Responsibility

December 17: Weighty Matters

December 18: Receive Your Rights

December 19: Co-Heirs with Christ

December 20: Public Witness

December 21: Redeeming Love

December 22: Least Become Greatest

December 23: Even More Blessing

December 24: Two Become One

December 25: Never Abandoned

December 26: Forever Joy

December 27: Renewed and Refreshed

December 28: From Despair to Delight

December 29: Restored Hope

December 30: Genealogy of Jesus

December 31: Outsiders Become Insiders

About the Author


A new beginning stretches out before you! Today you will embark on a journey into your own personal “promised land.” Christ himself will be your Guide and King. You will find yourself going from one triumph to the next when you follow the Mighty King, Jesus. When we read the book of Joshua, we learn the ways of God: how he moves us forward, how we triumph over our enemies, and how we do the impossible. Joshua, a former slave in Egypt, became the leader of God’s people after the death of Moses. A generational transfer took place as a younger generation rose with fresh vision, bold faith, and renewed passion to possess all that God had given them. All this and more is contained in the book you have in your hand, Courage to Conquer.

Just as Joshua had to face new challenges, so will you face challenges in your journey deeper into your promised land. There are giants, daunting enemies who are committed to hindering you and keeping you from your inheritance. Giants of fear, intimidation, insecurity, and helplessness—but you will have courage to conquer each one when Jesus is at your side.

How we need courage today to move forward in spite of the tests and trials we face! The courage of our heavenly Joshua (Jesus) is available for you today. It’s time to shake off passivity and put on the new garments of faith and courage. Your wilderness wandering is now over. It’s time to move forward. The old things that once sustained you may not be as helpful as they once were. The new has come. Manna has ceased; the Jordan is behind you. And new beginning has opened up before you. Take courage, my friend, the Mighty God is with you!

I pray that each one who takes this journey of reading a daily portion from Courage to Conquer will be empowered to overcome every opposition and every foe that may hinder your advance in God. Don’t stop believing, don’t stop moving forward, even if your progress seems slow. The Lord is with you to conquer, so be bold and courageous. Watch your “city walls” fall. Nothing can stand before you when Jesus lives in you!

God bless you, my friend,

Brian Simmons





After Moses, Yahweh’s servant, died, Yahweh spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ faithful assistant.


As the book of Joshua opens, we find Israel in the midst of a transition between the old era under Moses and the beginning of a new one, with a new leader and prophet of Israel, Joshua. Joshua had been Moses’ faithful assistant after the pilgrimage out of Egypt when Israel wandered in the wilderness. No doubt, there was grief around the death of Moses. He had led the people out of their captivity. He had met with God and passed on the Ten Commandments to the people. He had been the frontrunner to whom Israel looked. And yet, amidst Israel’s mourning, God raised up another leader over them. A new beginning was before them when they would finally enter into their promised land.

Is there an ending that you are grieving? Has a door closed in an area of your life? Even in your mourning, you are not without hope. God has his steady hand upon your life. He will continue to direct you, and he will not fail to guide you into greater goodness.

Yahweh, even in my grief, I turn to you. Speak to me and encourage my heart in your wonderfully wise purposes. I trust you to guide me still.




“My servant Moses is dead. Now get up! Prepare to cross the Jordan River, you and all the people. Lead them into the land that I am giving to the Israelites.”


What is the Lord speaking over you today? Is there an area of your life where you have felt stuck without the breakthrough you have been longing for? The mercy of God moves us forward. We do not have to feel ready. We don’t have to have all the details figured out. When God tells us to prepare ourselves for the journey ahead, let’s take him at his word and make obedience our reply.

When God tells us that it is time to move ahead, we can be sure that as our loyal and loving leader, he goes with us. Trust that the one who is calling you forward will prepare the way ahead of you. He will be with you, and he will continue to provide you with all you need for the journey. His faithfulness is sure. When God’s timing is right, it is the right time to move. Listen to what the Lord is saying and respond in faith.

Lord, speak to me like you spoke to Joshua. I want to hear your clear voice directing me out of my wandering ways. I will follow you.




“Every part of the land where you march I will give you, as I promised Moses.”


God’s promises are his vow, and his vow is backed up by his unshakable character. The one who is overflowing in loyal love is the same one who leads us into our victory. What promises of God have you built your life upon? How many of those are still in the process of being fulfilled? Though we cannot know God’s timing, we can rest in the faithfulness of his nature. What he says, he will do. What he speaks, he will follow through on.

Wherever you are, God is with you. Wherever you go, he will be with you still. Cling to him above all else, and you will know the overwhelming peace of his presence. Take confidence in who he is, no matter the unknowns before you. He is steady in love, he is able to deliver you from your fears and your enemies, and he will do what he has promised to do. Lean on him, for he is your ever-present help. Trust his Word and keep moving forward into the land of promise.

Unchanging One, I trust your mercy more than I do my own understanding. Walk with me, instruct me, lead me, and draw me closer to you today.




“Your borders will extend from the southern desert to the northern mountains of Lebanon, and from the great river Euphrates in the east, to the Mediterranean in the west.”


Have you ever felt as if you exhausted God by needing reminders of what he has already spoken? Thankfully, he does not grow tired of answering our questions. He does not withhold information or shame us for our faulty memories. He is incredibly and wonderfully patient with us.

Spend time in the presence of the Lord and ask him to speak directly to your heart. He knows what you need to hear; he knows the encouragement you need. He has plans for you, and he will not keep them to himself. He clearly gave Joshua the borders of Israel’s promised land, and he will show you the parameters of your own. When you know what is yours, you can confidently walk in the promises of God. Press in and hear what the Spirit is saying.

Spirit, I ask you to speak directly to my heart today. Give me fresh vision for what is ahead and speak in specific ways that give clear borders to what has felt ambiguous up until now. I trust you!




“Joshua, no one will be able to defeat you for the rest of your life! I will be with you as I was with Moses, and I will never fail nor abandon you.”


How often have you heard that God would never fail or abandon you? Has it become a stale phrase in your mind, or does it still move you with the marvelous mercy that lies within its promise? Though the Lord was speaking directly to Joshua in this passage, these same words are invoked by the writer of Hebrews (13:5).

God promises that he will never fail. He cannot go against his merciful nature and take back a vow that he has made. He will never fail. He will never abandon us. When we look to Jesus, we can know that we are looking to the Faithful One. The Father and Son have given us their Spirit and promised that we will never be alone. No matter what we have done or what circumstances we find ourselves in, when we turn to God and look to him, we will find that he is nearer than we realized.

Faithful One, reveal yourself to me through your presence. Give me revelation to see where you are already working and give me the peace of your presence.




“You must remain very strong and courageous! Be faithful to obey all the teaching that my servant Moses commanded you to follow… so that you will have overwhelming success in everything you undertake.”


There is a reason why moving into the realm of God’s promises requires courage. We do not walk forward into unknown territory able to rely on the limits of our past experiences. As we enter into new territory, there is an opportunity for expansion—of experience, of understanding, and of trust. There is no formula for success, only obedience to God’s Word.

The Word of God is living and active. It is through Jesus that we know the Father, and Jesus is the Living Word made flesh. As we look through the lens of the Old Testament, may we do it with eyes that look for glimpses of Jesus in it. We need to rely on the Spirit of God to instruct us, to lead us, and to strengthen us with bold courage! As we align our lives with his kingdom ways, we walk in the light of his presence. This requires the empowering grace of his Spirit with us. Let us never stop looking to him for all that we need, for he is our source and our strength.

Spirit of God, give me the courage I need to keep following your loving lead. I trust you more than any other—including my own senses.




“Recite this scroll of the law constantly. Contemplate it day and night and be careful to follow every word it contains; then you will enjoy incredible prosperity and success.”


There is so much wisdom found in the Word of God. When we meditate on God’s ways, on his Word, and on his character, our minds transform with increased trust in his faithfulness. He has given us instructions for how to stay close to him and how to walk in the ways of his kingdom. He knows that we need his help and his direction, and we have it!

May you find encouragement and powerful transformation as you walk in the ways of God. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the one who reveals the very heart of your Father in heaven. Fellowship with the Spirit who is full of the fruit of peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and so much more. Meditate on the Word of God, both written and spoken. Let it challenge, embolden, and mold you. There is power in the revelation of God!

Faithful One, as I ponder your Word, reveal your characteristics to me more and more. Let me see your faithfulness and your loyal love as my foundation. I long to know you more.




“I repeat, be strong and brave! Do not yield to fear nor be discouraged, for I am Yahweh your God, and I will be with you wherever you go!”


When we look at the reasons God gives us to not give in to discouragement or fear, we catch a glorious glimpse of his goodness. He tells us to be strong in his love, to be brave in his presence. There is no reason to let fear overtake us, for God is with us. He is the one who goes with us into every battle. He is our strength, our support, and our constant help.

There truly is no need to let worry paralyze us when we live in the reality of his presence. He does not leave us or abandon us. He does not take breaks, and he never slumbers. He is always aware of what is going on both in and around us. We can be confident in his clarity and encouraged in his ability to save, redeem, and restore. There is nothing that he cannot do. He is the God who splits seas, he is the Defender of the weak, and he is with you and me.

Yahweh, make your presence known to me. Encourage me in your strength and calm my anxious heart.




“Go through the camp and instruct the people, ‘Pack your bags; for within three days you will cross the Jordan to conquer and occupy the land that Yahweh your God is giving you to possess.’”


Can you imagine what it was like for the Israelites who had been wandering in the wilderness for decades to be told that the time had come to move into the promised land? Much of the old generation had already passed away. Some of the Israelites had only known the desert life. And yet, here was Joshua telling them to pack their bags because God was giving them access to their long-awaited land.

There comes a point for each of us where God moves us from our wilderness wandering into the promises he has spoken over us. He does not demand that we take action on the spot, but he gives us time to pack our bags and ready ourselves. Is there a shift in season for you? What do you need to take with you into the next steps? Take some time and ask the Lord to show you.

God, thank you for the promise of a hopeful future. I want to walk with wisdom when entering a new season. Give me guidance as to what to leave behind and what to bring.




“Remember the words that Yahweh’s servant Moses commanded you: ‘Yahweh your God is giving you this land.’”


When Joshua spoke these words of Moses to the Israelites, he was reminding them of God’s promise to them. Who of us does not need a reminder of what God has already said and done? It is good to remember what it is that he has spoken, along with the evidence of his faithfulness to the previous generations, in order to strengthen ourselves in the confidence of God’s promises.

Take some time to go through the words that the Lord has spoken to you through the years. Refresh yourself in his goodness. Remind yourself of what God has said and what he has already done for you. If you have old journals, dig them out. If you have a record of prophetic words that were spoken over you, go back through them. As you do, may you be encouraged by the beauty of God’s covenant and his generous love toward you.

My God, may I not forget what you have already spoken. May your faithfulness shine through my memories as I go over them with you. I will continue to follow you. Your loyal love draws me in time and time again. Be glorified in my life as I live yielded to your heart.




“Therefore, your wives, your little ones, and your livestock may remain here, but all your valiant warriors must cross over with us armed.”


In seasons of transition, we may have to move in ways we haven’t before. We may need to sacrifice time that we cherished previously in order to enter what God is calling us into. There will be times of rest and refreshing, and there will be times to press on in perseverance, eyes fixed on a goal.

Is there an area of life that is in transition? If so, be encouraged that you are not alone in it. Knowing the season you are in will help you to prioritize your time, energy, and attention. Take a moment with the Lord today and let him speak his words of wisdom over you. If you need direction, look to him. If you need a solution to a problem, he’s got the answers. He has given you tools in this life, and more than that, you have his Spirit. As you move ahead, the Lord is with you in loyal leadership every step of the way.

Good Father, thank you for leading me in love no matter where I go. I trust you to guide me in the transitions of my life. Give me greater clarity as I look to you. I depend on you!




“They will take the lead and help their brothers until they take possession of the land that Yahweh your God is giving them as their homeland.”

JOSHUA 1:14–15

The life and power you are looking for is in the presence of God. Almighty God goes with you into every situation—every classroom and every board room. What God calls you to, he will equip you for. His Spirit is your constant and never-ending supply. The Spirit of God is your very life-source.

When you wonder which way to go, know that God is the one who leads you into victory. Look to him more than to any other. He will show you the way to go. And don’t forget to help your brothers and sisters. Our God is the faithful help of the weak, and he is the loyal Advocate of the vulnerable. We are never meant to go through battles in this life alone. We are not one-man armies, but we are a family of God meant to help, encourage, and strengthen one another.

Gracious God, forgive me for the times when I have been overly concerned with building my own kingdom instead of yours. Give me eyes to see where others could use a helping hand and strengthen me in your steadfast love to love others well.




They answered Joshua: “We will do everything you have told us and will go wherever you send us. We always obeyed Moses, and we will always obey you.”

JOSHUA 1:16–17

When Joshua spoke to the Israelites on behalf of Yahweh, directing them forward in their faith, they responded with reverence and respect. This kind of respect did not include just their honor but also their obedience. They had seen God lead Israel through Moses, and they recognized that Joshua could do the same.

Joshua as a frontrunner is a revelation of Jesus. Jesus is our heavenly leader, the one who guides us into the promises of God in our lives. Do you need renewed passion? Do you need a refreshing vision of his loyalty and love? Look to Jesus today, and you will find that he has something to share with you for where you are right now. He is faithful to lead you with his peace, and you can always trust that his intentions for you are full of his mercy. Will you go where he sends you?

Jesus, I look to you as my leader and help. Where you send me, I will go. What you say, I will do. Where you lead, I will follow. Speak to me today!




The king sent messengers to Rahab, who said to her: “Turn over the men who entered your house. They’re here to spy out our land.” But Rahab had already hidden the two men.

JOSHUA 2:3–4

May we never judge a person’s worth by what they do. God did not keep Rahab, a prostitute, from being named in the lineage of Jesus after she showed tremendous faith and courage by hiding within her home the spies from Israel. God honored her because of her tenacity and faith.

God sees our hearts, and he often works through the most unlikely sources. Just as God used Rahab to help Israel capture Jericho, he will also use any willing heart to further his purposes. None of us is disqualified from his great grace. He is the God who lifts up the humble. He is the one who honors the willing, no matter how the world perceives them. May we honor others in the same way, living lives yielded to God’s great love.

God, thank you for using those who are willing, no matter what they look like. I align my heart with yours, laying down my own ideas of what makes a person worthy. You are the one who does great things, and I will follow your loving lead.




“As soon as we heard it, our hearts melted with fear, and we were left with no courage among us because of you. Yahweh, your God, is the true God who rules in heaven above and on earth below.”


What a beautiful statement of faith this is! Rahab described her reaction to the news of what Israel’s God had done for them. She recognized his great power over heaven and earth, and she declared him as the ruler of all.

Can you recall a time when you heard of God moving in a miraculous act of mercy toward his people? Can you remember what you felt at the mention of his power? God still moves in magnificent ways through the work of his Spirit. He heals those who are sick, mends the brokenhearted, opens deaf ears, and makes blind eyes see. There is nothing he cannot do. Take some time to declare the greatness of God and ask him for more revelation of his incredible might today.

Great God, when I think about how you’ve moved, I am in awe. Do it again, Lord! Move in mighty miracles and lead us further into the liberty of your love.




“Please, solemnly swear to me by the name of Yahweh that you will show kindness to my family because I have shown kindness to you.”


We cannot separate God’s power from his kindness. His lavish love is clearly displayed through Jesus, the living image of the Father. Jesus instructed us to treat others the same way we want to be treated, to lay down our lives in love, and to yield our lives to God. Rahab did all these things in her great act of generosity and good faith. She recognized that Yahweh was greater than any other god, and she chose to risk it all for his sake.

When we choose to be kind to others, even at our own expense, it is never without a return. God sees it all, and he honors every movement we make in love. He certainly honored Rahab’s risk. It is important that we recognize that kindness does not mean remaining comfortable. Love is risky, but it is worth it every time.

Yahweh, I want to reflect your love through the way I live and relate to others. Empower me to love others the way that you do, counting the cost and going the distance.




The men answered, “If you don’t disclose our mission to anyone, we’ll pledge our lives for yours. Then, when Yahweh gives us this land, we’ll honor our promise and treat you kindly.”


It is no small thing to pledge your life for another. It is not a trivial matter to make a promise of peace and then follow through on it. In this moment we read about in Joshua, Rahab was desperate. She risked her life in order to protect spies from an enemy army. All she asked in return was that she and her family would be shown the same kindness.

The response of the men was to promise to protect her if she would continue to follow through with her part. When she did, they were honor-bound to keep their vow. Are you someone whose word is trustworthy? Can others count on you to follow through on your promises? May the Lord strengthen and help you where you falter, and may he honor you in the areas where you are being faithful.

Trustworthy One, thank you for being reliable in mercy. I’m so glad to know that your word is your vow, and you never break it. I want to be more like you in this way. Transform me as I continue to move toward you in my choices.




“When our invasion begins, bring all your family together in your house—your father and mother, your brothers and sisters…tie this crimson rope in the same window through which you let us down.”


The crimson rope that Rahab threw down from her window is a picture of our salvation through the blood of Christ. It is an emblem of faith that points us to Jesus. Rahab’s salvation was signaled through the crimson rope, and ours is signaled through the crimson blood of Christ’s sacrifice. What a wonderfully powerful image and foreshadowing this is!

No matter what our house has been used for, if we yield our lives to Yahweh, then his blood covers our shame. He uses willing hearts, and he marks us as his own. Let’s live as those who are under his banner of love. He sets us free to dwell in the victory that he has already accomplished through the cross. He is our Savior, and we must rely on his help more than we rely on the fortresses of our own making. His promises are surer than the confidence of any person, city, or nation.

Redeemer, thank you for your blood that covers me and sets me free. You are my liberator, and I come alive in your mercy.




“Yahweh has certainly handed over the entire land into our hands! All the people of the land melt in fear before us!”


The great fame of Yahweh spread quickly through the land where God was leading Israel before God’s people even approached its cities. The inhabitants of the land had heard about the great miracles that accompanied Israel, including the parting of the Red Sea when they left Egypt. They heard how Israel defeated famously strong kingdoms.

When you are facing situations that require courage, know that your God goes before you. His power and glory are on display for all to see, whether in the wilderness or in lands of plenty. Encourage yourself in your history with God. Build yourself up in the faithfulness of your Father. The same God who dried up the bed of the Red Sea for the Israelites to walk across is the same God who makes a way for you. The one who provided refuge to the Hebrew spies in Jericho will also provide shelter when you need it. He is worthy of your trust.

Yahweh, thank you for going before me in my battles. Thank you for leading me into your victory. Encourage my heart in your faithfulness as you remind me of what you have already done.




Joshua was up bright and early the next morning. They broke camp, and Joshua led the Israelites from Acacia to the eastern bank of the Jordan. There they set up camp and waited until they crossed over.


Very rarely do we rush right into a promising situation where our dreams become reality. Usually there is a waiting period, whether it is a few days, months, or years. This time is precious, and we should not waste it. There is purpose in the preparation, and there is anticipation that builds in the time between the now and the not yet.

Don’t be discouraged if you have taken forward movement and have found yourself at a standstill shortly after. Ask the Lord for his wisdom. It could just be that you are in the moment where you must camp and wait until you cross over the Jordan into your promised land. Don’t despair; rather, celebrate the coming victory! Let holy excitement rise as you prepare yourself for the next steps. They will take faith, trust, and courage. Do not despise the waiting, for it is the place where you will launch into your destiny.

Holy Lord, give me your perspective of my present season. Help me to see where I am and what you are doing. Give me vision of the future and purpose in the preparation.




“Watch for the priests of the tribe of Levi to lift the ark of the covenant of Yahweh your God. When it starts moving, follow it so you’ll know which way to go, since you’ve never marched this way before.”

JOSHUA 3:3–4

The ark of the covenant was where the Israelites believed the manifest presence of God dwelt. It is a wonderful picture of Jesus Christ, for the power of Christ within us is what enables us to cross over into our full inheritance. Jesus is the one who leads us into it—he is our forerunner! With eyes fixed on him, we follow where he leads us. We go where he goes.

In the unknowns of this life, we have a way forward. Jesus Christ, our sure and steady hope of glory, resides within us through the presence of his Spirit. He is the vision that directs us, the one who keeps us in place when we would wander on our own, and the confidence we need when stepping outside of our comfort zones. He always knows the way, so let’s look to him.

My God, I look to you for vision, for direction, and for hope. Show me the way to go, and I will walk in it. When you move, I will move. Lead me, Lord.




Joshua instructed the people, “Get yourselves ready! Set yourselves apart for Yahweh! Tomorrow, Yahweh will perform for us great miracles!”


Have you ever considered what it means to set yourself apart for God? In worship, we need both whole-hearted devotion and heart purity. What does it look like to sanctify ourselves before the Lord? Let us not simply go through the outward motions of worshiping God when we’re around other believers and then living as we please the rest of the time.

If our hearts are not engaged in humble love before the Lord, he knows it. We could look like the holiest of Christians with our actions, and yet if we harbor hatred in our heart, we miss the whole point. We cannot fool God. Let us yield our hearts to him, letting his mercy change us from the inside out. His love transforms us. When we humble ourselves before the Lord, he will lift us up. He will lead us on his miraculous path of victory.

Great God, I ready myself in your presence, and I offer you access to every part of my heart and life. Transform me by your love and lead me in your mercy!




“This is how you will know for sure that the Living God is among you. As you advance into the land, he will drive out before you the Canaanites.”


God is active in the lives of his children. He guides us, giving us clues of his kindness and cues of his faithfulness. When we feel alone in our battles, may we look to see where God is driving out our enemies before us. Let’s keep pushing forward where he has already shown us to go, for that is where we will witness the miracles of his marvelous mercy.

What proverbial land are you advancing into? Keep your eyes ahead and ask God to show you where he is already working to clear the way. He does not grow weary in helping you. He does not tire of answering your questions. Press into him, even as you move forward toward the unknowns of your future. Do what you already know to do and rely on him to show you the rest as you move in him.

Living God, thank you for the reassurance of your presence with me as I venture into the unknowns of my future. I trust you to do what I could never achieve on my own. You are my God, and I am your child.




“Look! The ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth will go before you and prepare a way for you through the Jordan.”


The raging waters of the river Jordan were yet another invitation for a miracle of Yahweh to lead his people through on dry land. Who is like the God who peels back rushing river tides to present a dry path for his people? God has not changed since then. He is still the Lord of all the earth, and every command he gives the wind and waves is obeyed.

Is the Lord leading you into a seemingly impossible situation? Is his presence pulling you in a direction that is unfamiliar and yet requiring you to trust him? The Israelites remembered what Yahweh had done in the Red Sea, and here he was doing it again. Will you trust that God will faithfully provide for you as you follow him? Put your confidence in him, for he is the same all-powerful God. He does not play tricks on his people, and he will not abandon you to be overtaken by the tides.

Lord of all the earth, prepare a way to walk where I can see none. I know where I am and where you are calling me. Make a way through!




“The moment the feet of the priests carrying the ark of Yahweh… touch the water of the Jordan, a great miracle will happen! The water flowing downstream toward you will stop and pile up as if behind a dam.”


The ways of the Lord are not our ways. He moves in mighty acts of wonder, clearing a path in the overflowing floodwaters of our lives. If we will follow him, we will be amazed at what Yahweh does. As we surrender our lives to his ways, he leads us through impossible situations with miracle provisions.

As we follow the Lord, he makes a way. Let’s not linger on the shores of our dreams and his promises when he is already clearing a path ahead of us. He does not lead us into destruction but into the abundance of his love. No matter what awaits us on the other side, let’s trust God to guide us into his goodness. He is faithful, and he will not fail. He is the God of miracles!

Faithful Lord, I trust you to lead me with your power. I set my eyes on you, for you are my confidence. May my eyes not wander from you, for you are my hope and the one who sustains me.




Yahweh completely cut off the flow of the river so that it drained downstream toward the Desert Sea…So the people crossed over opposite Jericho…The entire nation passed by the ark as they completed their miracle-crossing on dry ground.

JOSHUA 3:16–17

When the Lord moves, he does not move us. He requires us to pursue him. He leads; we follow. He speaks; we respond in obedience. If we wait for God to do our part, we will waste our lives away. A living relationship is not one-sided. It takes both parties giving and receiving. Do we approach our relationship with God in the same way?

Surely the mercy of God goes before us. This crossing was not a surprise to the nation of Israel. God had already told them through Joshua what to expect. What has God spoken to you? Don’t be surprised when the time comes, and it requires steps forward in faith. Don’t hesitate to respond when he moves. Recall what he has already said and follow him as you cross over into a new land.

Yahweh, thank you for your leadership in my life. Increase my faith as I follow after you. I will respond to your words of life with hope in my heart and trust in your faithfulness.




“The stones will always be a sign to you… These stones will serve as a memorial for Israel forever.”

JOSHUA 4:6–7

After Israel crossed the Jordan on dry land, Joshua instructed one man from each tribe to go to where the ark of the covenant was in the middle of the riverbed and to each bring back one stone. There, on the shore of the Jordan, Joshua set up the memorial stones to serve as a reminder of the miracle-crossing for Israel.

Perhaps you have experienced a great deliverance in your life. Where has God moved mightily on your behalf? Consider how you can build a memorial to this memory. Is there a reminder that you can keep that will serve to encourage you through the remembrance of God’s goodness toward you? Be creative with how you go about this. It does not have to be a literal stone, but let it connect you to the experience you walked through with God’s guidance.

God of miracles, inspire my heart with creative ways to honor what you have done. When you lead me through impossible situations, help me to recall this beautiful act of making a memorial of remembrance.




On that day, Yahweh exalted Joshua before all the people. As they had stood in awe of Moses, so they stood in awe of Joshua for the rest of his life.


Joshua was not a perfect man, but he yielded his life to the Lord in surrender. He led the Israelites out of the wilderness into their inheritance. In the same way that God had been with Moses, he was with Joshua. And in the same way that the people were amazed by Moses and his relationship with God, so were they amazed by Joshua.

When we walk in surrender to the Lord and his ways, his favor is visible to others. He is our help, our guide, and our strength. Jesus has leveled the playing field so that everyone can know God as closely as the prophets of old. There is nothing that separates us from the love of God through his presence, for Jesus has broken down every barrier. Jesus himself is our favor before the Father and others. It is through him that we are led into freedom.

Exalted One, I give you access to every part of my life. I surrender to your will and your ways. May you be honored in my life even as you were honored in Joshua’s.