Crime & Mystery Collection: 110+ Thrillers & Detective Tales in One Volume (Illustrated Edition) - E. Phillips Oppenheim - E-Book

Crime & Mystery Collection: 110+ Thrillers & Detective Tales in One Volume (Illustrated Edition) E-Book

E. Phillips Oppenheim

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E. Phillips Oppenheim's 'Crime & Mystery Collection' is a comprehensive compilation of 110+ thrilling tales that delve into the world of crime and mystery. Featuring a diverse range of detective stories, this collection offers readers a glimpse into the classic literary style of the early 20th century. From intricate plots to intriguing characters, Oppenheim's work reflects the literary context of his time, providing readers with an immersive experience into the world of detective fiction. The illustrated edition adds visual depth to the narratives, enhancing the reader's journey through each thrilling story. E. Phillips Oppenheim, a prolific British author known for his contributions to the mystery genre, draws upon his keen insight into human nature and his passion for storytelling in this captivating collection. His unique perspective and attention to detail shine through in each carefully crafted narrative, making this anthology a must-read for fans of classic detective fiction. Oppenheim's background in espionage and mystery writing lends credibility to the intricate plots and compelling characters found in 'Crime & Mystery Collection.' I highly recommend E. Phillips Oppenheim's 'Crime & Mystery Collection' to readers who enjoy gripping detective stories and thrilling mysteries. This comprehensive anthology showcases Oppenheim's mastery of the genre and provides hours of entertainment for those seeking a captivating literary experience.

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