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Englisch Lernen mit klassischen Werken. Die Bücher dieser Reihe eignen sich für Jugendliche und Erwachsene, die mit klassischen Werken ihre Lesefähigkeit verbessern wollen. Englisch Niveaus A2 bis B2. Durchgehend in englischer Sprache. Diese kleine Märchensammlung beinhaltet die folgenden Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm: Die sechs Schwäne - Die sieben Raben - Die zwei Brüder - Tischchendeckdich, Goldesel, Knüppelausdemsack - Dornröschen - König Drosselbart - Frau Holle - Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich - Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen - Die goldene Gans - Hans im Glück - Der Hase und der Igel.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
The Six Swans
The Seven Ravens
The Two Brothers
The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sac
Sleeping Beauty
King Thrushbeard
Mrs. Holle
The Frog King or the Iron Henry
The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
The Golden Goose
Hans in Luck
The Hare and the Hedgehog
A king gets lost in the forest and meets an old woman who is a witch. She says she can help him if he fulfills one condition. The witch has a daughter and wants the king to marry her. She says that her daughter is very beautiful and that she will be a good queen. If the king promises this, she will show him the way out of the forest.
The king knows that otherwise he will starve to death in the forest. He agrees to marry the witch's daughter. The witch leads him to her house, where he meets her daughter. She is beautiful, but the king does not like her. Nevertheless, he takes her and marries her.
The king already has children from a previous marriage. He loves his children very much. He takes them to a hidden castle in the forest so that the stepmother cannot harm them. The way there is difficult to find. A clever woman gives him a magic ball of string that unwinds and shows him the way.
The queen notices that the king often goes into the forest. She learns from a servant that he visits his children there. She finds the string that shows the king the way. She makes little shirts into which she sews a spell.
When the king is out hunting, she goes into the forest. The children think their father is coming and run towards her. She throws the shirts on them. The children turn into swans and fly away. The queen is glad to be rid of the children. But she has not met the girl.
The next day, the king arrives and finds only the girl.
"Oh, dear father," says the girl, "my brothers have flown away. I saw them flying over the forest as swans. I found their feathers."
The king is sad. He wants to take the girl with him. But she is afraid of her stepmother and stays in the forest castle.
The girl flees in the night. She runs for a long time until she is tired. She finds a hut with six beds. She lies down under a bed. In the evening, six swans come. They turn into people. The girl realizes that they are her brothers. They are happy, but only for a moment. "You can't stay here," the brothers say to her little sister. "Robbers live here. They could kill you."
The girl asks if the brothers can protect her.
They say, "No". They explain that they are only human for 15 minutes in the evening. After that, they become swans again.
The girl cries and asks if they can be saved.
The brothers say it is difficult. The girl is not allowed to speak or laugh for six years. During this time, she has to sew six shirts from star flowers. If she speaks, it's all for nothing. Then the brothers fly away again as swans.
The girl wants to save her brothers. She leaves the hut and goes into the forest. She sits down in a tree and stays there all night. The next day she collects flowers and sews. She can't speak and doesn't want to laugh. She just sews.
One day, hunters come who have gone hunting with a king. They ask who she is. She does not answer. They ask her to come down from the tree. She just shakes her head. She throws down her necklace to satisfy them. But the hunters don't give up. She throws them her belt and other things. She only keeps her shirt. But the hunters climb the tree, bring her down and take her to their king. The king speaks to the girl. He asks who she is and what she is doing in the forest. The girl does not answer. The king speaks many languages, but the girl remains silent. The king likes the girl very much. He gives her his coat and takes her to his castle. In the castle, the girl is given beautiful clothes. She looks very beautiful, but she does not speak. The king likes the girl because she is nice and polite. He says that he only wants to marry this girl. After a few days, they get married.
The king's wicked mother doesn't like the new queen. She says bad things about her. The wicked mother thinks that the girl is not fit for a king.
When the queen has a baby, the evil mother takes the child away and hides it. She does this as if the queen has eaten the baby. She puts blood on the queen's mouth. She tells the king that the queen is evil. The king doesn't believe it. He thinks the queen is good. The queen makes shirts and pays no attention to anything else.
The queen has a second child. But the evil mother takes this child away too and hides it. The king doesn't believe the evil mother again. But when the same thing happens to the third child, the king believes the evil mother. The queen cannot defend herself because she does not speak. The king has to take her to court.
The court says that the queen must die by fire. The queen stands on a pyre. She has not spoken or laughed for six years. She wants to save her brothers. She has almost finished sewing the six shirts. Only one shirt is not quite finished. She holds the shirts in her hand. She looks up. Six swans fly over. They are her brothers. She is happy. She knows she will soon be rescued.
She throws them the shirts she has sewn.
The swans turn back into humans. All the brothers are now human again. Only the youngest brother still has a swan's wing. The siblings hug and kiss each other.