Frost - Anton Chekhov - Hörbuch

Frost Hörbuch

Anton Chekhov

1,49 €

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A"POPULAR" fête with a philanthropic object had been arranged on the Feast of Epiphany in the provincial town of N——. They had selected a broad part of the river between the market and the bishop's palace, fenced it round with a rope, with fir-trees and with flags, and provided everything necessary for skating, sledging, and tobogganing. The festivity was organized on the grandest scale possible. The notices that were distributed were of huge size and promised a number of delights: skating, a military band, a lottery with no blank tickets, an electric sun, and so on. But the whole scheme almost came to nothing owing to the hard frost... .

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Zeit:0 Std. 15 min

Sprecher:Belinda Hillman
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