How to self-publish an ebook - EBook Creator Guide - Heinz Duthel - E-Book

How to self-publish an ebook - EBook Creator Guide E-Book

Heinz Duthel



How to self-publish an ebook EBook Creator Guide eBooks Retail Distribution – What Do I Need to “Sell Everywhere?” Is My Content Ready to be an eBook? Show-stoppers and Must Haves Example of a Perfect Word Document Supported Source Files and Formatting Overview Getting Started: Configuring Settings in Word Preparing Your Document for Formatting Setting Up Your EPUB Table of Contents The Front Matters (Title, Copyright, etc.) Making Pretty Paragraphs Bells and Whistles – Fonts, Images, Hyperlinks, etc. Troubleshooting A Final Check What’s next? Need Extra Help?

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Table Of Contents

EBook Creator GuideChapter 1: eBooks and EditorsChapter 4: Show-stoppers and Must HavesChapter 11: Making Pretty ParagraphsChapter 13: Troubleshooting

EBook Creator Guide

Heinz Duthel


 How to self-publish an ebook

 EBook Creator Guide

 eBooks

 Retail Distribution –

 What Do I Need to “Sell Everywhere?”

 Is My Content Ready to be an eBook?

 Show-stoppers and Must Haves

 Example of a Perfect Word Document

 Supported Source Files and Formatting Overview

 Getting Started: Configuring Settings in Word

 Preparing Your Document for Formatting

 Setting Up Your EPUB Table of Contents

 The Front Matters (Title, Copyright, etc.)

 Making Pretty Paragraphs

 Bel s and Whistles – Fonts, Images, Hyperlinks, etc.

 Troubleshooting

 A Final Check

 What’s next?

Need Extra Help? Glossary


Chapter 1: eBooks and Editors

What are eBooks?

EBooks are electronic, downloadable books that can

easily be accessed on a wide range of e-readers, like the

iPad or Barnes & Noble’s NOOK, and your home computer.

Millions of readers purchase and read eBooks each day. By

publishing an eBook of your own, you are empowering

yourself to share your remarkable knowledge and ideas with

these readers all over the world.

Editors eBook Distribution Options

• Sel on Editors

You have the option of sel ing your titles to the mil ions

customers who make up the Editors Marketplace. If you

choose to sell on, you can sell your title as an

eBook in either EPUB or PDF formats with Editors. If your

manuscript is not available in either of these formats, you

can upload your file in one of our many supported formats.

• Sel Everywhere

Sel ing everywhere requires your title to be in EPUB

format. By using the Editors EPUB Converter, you can

upload properly formatted PDF files and I’l convert them into

EPUB format. This document will help you prepare your file

for conversion to EPUB and for distribution to our retail


Fast Facts:

• Sel on Editors using PDF formats or .txt.

• Sel everywhere requires an EPUB.

• Editors EPUB Converter accepts PDF files for

conversion to EPUB format.

Chapter 2: Retail Distribution – What Do I Need to “Sell



Though you can sell your title as a PDF on the Editors

Marketplace, our retail distribution partners only accept

books in EPUB format. If you don’t have an EPUB, you can

create one yourself with the Editors EPUB Converter.

Remember that fol owing all the guidelines in this document

aids in proper conversion.


Editors supports three (3) ISBN options:

• Editors -owned ISBN – You can get an ISBN from

Editors for free in the Editors Publishing Wizard and will be listed as the publisher of your work.

• Bring Your Own ISBN – Assign an ISBN you already own

to your title. The imprint (publisher name and information)

attached to your ISBN will remain the same and will not be listed as the publisher. You must be

the owner of the ISBN and may not use this ISBN with any

other Editors.

• Your ISBN* – This option is a service for Editors to

obtain an ISBN for you from the US ISBN agency using your

registered details as a publisher.

*Only available to US, Guam & Puerto Rico residents

Cover Art / Marketing Image

The cover of your eBook is like a first impression or I

coming handshake. An eye-catching cover can often be just

the thing to turn a casual observer into your biggest fan.

Luckily, Editors makes cover design a snap. With our cover

tools, you can upload an RGB (red, green, blue) cover

designed by yourself or one of our skil ed cover design

artists, or you can pick from one of our stock marketing

images. I’ve made sure to provide plenty of options to make

your work really stand out.

Complete and Accurate Metadata

Simply put, metadata is the who, what, when, and where

of your eBook. Items such as your title, author name(s),

description, etc. are all types of metadata and are what most

retailers use to appropriately list and categorize your

content. Inconsistent metadata is also one of the main

reasons eBooks get rejected for distribution. It is crucial you

provide consistent information in the metadata and

description entered using the eBook Wizard that matches

any details provided in your book or on your cover.

Fast Facts:

• Sel everywhere requires an EPUB and ISBN.

• A well designed cover helps sell your book.

• Consistent metadata is critical.

Chapter 3: Is My Content Ready to be an eBook?

It is important to note that eBooks are quite different from

their print counterparts, particularly when it comes to

formatting. EBook technology is still evolving and each

device and platform displays eBooks differently. KEEP


Below are our best practices to create a great eBook. I’l

go into further details later in this guide.

Crisp, High-Quality Images & Cover Art

I want to ensure that your images look great on any e-

reader, computer or digital device. If you decide to include

images in your eBook, I require three color, RGB (red, green,

blue) formatted images. Four-color CMYK (cyan, magenta,

yellow, key black) images are not accepted. EPUBs with

blurry images may not qualify for retail distribution.

Refrain from using images that are too large. If the image

is greater than 250 KB or takes up a ful screen, it increases

the time to successfully display on the device. Statistics

show that readers lose interest if content takes too long to


It is important to find a balance between en a high-quality

image and the size limitations.

Fonts and Special Characters

Not al devices can display all fonts the same way. Stick

with one of the standard fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, or

Garamond) to ensure that your text is conveyed clearly

across formats, devices and applications. If you use another

font, your eBook’s text will automatically be converted to

Times New Roman. Characters like copyright symbols,

registered trademarks, or arrows should be avoided. The

general rule to write by is if it’s not on your keyboard then it

may not convert properly.

Text Boxes, Tables, and Charts – Oh My!

Complex content does not display correctly on e-readers.

Some examples are:

• Charts

• Text boxes

• Scientific or mathematical formulas

• Other embedded objects (HTML, Smart Art, etc.)

If you would like to include any of the above, I recommend

replacing it with a high-quality JPEG image.

Multimedia Files

The Editors EPUB Converter does not currently support

converting audio and video files embedded in your

document. Please remove these before uploading.


Multiple columns are best left for the Greeks and Romans.

Multiple columns within your working files will be converted

to a single column of reflow able text.

Page-Based Formatting

EPUBs are made up of reflow able text that adjusts based

on the screen or device the reader is using. Unlike their print

counterparts, eBooks do not use page-based formatting.

Page numbers, page breaks, headers, and footers do not

exist in eBooks. If you leave them in your document, the

Editors EPUB Converter will remove them.

TIP: Even though the Editors EPUB Converter removes

page breaks, I automatical y create a break in the EPUB

when you use a Heading style to indicate the start of a new

Article or section. On an e-reader, this will make the new

Article start at the top of the screen. Keep in mind this will

also create a new entry in the EPUB Table of Contents that

links to the Article or section.

Hard Returns