I Hear His Whisper - Brian Simmons - E-Book

I Hear His Whisper E-Book

Brian Simmons



Encounter God's Heart for You! The Holy Spirit wants to wash our lives in the refreshing grace that streams every day from the presence of God. We know that God thunders from the heavens with powerful truths that capture our hearts and overcome our doubts. But he also whispers to us life-giving words that will heal and penetrate into the deepest place of our inner being. I Hear His Whisper is a compilation of messages that have come into the heart during early morning hours of devotion with Jesus. Listen to God's voice and be drawn into greater intimacy with Jesus. Be moved by his whisper, stirred by his Spirit, and thrilled by these messages of love. Open your soul to the whispers of God so that you hear him whisper his message of love to you! "For your whispers in the night give me wisdom, Showing me what to do next." Psalm 16:7 TPT

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I Hear His Whisper

52 Devotions to Encounter God’s Heart for You

Copyright © 2015 Brian Simmons

Published by BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA


ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-4987-0 (hard cover)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5015-9 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

All Scripture is from The Passion Translation® (The Psalms: Poetry on Fire; Proverbs: Wisdom from Above; Song of Songs: Divine Romance; Luke and Acts: To the Lovers of God; John: Eternal Love; Letters from Heaven: By the Apostle Paul; Hebrews and James: Faith Works; and Job. Copyright © 2014. Used by permission of BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. All rights reserved. www.thepassiontranslation.com.

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For your whispers in the night give me wisdom, showing me what to do next.

Psalm 16:7 TPT



“Come and rest with Me.”

“I am enough.”

“Joy will get you through!”

“Move forward.”

“Live in My Spirit.”

“Hold on to Me!”

“Don’t strive.”

“Be fruitful!”

“My love will guide you.”

“I will free you when you give Me thanks!”

“It takes courage to follow Me!”

“Heaven’s gates are open to you!”

“I have made you rich.”

“I will blanket cities with My glory!”

“Wait on Me.”

“I will do the impossible for you.”

“I will finish the beautiful work I have begun in you!”

“Rest in Me, O carrier of My glory.”

“Give your heart to Me.”

“I will keep My promise.”

“I will restore you.”

“My overcomers will rise.”

“I close doors for you.”

“You will be My instrument.”

“I will speak to you.”

“Remain faithful to Me.”

“My life is victory in you.”

“I will heal you.”

“I desire your praises.”

“You are hidden in Christ.”

“I will work through you.”

“Holy fire will fall.”

“These are days of My cleansing grace.”

“I bring you courage.”

“My love for you is great!”

“I am building your life into a masterpiece of love.”

“Look through My eyes.”

“Rest at My side.”

“I am preparing you.”

“Your Bridegroom is coming.”

“I am the Finisher!”

“You are in Christ.”

“Set your heart on Me.”

“I know your future.”

“I am your faithful God.”

“I will take you deeper.”

“I give you peace.”

“Be free!”

“Learn of the way eternal.”

“My mercy never ends.”

“Faith and greater faith.”


I love to be alone with Jesus in the early morning hours. Many mornings before the sun is up I have spent time to hear and listen to the voice I have come to love. God whispers to those who seek Him. Yes, He will thunder with a mighty sound, but He will also whisper His words of love into our hearts.

This is the first compilation of the messages of love I have heard spoken into my heart. While God has spoken these words to me personally, each whisper will also have application for your life. For example, God welcomes each of us to know that “I am enough,” and respond to His invitation to “Give your heart to Me.”

God is not silent. He has a voice, and you can learn to hear it for yourself. I trust these “whispers” will spark in you the desire to hear God’s gentle voice for yourself.

These words are not meant to replace God’s eternal, inspired Word. The Bible speaks clearly and gives us truth unfiltered. I suggest you have your Bible close at hand as your read through these pages. Search the Scriptures to ensure what I present agrees with God’s Word. God loves His people and longs for them to know Him, to hear His voice, and to obey His Word.

If you enjoy these whispers and don’t want to wait for the next volume in this format, I regularly share other whispers at www.facebook.com/passiontranslation.

May the God of love bring you into His “cloud-filled chamber” as He whispers His eternal truths to you!

—Brian Simmons

Draw me into your heart and lead me out. We will run away together into your cloud-filled chamber.

Song of Songs 1:4 TPT

“Come and rest with Me.”

I care deeply for you, My child. There is nothing that you feel or experience that I don’t also experience as I carry you through life. My hand is upon you, and nothing will take you away from My love. Quietly wait on Me, and you will feel my nearness. You will hear Me whisper into your soul, and My peace will descend upon you.

My little one, there is a hiding place you can find in Me. The shadow you see over you is the shadow of My wings. It is not a shadow of confusion, but a shadow of My hiding place where I will place you next to My heart. For I have taken you from troubled waters and brought you up on high to rest in My presence. No matter how dark the night and how fierce the trial, My kiss of mercy will keep and protect you.

No one says in My presence, “I am afraid.” It is never heard in My glory, “I am poor.” For I have given you all things that will strengthen your life and prepare you for eternity. In My presence all cry, “Glory.” Come into the shelter of My shadow, where all My lovers are washed, robed, crowned, and seated with Me. I care deeply for you, and nothing can disturb you in the hiding place of My glory. Come and rest with Me.

PSALM 91:1–4

When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai,

You are hidden in the strength of God Most High.

Here’s how I describe him:

He’s the hope that holds me, and the Stronghold to shelter me,

The only God for me, and my great Confidence.

And he will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy,

And he will protect you from false accusation

And any deadly curse.

His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you.

You can run under his covering of majesty and hide.

His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.

Is your soul troubled today? Take a moment to envision yourself under the shield of His arms or in the shadow of His wings. How does His shelter feel over you?

“I am enough.”

I am enough for you. When you face difficulties and limitations, I will whisper into your heart, “I am enough.” I will not shield you from every hardship, but I am enough as you walk through them with your eyes set on Me. I am enough. I will be your wraparound shield in the midst of your difficulty.

When you are lonely and seek companionship, I am enough. When your heart is troubled over many things, you must bring your soul before Me, for I am enough. When the lies men have spoken bring disturbance into your mind, I will wash them away, for My Word is enough.

Your thoughts cannot contain the love I have for you. And you will never be able to comprehend with your mind the plans that I have for you. Yet I am enough, and all you need to know is that I am here for you.

My Spirit longs to satisfy every part of you: your mind, your soul, your desires, your longings. When darkness comes, I am enough to see you through the night. Many have found that, even in the deepest pain, I am still enough. Come and learn the secrets of satisfying grace.

I am about to bring you into a place where you have never been before. A place of contentment and peace that the world cannot impart. You will see how I have prepared you all your life for this day of destiny. The coming season will be extraordinary and filled with delight. Answers to your prayers that were prayed long ago will be soon in coming. What looked like delay after delay will make sense to you as the clouds part and the light of glory shines through.

You must know, My child, that I am enough. I am greater than your dreams, greater than your plans, and greater than your thoughts could ever be. Come and learn the secret that all My lovers learn: I am enough for you.

JOHN 14:5–7

Thomas said to him, “Master, we don’t know where you’re going, so how could we know the way there?” Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too. And from now on you will realize that you have seen him and experienced him.”

Reflect on the idea that He is enough. In what areas of your life do you especially need to hear Him whisper this today? List them out and allow His satisfying grace to cover them.

“Joy will get you through!”

The time of unhindered joy is here. I am exposing the treachery of the enemy. He has come more than once to your door to entice you away from the joy of the Lord. Accusations have come, bad news has been proclaimed, disappointment has tried to enter your family, but I say to you: My joy will get you through. No longer will you allow discouragement to win the day, for I am the God of joyous breakthrough! Have you not found gladness as you have served Me and prayed to Me? This is only a foretaste of the bliss I have reserved and stored up for you. The future will be nothing like your past, so leap for joy, shout for joy, and dance with joy!

Have no fear of anything, for nothing can take from you the presence of My Spirit. Joy is your portion, your inheritance, and the fruit of My Spirit. Taste the delicious fruit of joy, and sweetness will enter your inner being. The ecstasy of knowing Me must triumph in this hour.

Did I not say to My disciples in the midst of their storm, “Be of good cheer. It is I, be not afraid”? These are the same words I say to you today. Sing for joy. Do all that I have called you to do with sacred delight, for I bless you beyond measure, more than hundredfold. Let your joyous laughter be heard in your home, and watch what I will do to change your environment. Hold nothing back, for the enemy is threatened when you taste of My joy and enter into My gladness. Rejoice, and rejoice, and rejoice! Joy will get you through into the new place I’m calling you to. Today is the day made for you, so rejoice and be filled with gladness, for I am your God!

PSALM 100:4–5

Come right into his presence with thanksgiving.

Come bring your thank-offering to him

And affectionately bless his beautiful name!

For the Lord is always good

And ready to receive you.

He’s so loving that it will amaze you;

So kind that it will astound you!

And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all.

Everyone knows our God can be trusted,

For he keeps his promises to every generation!

List the ways God has kept His promises to you and your family. Then express your gratitude to Him extravagantly. Proclaim that “he is famous for his faithfulness toward all”!

“Move forward.”

The time has come for you to advance. You have remained in the place you are for long enough. You have crossed over a bridge and found the pleasant path that leads deeper into My heart. Move forward, My child.