Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism - Vladimir Lenin - Hörbuch

Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism Hörbuch

Vladimir Lenin



"Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism" by Vladimir Lenin is a foundational Marxist text that explores the economic and political dynamics of imperialism in the early 20th century. Originally published in 1917, this work was a response to the global geopolitical landscape of the time and sought to analyze the nature of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalist development. Lenin argues that imperialism represents a new and advanced form of capitalism characterized by the domination of finance capital, the export of capital to foreign territories, the formation of monopolies, and the intensification of international rivalries. He contends that imperialist powers engage in the exploitation of colonies and less developed nations for resources and markets, leading to economic and political subjugation. The text also addresses the impact of imperialism on class relations and the working class movement. Lenin contends that imperialism intensifies the contradictions of capitalism, creating conditions ripe for proletarian revolution. "Imperialism" remains a significant Marxist analysis that has influenced subsequent discussions on global economics, geopolitics, and anti-colonial struggles. While primarily an economic and political treatise, Lenin's work provides key insights into the intersection of economic power, politics, and class struggle during the imperialist era.

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Zeit:4 Std. 57 min

Sprecher:Mark Bowen
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