Jerusalem, the city of Herod and Saladin, by W. Besant and E.H. Palmer - Walter Besant - E-Book

Jerusalem, the city of Herod and Saladin, by W. Besant and E.H. Palmer E-Book

Walter Besant

4,49 €

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It is intended to give a history of the city of Jerusalem from about the year 30 to the present time. This period includes the siege and capture by Titus, the last revolts of the Jews, the Christian occupation of three hundred years, the Mohammedan conquest, the building by the Mohammedans of the Dome of the Rock, the Crusades, the Christian kingdom, the reconquest of the city, and a long period of Mohammedan occupation, during which no event has happened except the yearly flocking of pilgrims to the Church of the Sepulchre, and an occasional quarrel among the monks.

There are here, surely, sufficient materials for the historian if only he knows how to use them.

Introductory -- The siege of Jerusalem -- From Titus to Omar -- The Mohammedan conquest -- The Christian pilgrims -- The first Crusade -- King Godfrey -- King Baldwin I. -- King Baldwin II. -- King Fulke -- King Baldwin III. and the second Crusade -- King Amaury -- King Baldwin the leper -- King Guy de Lusignan -- Richard Coeur de Lion and the third Crusade -- Saladin -- The Mohammedan pilgrims -- The chronicle of six hundred years -- Modern Jerusalem -- On the position of the sacred sites.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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