Jigsaw on the Khyber - Malcolm Archibald - E-Book

Jigsaw on the Khyber E-Book

Malcolm Archibald

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Northwest Frontier of India, 1895. Andrew Baird, son of the famous General “Fighting Jack” Windrush is back in action again.

With the Great Game in full swing, Andrew has to accompany a British agent to the Frontier to counter suspected Russian moves against British India. The situation is complicated when the Chitralis besiege the small British garrison.

Marching with Colonel Kelly’s small relief force, Andrew finds evidence of Russian activity, but General Windrush suspects things are not all they seem. From Chitral, Andrew ventures to the Khyber Pass and to the Tirah, heartland of the Zakha Khel, the most warlike Afridi tribe.

The action rages from the frozen passes and ragged mountains of the Khyber to the tea shops of Simla, as Andrew and Jack try to piece together the pieces of a complicated jigsaw.

Set in late 19th century India, JIGSAW ON THE KHYBER is the fourth book in Malcolm Archibald's series of historical war novels.

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