Mother Holle - Story Time, Episode 18 (Unabridged) - Brothers Grimm - Hörbuch

Mother Holle - Story Time, Episode 18 (Unabridged) Hörbuch

Brothers Grimm

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A rich widow lived with her daughter and her stepdaughter. The widow favored her younger biological daughter, allowing her to become spoiled and idle while her older stepdaughter was left to do all the work. Every day the stepdaughter would sit outside the cottage and spin beside the well. One day, she pricked her finger on the point of the spindle. As she leaned over the well to wash the blood away, the spindle fell from her hand and sank out of sight. The stepdaughter feared that she would be punished for losing the spindle, and in panic she leapt into the well after it.

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Zeit:0 Std. 7 min

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