My Secret Life, Vol. 4 Chapter 11 - Dominic Crawford Collins - Hörbuch

My Secret Life, Vol. 4 Chapter 11 Hörbuch

Dominic Crawford Collins

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My Secret Life, the anonymously written erotic memoirs of a Victorian English gentleman who refers to himself simply as 'Walter' is one of the most idiosyncratic and sexually obsessed books ever written. In this vast autobiographical confessional the author recounts, in meticulous detail, his sexual exploits throughout the course of a life devoted entirely to the pursuit of carnal pleasure. Through this compelling exploration of the author's sexual behaviour we are left with a uniquely entertaining insight into life behind the closed doors of Victorian society. My Secret Life is evocative, provocative, sorrowful, suspenseful, obscene, exciting and highly it we are privy to the thoughts, emotions and memories of one of the most unusual, unsung and colourful English eccentrics of the Victorian era. Now, for the first time, the complete unabridged version of this unique text is being narrated and scored by film composer Dominic Crawford Collins as an 'audiofilm' (an audio book in which the emotional landscape is explored through the music score). Each chapter of My Secret Life will be released at monthly intervals over the next ten or so years culminating in what is likely to become the longest audio book ever to be produced. Vol. 4 Chapter XI In bed with Sally. • The children. • Sally's devices. • Fears of alarm. • An hour's siege. • The citadel taken. • Thirty hours of delight. • Fucking under difficulties. • My devices. • A cunt inspection in the looking-glass. • Sally's account of herself. • The bathing lady again. • Checked and threatened. • I give up the chase.

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Zeit:0 Std. 26 min

Sprecher:Dominic Crawford Collins
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