My Secret Life, Vol. 5 Chapter 14 - Dominic Crawford Collins - Hörbuch

My Secret Life, Vol. 5 Chapter 14 Hörbuch

Dominic Crawford Collins

7,50 €

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My Secret Life is the longest erotic autobiography ever written. Penned anonymously during the 1800s by a wealthy English gentleman called Walter, it offers an eye and thigh opening account of life behind closed doors in the Victorian era. Banned from publication for its extreme and explicit content for nearly a century, My Secret Life has now come to life in the 21st century as an immersive audio book, narrated and scored by film composer Dominic Crawford Collins. Vol. 5 Chapter XIV Thoughts about myself, my skin and prick • At a Swiss village. • The hotel full. • A thin partition. • An amorous couple. • Ach mein Liebchen. • The chambermaid listens. • Consequences to her. • Against the window ledge. • The maid's occupation. • The loft. • A splintered foot. • A peep-hole made. • Young ladies bathing. • Three times a day. • Departure.

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Zeit:0 Std. 35 min

Sprecher:Dominic Crawford Collins
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