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Reflecting their owner’s taste and serving as an impressive exhibition space for visitors, cabinets of curiosities were a place of interest in the houses of the wealthy in the 16th an 17th centuries. Displaying rare vegetable and animal species and fossils, these cabinets were always dedicated to science and knowledge. By collecting uncommon and beautiful objects in nature, rich noblemen were able to build a microcosm expressing the diversity of God’s creation.
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Seitenzahl: 87
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023
Alfred Russel Wallace
© 2023, Confidential Concepts, Worldwide, USA
© 2023, Parkstone Press USA, New York
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ISBN: 978-1-78160-980-4
Alfred Russel Wallace On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species (S20: 1855)
On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type (S43: 1858)
1“Hydra” 2Draco sp.; 1Fantasy animal 2Flying dragon
1Anura2Ogcocephalus vespertilio3-6Histrio histrio7Partem Mollusca?;1Toad 2Longsnout batfish 3-6Sargassumfishes 7Marine snails (partly)
1Boa constrictor?2Boinae;1Common boa 2Boine snake
1Boinae2Serpentes3Ipomoea;1Boine snake 2Snake from Mexico (according to Seba) 3Morning-glory
1Boinae2-3Serpentes4Myoxis glis5“Nux Avelana, Indica” (Seba) 6Lauraceae;1Boine snake 2-3Snakes from America (according to Seba) 4Fat dormouse 5“Nut from India” (Seba) 6Laurel family
1Bufo marinus2Lacertidae;1Giant toad 2Lizard
1Corallus caninus;1Emerald Tree Boa
1Dendronephythya2Antipathes; 1Carnation coral 2Black coral
1Gorgonocephalus caryi2-3Clypeasteroida4-9, IIEchinacea10Diadematoida;1Gorgon’s head 2-3Sand dollars 4-9, II Sea urchins 10Hatpin urchin
1Hymenaster pellucidus3Asterina gibbosa5Crossaster papposus6-7Astropecten araniacus8-10Astropecten typicus;1Starfish 3Common cushion star 5Common sun star 6-7Red comb stars 8-10Sand stars
1Isodictya quatsinoensis2Axinella3Oceanapia4Halichondria panicea6Flustra foliacea;1Finger sponge 2Staghorn sponge 3Sponge oceanopia 4Breadcrumb sponge 6Hornwrack
1Lithodidae2-3Parthenopidae4-6Brachyura;1Lithodid crab 2-3Elbow crabs 4-6Carapaces of crabs
1Natrix natrix2Myrmecophaga tridactyla3Baccharis halinifolia * Cerambycidae;1Grass snake 2Giant anteater (young) 3Tree groundsel * Long horned beetle
1Noctilio sp.2Carollia perspicillata3Chiroptera4Icterus granduacauda5Serpentes;1Bulldog bat 2Seba’s short-tailed bat 3Bats 4Black-headed oriole (Audubon’s Oriole) 5Snake from America (according to Seba)
1Phoenicopterus ruber2-3Columbidae4Alcedinidae; 1Greater flamingo 2-3Pigeons & doves 4Kingfisher
1Pinna nobilis2Atrina vexillum3Atrina rigida4-5Malleus malleus6-8Isognomon isognomon; Noble pen shells and other pen shells, hammer oysters and tree oysters from the Mediterranean Sea, Indo-Pacific and West Atlantic
1Porella compressa2Securiflustra securifrons3Halichondria panicea4Rosella fibulata5Turbinaria mesenterina7Porifera; 1Moss animal 2Narrow-leaved hornwrack 3Breadcrumb sponge 4Pipe sponge/Chimney sponge 5Lettuce coral 7Sponge
1Python regius2Python reticulatus3Eudocimus ruber4Trichixos pyrrhopyga;1Royal python 2Reticulated python (pale specimen) 3Scarlet ibis 4Rufous-tailed shama
1Python regius;1Royal python
1Pythonidae2Tamandua tetradactyla3Cyclopes didactylus4Chrysolampis mosquitus5Erica sp.; 1Python 2Lesser anteater 3Silky anteater 4Ruby-topaz hummingbird 5Heath
1Saimiri sciureus2Bradypus tridactylus3Camphora4Choloepus didactylus5Vipera berus6Serpentes;1Squirrel monkey 2Three-toed tree sloth 3Camphor tree 4Two-toed tree sloth 5Common viper 6Snake from Ceylon (according to Seba)
1Scyllaridae2-3, 6Stomatopoda4-5Gecarcinidae7-8, 10-11Calappidae9Portunidae12Parthenopidae13Majidae; 1Scyllarid 2-3, 6Stomatopods 4-5Land crabs 7-8, 10-11Box crabs 9Swimming crab 12Elbow crab 13Spider crab
1Serpentes2Corallus caninus3Cotinga cayana4Icterus chrysater5Pipra pipra6Aves;1Snake from Asia (according to Seba) 2Emerald tree boa 3Spangled cotinga 4Yellow-backed oriole 5White-crowned manakin 6Skeleton of a bird
1Serpentes2Varanus sp.3Draco sp.4-5Serpentes6Ericaceae;1Snake from Asia (according to Seba) 2Monitor 3Flying Dragon 4-5Snakes from Peru (according to Seba) 6Heath family
1Squamata2Squamata;1Crocodile 2Lizard
1Stegostoma fasciatum 2Stephanolepis hispidus 3Astyanax bimaculatus 4Solenostomus cyanopterus 5Centriscus scutatus 6Electrophorus electricus 7Anableps anableps; 1Zebra shark 2Planehead filefish 3Twospot astyanax 4Ghost pipefish 5Grooved razorfish 6Electric eel 7Largescale foureye
1Testudo hermanni 2Geochelone carbonaria 3Geochelone elegans 4Chelonia 5Chrysemys picta 6Homopus areolatus 7Clemmys guttata 8Homopus sp. 9Eretmochelys imbricata; 1Greek tortoise 2Red-footed tortoise 3Star tortoise 4Tortoise 5Painted turtle 6Beaked cape tortoise 7Spotted turtle 8Cope turtle 9Hawksbill turtle
1, 2, 5-6Phasmatodea3-4, 7-8Mantodea9-17Coleoptera18-20Heteroptera; 1, 2, 5-6Walking sticks 3-4, 7-8Praying mantids 9-17Beetles 18-20Bugs
1, 3-4Serpentes2Aves5-6Squamata;1, 3-4Snakes from various regions 2Bird from Ambon (according to Seba) 5-6Lizards
1, 3-4Serpentes2Psidium guajava6SquamataCMygalomorphae;1, 3-4Snakes from America (according to Seba) 2Guava 6Lizard C Mygalomorph spider
1, 3-4Serpentes2Squamata;1, 3-4Snakes from Ambon (according to Seba) (1), Africa (3), and America (4)
1, 4Anura2Lacertidae3Serpentes5Plantae6Capparaceae; 1, 4Toad 2Lizard 3Snake from Virginia (according to Seba) 6Caper family
1, 5Serpentes2Muridae3Soricidae4Vipera berus6-7Squamata; 1Snake from Ceylon (according to Seba) 2Rat 3Shrew 4Adder/Common viper 5Snake from Surinam (according to Seba) 6-7Lizards
1, 7Aplysina fistularis2, 4Rhipidogorgia flabellum3Isodictya8Phakellia ventilabrum9Axinella cannabina; 1, 7Yellow tube sponges 2, 4Venus sea fans 3Finger sponge 8Chalice sponge 9Staghorn sponge
1-12Lepidoptera13Iphiclides podalirius16Catocala19Hamadryas feronia; Butterflies and moths from Eurasia and America
1-12, 15-16Orthoptera1-2Acrida turrita13-14Mantodea;1-12, 15-16Grasshoppers and katydids 1-2Mediterranean grasshoppers 13-14Praying mantids
1-2Birgus latro3Nephrops norvegicus4, 9-10Palaemonidae5Palinuridae8Crangon crangon11Amphipoda;1-2Coconut/Robber crab 3Norway lobster 4, 9-10Palaemonid shrimps 5Spiny lobster 8Common shrimp 11Amphipod
1-2Colotis sp.3-4Belenois calypso7-8Coliadinae11-16Archaeoprepona demophon19-20Parides sesostris21-22Hebomoia leucippe; Butterflies from Africa, Central and South America and the Moluccas
1-2Diodon hystrix3Chilomycterus reticulatus4Diodontidae5Lagocephalus lagocephalus6Colomesus psittacus7-8Tetraodontidae; Partly poisonous puffer fish from tropical waters, which inflate themselves when threatened
1-2Erinaceus europaeus3-5Erinaceus sp.; 1-2Hedgehogs 3-5Hedgehogs
1-2Gorgonocephalus caput medusae3-4Comanthina5-6Ophiothrix7Ophioderma longicauda;1-2Gorgon’s heads 3-4Feather stars 5-6Common brittle stars 7Brown brittlestar
1-2Heterocentrotus mamillatus3, 12-13Heterocentrotus4Heterocentrotus trigonarius5Diadema setosum6, 8-9Diadema7Echinothrix diadema10-11Eucidaris; 1-2, 3-4, 12-13Slate pencil sea urchins 5Long spined sea urchin 6, 8-9Hatpin urchins 7Black sea urchin 10-11Mine urchins
1-2Iguana iguana3-4Agamidae5Serpentes;1-2Green iguanas 3-4Agamas
1-2Loligo?3-5Teuthida7-8Annelida (Aphrodite);1-2Squids 3-5Arrow squids/Flying squids 7-8Sea mice
1-2Morpho menelaus3-4Caligo teucer5-6Adelpha cytherea11-12Josia sp.;Butterflies from tropical Central and South America
1-2Muraenidae3Gymnotus carapo4-5Echidna catenata6-11Cnidaria: Anthozoa;1-2Moray eels 3Banded knifefish 4-5Chainlink moray eels 6-11Corals
1-2Phasma Gigas3-4Fulgora laternaria5-8Auchenorrhyncha;1-2Walking stick 3-4Greater lanternfly 5-8Cicadas
1-2Pompilidae3Diptera4Hymenoptera5-7Formicidae8Mutillidae9-14Chelicerata9-11Araneae13Amblypygi14Solifugae;1-2Spider wasps 3Fly 4Hymenopterans 5-7Ants 8Velvet-ant 9-14Chelicerates 9-11Web spiders 13Tailless whipscorpion 14Wind scorpion
1-2Serpentes3Orchis sp.4Orchidaceae5Oxalis sp.6Lauraceae;1Snake from India (according to Seba) 2Snake from Ceylon (according to Seba) 3Orchids 4Orchid family 5Wood sorrel 6Laurel family
1-2Tipulidae3-4, 9-11Odonata5, 7-8Trichoptera6Apocrita12Dytiscidae13Ephemeroptera14-24Orthoptera; Various insects and insect larvae, chiefly grasshoppers
1-2Trichys fasciculata3Terpsiphone paradisi4Crotalus;1-2Long-tailed porcupine 3Asian paradise-flycatcher (dark version) 4Red diamond rattlesnake
1-2Varanus sp.3-4Paleosuchus sp.;1-2Monitors from South East Asia 3-4Dwarf caimans
1-2, 4Serpentes3Vipera ammodytes?; 1-2, 4Snakes from Ceylon (according to Seba) 3Nose-horned viper
1-2, 9-12Orthoptera3-8Hemiptera11-12Tropidacris cristata;1-2, 9-12Grasshoppers 3-8Hemipterans 11-12Grasshoppers
1-3Attacus atlas4-6Rothschildia hesperus8-9Xyleutes strix10-11Draconia peripheta18-19Entheus priassus; Very large tropical moths from South-East Asia and tropical America
1-3Naja naja4Serpentes;1-3Common cobra 4Snake from Nova Hispania (according to Seba)
1-3Natrix natrix4-5Squamata: Scincidae6-7Ericaceae;1-3Grass snakes 4-5Skink 6-7Heath family
1-3Nautiloidea4-12Argonauta4Argonauta nodosa5-6Argonauta argo7Argonauta sp.9-12Argonauta hians;1-3Chambered nautilus/Pearly nautilus (etched) 4-12Paper nautilus
1-3Serpentes4-5Sauria; 1-3Various snakes 4-5Lizards
1-3Serpentes;1-2Snakes from Surinam (according to Seba) 3Snake from Brazil (according to Seba)
1-3Serpentes;1-3Various snakes