Other views 2024 August - Eduard Wagner - E-Book

Other views 2024 August E-Book

Wagner Eduard

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Every day, events happen that can be seen from a different perspective. Here I try to document such views. Whether you can agree with them or not is up to you. It may be that you can't exactly agree with them, but there may be problems that could be solved more easily than just with armed force. Our planet would benefit from a different perspective on so many events. That's why I've decided to look at some events in society, politics and climate from a different perspective.

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Far be it from me to attack anyone here or to judge anyone. Rather, it is my view of things, as I interpret it below. It may well be that one or the other thinks that this is a radical view of things. But sometimes it seems to me that you bury your head in the sand. Not reacting will solve itself. I believe that this thread runs through the entire writing. As I said, this is not paternalism of anyone, but my opinion on various things at home and abroad.








August 2024

Profits from Ukraine war?

A power-obsessed president attacks his neighboring country under dubious conditions. As a gain or thank you for this, he is to receive parts of this country. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants to leave this question to the people, which is also in line with basic democratic rules. But how are you supposed to see that? A president named Putin commands an attack with the request that the neighboring state must be liberated from "Nazis" and then this person is rewarded for his actions. The fact that tens of thousands of civilians as well as soldiers on both sides were sacrificed by such warlike actions apparently does not matter to this ruler. Now they want to ask the people whether they want to join Russia or stay in Ukraine. However, if one observes votes or elections both in Russia and in the occupied territories, one must conclude that this vote may or may not be correct. Since such surveys are to take place, it can be doubted whether they are objective even under the conditions. Only the demand for such an election or vote is demanded by the aggressor as a basis for any peace negotiations. Is this the way to do politics today? First I attack a state and then I let the people decide which country they belong to. If this president also achieves success with his strategy, the question arises as to what is still to come. Perhaps another attack on another country?







Man vs. Woman

That men are superior to women in some things is probably a fact. At the Olympics in Paris, there was an unequal boxing match between Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-Ting in the women's competition. Although the Imane Khelif is male by birth and now calls himself a woman, this boxing match also took place. When the Italian Lin Yu-Ting ended the fight after 46 seconds, you can understand that. How far do you kneel down in society when it comes to gendering? It has always been the case, and this has been the case for thousands of years, that there may be equal partners when you face such struggles. In other words, man against man and woman against woman. It is incomprehensible why society is now polarized with such actions. You can only agree with the Italian athlete if she breaks off the fight. You don't have to interpret gendering everywhere and thus annoy and divide people. There are much more important issues that await a solution.