Planet Shaped Horse - Luke Kennard - E-Book

Planet Shaped Horse E-Book

Luke Kennard



Luke Kennard's Planet Shaped Horse is an unhinged blackcomedy poemplay from one of contemporary poetry's most unique voices. When the (anti)hero of the piece is enduring a somewhat 'enforced' stay at Fouracres Halfway House, entanglements ensue. Both terrible and beautiful things happen. Hermits and doctors are not what they seem and neither Miranda nor Simon seem capable of reining in or reforming their unreliable narrator...

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Planet-Shaped Horse

Luke Kennard

Planet-Shaped Horse

Luke Kennard

ISBN: 978-0-9565514-5-0 eISBN: 978-0-9573847-7-4

Copyright © Luke Kennard 2011/2013 Illustrations © Luke Kennard 2011/2013

Luke Kennard has asserted his right under Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

First published January 2011 by:

Nine Arches Press PO Box 6269 Rugby Warwickshire CV21 9NL UNITED KINGDOM

The monks praised a brother to Antony. Antony went to him and tested him to see if he could endure being insulted. When he saw that he could not bear it, he said to him, ‘You are like a house with a highly decorated outside, but burglars have stolen all the furniture by the back door.’

– The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, 254 AD




[Not relevant.]

Case Notes:

Client 1764 now voluntary in-patient in locked Ward 3. Trialled on _______. No noticeable improvement. Trialled on _______. Reports some improvement. Trialled on _______. Questions very nature of improvement, objective reality. Trialled on _______. Reports “curious god-like feeling”. Trialled on _______ and _______. Reports nothing. Trialled on _______. Client displays basic conversation and little excitement. Publishes first collection of short stories with Charlie Horse Books. Contact editor of Charlie Horse Books. Explain this very dangerous re: state of client’s mind, feeds into delusions, etc. Editor becomes demonstrative: client is “unique and extraordinary talent”; client is “visionary, actually”; we are “fucking thought police.” Explain editor we are not thought police. Client danger to self, others. Client already sees self as ‘author’. Having book out only exacerbates aberration. And for what? Does book even sell? Editor hangs up. Client trialled on _______. Able to concentrate kitchen exercise. Able to concentrate washing and dressing exercise. Able to concentrate jigsaw puzzle of Magritte’s Le fils de l’homme. Client recommended for remedial care at Fouracres Halfway House.

Oh, You Don't Agree?

I don’t want to sound like a prophet,

but last night I found over twenty things in Revelation

that could be metaphors for the internet.

I’m going to pretend I overheard that in Pret A Manger;

a pretty young mother said it to her baby son.

She ate a beef and watercress sandwich.

She said many beautiful and terrible things.

The smile of the ducks on his pram was beautiful

and terrible. All children are psychic.

I’m drinking this new red coffee, but then I swallow,

hard. There is no red coffee. It doesn’t exist.

Her long black coat is a tundra in profile. She turns

on me like a security camera. She offers her hand.

‘I’m Miranda,’ she says. ‘This is Simon.’

‘You’re going to be hearing a lot about yourself on the radio.

We’re here to make sure it’s all great!’

House like a dozen bookshelves fished out of a canal.

House like a stranger’s Christmas. The baby says,

‘It’s always sad in the alcoholic wing