Saints Row The Third - The Cheat Mistress - E-Book

Saints Row The Third E-Book

The Cheat Mistress

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Saints Row: The Third, the latest installment in the Saints Row series, allows you to step into some crazy and insane action in this open world game. Entering the game as the leader of the Third Street Saints, you can explore the city of Steel port, participating in missions to progress the story or taking a hand at side activities to earn respect and the all-important money.
Delve in to the bloodshed and absolute mad perversion, and uncover a messed up but hugely entertaining world beyond anything you could imagine. Saints Row: The Third doesn’t have a dull moment, and you can play alone or with a friend in cooperative mode.
This guide is here to help you to complete the story mode from start to finish, and after the walkthrough, you’ll see advice on how to unlock content and achievements/trophies.
So lets start the madness"

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Saints Row: The Third

Cheats Unlimited

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Copyright © 2011 ICE Games Ltd

eBook conversion by M-Y Books

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row: The Third, the latest installment in the Saints Row series, allows you to step into some crazy and insane action in this open-world game. Entering the game as the leader of the Third Street Saints, you can explore the city of Steelport, participating in missions to progress the story or taking a hand at side activities to earn respect and the all-important money. 

Delve in to the bloodshed and absolute mad perversion, and uncover a messed up but hugely entertaining world beyond anything you could imagine. Saints Row: The Third doesn’t have a dull moment, and you can play alone or with a friend in co-operative mode.

This guide is here to help you to complete the story mode from start to finish, and after the walkthrough, you’ll see advice on how to unlock content and achievements/trophies.

So lets start the madness.

Act 1 Missions

When Good Heists Go Bad

Getting to the Vault

You begin the game in the middle of a firefight. You don’t yet know who you actually are, but you are with Johnny Gat and have unlimited ammunition, so this is a chance to have a practice and get used to the controls in this game.

If you find your health getting low, just stay out of the way and allow it to build up again, then continue.

Head to the vault and when you get there, you’ll find that you need to get it open somehow.

Making a Boom

You will be shot at again at this point, but you’ll be covered so don’t worry about it at all.

Keep going and head up the stairs. Go to the girl that you see and follow the on screen prompt.

Then you need to keep heading to the waypoint. When you can, press a button to interact and set the explosives. Boom.

SWAT-Killing 101

When Josh leaves, you’ll find loads of police appear. You need to shoot everyone. When the police throw flashbangs, if you have your camera pointed at them, it will affect you, but it’s not too big a deal and you get over the effects pretty quickly.

When you run in to the SWAT lot, you might find it easier to go for headshots, just to take them out quicker. Keep moving, your team have your back.

Your character originally said there would be two waves of police, but it seems you were wrong. You will be confronted with a third set, a chopper. Equip your machine gun, take cover and aim for the cockpit. Take it out!

Vault Riding

Johnny and Shaundi will cover you now and you need to take out the SWAT team. Again, it’s best to go for headshots. Once you have cleared the first set, a chopper will arrive again, so take that out and then clear anyone left.

When you’ve done this, you’ll be confronted with more choppers. It’s all fun and games. So, you will begin to see that your health bar and such disappear. This isn’t a bad thing. It just means you need to keep attacking and then you won’t die. Take out the choppers first, but don’t hesitate to shoot a policeman here and there. Clear it completely.

When it looks like your health is almost completely dwindled, don’t worry too much. Keep going and the mission will be completed.

Eventually, you'll get an alert beep along with the top and bottom of the screen pulsing red. This indicates that your health is critical, but in this case, it's part of the set piece. Keep firing, and eventually you'll resolve the mission.

I’m Free- Free Falling

Character Creation

Time to personalise your character! Note that once in the game, you can go to the plastic surgery shop to change your appearance and gender etc, but for now, you need to choose something you like.

If you then create a THQ profile in the game and upload your character, you can get a trophy/achievement. You can download others character creations too.

Escaping the Plane

You are lacking in the weapons department, so you’ve got to use your fists. Follow the onscreen prompts, having a go at different combos when you can.

When you get to the cargo area, you’ll be confronted. You need to take out the first guy to get his gun. Head down the stairs and at the first guy you reach, grab him using either Y or Triangle. This will make him your shield. Take out the guys here. Headshots are always good.

Dropping Like a Stone

You’ve got to catch Shaundi, as she has no parachute. To do this, you’ve got to line up the crosshair with her and once close enough; the game will do the rest.

Nothing is simple and now it’s time for some shooting in midair. Bring it on.

You will be told how to manoeuvre, so pay attention and act accordingly. Make sure you aim to make things easier.

You’ll soon have to be watchful of debris and move around it. Keep moving and when you have to shoot the windshield of the plane, its best not to miss! Watch the cut scene.

Theres more enemies now, both above and below. When you decide on who to go for first, take the entire group out, then focus on the other set.

Complete the next quick-time event and then head over to Shaundi and take her to finish the mission.

We’re Going To Need Guns

Getting Strapped

Follow the waypoint so you can steal a car. There will be a tutorial of sorts to explain the map etc.

You’ll be given some money when you reach the Friendly Fire. It’s not very much, but you can upgrade your weapon with it. When you’ve done this, head to your next location.

Arming Up At The Armoury

As soon as you arrive, prepare to be shot at. Take them out, they aren’t too difficult. Headshots are good for the MPs.

The waypoint is inside the warehouse, so head in and get ready for the National Guard to take you on. Get behind cover and take them out.

There will be a load of guys with shields behind the first lot of enemies and if you take them out, you can then use the shields.

Once you’ve killed quite a lot of them, Pierce and backup will arrive.