Self-Healing by Thought Force - William Walker - E-Book

Self-Healing by Thought Force E-Book

William Walker

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From the first chapter: 'In taking up the question of Self-Healing I should say first, that to me all the various methods of healing by the power of the mind are but different forms of applying the same force. I think that the several practitioners of Suggestive Therapeutics, Mental Science, Christian Science, Faith Cure and all the rest, are using the same great force, the only difference being in the method of application.'

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Table of Contents

Lesson One. The Healing Force

Lesson Two. How to Build Up the Organs of Nutrition

Lesson Three. Constipation—Cause and Effect

Lesson Four. The Special Physical Weaknesses of Women

Lesson Five. Nervousness—the American Disease

Lesson Six. Methods of Self-Healing

Epilogue. A Resume of Principles






Lesson One. The Healing Force


In taking up the question of Self-Healing I should say first, that to me all the various methods of healing by the power of the mind are but different forms of applying the same force. I think that the several practitioners of Suggestive Therapeutics, Mental Science, Christian Science, Faith Cure and all the rest, are using the same great force, the only difference being in the method of application. Of course, this statement will be at once vigorously disputed by the earnest advocates of this method and that, each of whom will claim his particular way is the only real way, and that all the others are base imitations. Nonsense! Nobody has a monopoly of Truth, or a corner on knowing. "Treatments” of every conceivable nature have been given, by all people, in all ages—and all effected cures. It seems to me that I am justified in assuming that all these different methods of cure, including the latter-day methods, have been simply the use of one great force of Nature, and that that great force was latent within the individual treated, and was called into play by the suggestive influence of the various methods and ceremonies employed. Now, do not misunderstand me about this matter of outside influence. I believe that many healers have certain mental qualities, developed by practice, which enable them

Self-Healing by Thought Force to call into play the healing power within the organism of the patient, but I also believe that most of the real work is done through the brain, or brains, and great nerve-centers of the patient. The healer arouses the recuperative qualities latent within the organism of the patient. This does not conflict with the idea of absent treatment, mental treatment, magnetic treatment, or any other kind of treatment, but merely assumes that instead of the power of the healer working directly upon the diseased part or organ, it reaches the affected part or organ by way of the patient's brain (or brains) and intelligent nerve centers.

Every man or woman has within him, dormant in many cases, a certain recuperative power capable of restoring lost functions and strength to diseased organs. This power may be aroused by the mental power of the healer, the efforts of the patient himself, faith, ceremonies, "treatments,” remedies. In many cases this recuperative power is prevented from operating by the influence of Fear in the mind of the patient, and the "treatment” frequently is merely the relieving the patient of his Fearthought and replacing it with Hope and Faith—practically a taking off of the brakes which the patient has placed on Nature's healing processes.

Now the way that Nature accomplished this work is by sending increased nerve-currents to the affected parts, thus stimulating the circulation and restoring lost functioning powers. Of course, you are not conscious of this change going on, as the work is done by the involuntary mental processes working largely through great nerve-centers and the systematic nervous system. You know, of course, that the "blood is the life”—that Nature builds up bodies by means of the blood, which, flowing through the arteries, carries liquid flesh and nourishment to every organ and every part of the body, building, repairing, replenishing, restoring, replacing, nourishing, and which, on its return journey to the heart, carries with it the broken-down tissue, waste products of the system, and much other waste, scraps, discarded material and garbage. No part of the body— no organ—can be healthy and do its work properly, unless it be properly nourished, and the only way it can be nourished is by the blood. Consequently if the blood supply is deficient, or the circulation affected, there is imperfect nourishment and a lack of health—Disease. Now, how does Nature work in order to keep the circulation normal? By means of the nerve-currents sent out from the great Dynamo—the Brain. And now, note how the law of reciprocity comes in. While the circulation is influenced and directed by the nerve-current, the nerves carrying this current, and the brain which generates and sends out this current, are both dependent upon this blood supply for their own nourishment. Note the interdependence of the parts and Nature's law of reciprocity and compensation. You will see how a man having one thing must have another, and how being deficient in one he will lack the other. It is another example of "To him who hath shall be given; to him who hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” But a man never loses the ability to generate and use his mental reserve force. It may lie dormant and unused, because he knows not how to apply it; it may be kept from working because of the brake he puts upon it; but it is there, ready to be used, all the time.

Now don't forget that this mental brake that man puts on this recuperative force, is largely the result of improper thinking. Fearthought, Hate, Jealousy, are all brakes. Yes, I mean this literally. You all know how the action of the heart is increased or decreased by certain emotions; how the cheek flushes from one emotion and pales with another, thus showing that the circulation is affected by mental states; how the digestion is impaired by unpleasant and sorrowful thoughts; and so on, each showing how the state of the mind will manifest on the physical plane. I believe that all disease is caused by improper living or improper thinking, with the exception of that resulting from accidents, and even that may be made better or worse according to the state of the mind. (Of course, I know that

Self-Healing by Thought Force some authorities claim that there are no "accidents,” and all is cause and effect, in which the mental state plays an important part, but I cannot take up that matter here, and will assume that an accident is an "accident,” for the time being.)