Sexual Desires of Indian Women - Sophia John - Hörbuch

Sexual Desires of Indian Women Hörbuch

Sophia John

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For centuries women have been suppressed, conditioned, and brow beaten into a secondary role, reviled for being sexual and for refusing unwanted advances. We need to realise that while men and women have different anatomy and erogenous zones, WOMEN are still people with different personalities, quirks, likes and dislikes. They aren't genetically disposed to be less sexual than men. In fact some of them have appetites that are probably more voracious than men! So sit back and enjoy this ride, where several women from all over India recount their sexual adventures to tell us what they like and what they don't. The information is astounding!

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:1 Std. 24 min

Sprecher:Ratna Saksena
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