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A reality that seemed not to belong to us so closely has managed to enter our beautiful country. One wonders why the monster is 2 steps away from us. We just have to cross our fingers for our precious life. " These are the thoughts that crowded my mind and that I externalized in those days when you are
news about the first cases of Coronavirus in Italy were widespread. In
this work wants to describe the current society in its 1000s
nuances in the days of Social and Coronavirus. A journey into the world of young people today and yesterday between dreams, hopes, Social and
Rap ♪ Rock-Generation in the time of Covid19. There are special characters who accompany us in these thoughts of love and hope such as Renato Zero, Paola Turci, Jovanotti, Fiorella Mannoia, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and many others ....
Das E-Book können Sie in Legimi-Apps oder einer beliebigen App lesen, die das folgende Format unterstützen:
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020
FIRST CHAPTER As we were before Covid19
SECOND CHAPTER The Social in the days of Covid19
2020 stories that changed the world.
Titolo | Appunti di un Fotografo Amatoriale
Autore | Davide Osmani
Revisione Testo | Davide Osmani
Copertina a cura dell'autore.
ISBN |978-88-31675-69-7
Prima edizione digitale: 2020
© Tutti i diritti riservati all'Autore.
Questa opera è pubblicata direttamente dall'autore tramite la piattaforma di selfpublishing Youcanprint e l'autore detiene ogni diritto della stessa in maniera esclusiva. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere pertanto riprodotta senza il preventivo assenso dell'autore.
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Via Marco Biagi 6, 73100 Lecce
Qualsiasi distribuzione o fruizione non autorizzata costituisce violazione dei diritti dell’autore e sarà sanzionata civilmente e penalmente secondo quanto previsto dalla legge 633/1941.
The notes and pages on today's society among anecdotes,
1000 thoughts, notes andpassions, at the time of Social and COVID19, with the most varied colors, the most inviting shapes and contents, open, leaf through, read, scrutinize, love each other and then close with hope and the desire to reread them again with the same passion that had arisen initially.
Francesco Primerano
In addition to being upset, we are all involved. The case is solved... "
“A reality that seemed not to belong to us so closely has managed to enter our beautiful country. One wonders why the monster is 2 steps away from us. We just have to cross our fingers for our precious life.” These are the thoughts that crowded my mind and that I expressed in those days when news about the first cases of Coronavirus in Italy had spread. We are talking about February 20-21, 2020, when none of us expected the bad and invisible virus to reach us. An enemy that we feared from the beginning and that forced us to change the various habits of our existence.
"Azzurro", "But the sky is always bluer", "Volare", "Meraviglioso", "La canzone del sole" are some of the many songs_symbol that we Italians have tried to hum from the windows and balconies of our houses in order to demonstrate that our dear country does not give up in the face of this invisible enemy. “Sooner or later Italy will recover, even if with many injuries and victims. It takes a little patience, but we'll do it. Strength and courage. A huge applause wants to go to all those who are working as doctors, nurses and health workers. #azzurro ".. These are other thoughts that spread among the various social-web posts, with the hope that this" pandemic war "could end any minute and in the best way ......