Spring Activities - Beate Baylie - E-Book

Spring Activities E-Book

Beate Baylie



Arbeitsblätter, Lieder, Reime, Spiele, Kopiervorlagen und Bastelvorschläge  – einfach kopieren und sofort im Unterricht einsetzen  – perfekt für die Grundschule  Mehr Spaß und Abwechslung mit den passenden Activities zum Thema Frühjahr und Ostern. Frühling und Ostern bieten schöne Möglichkeiten für den Einsatz neuer Lieder, Reime, Geschichten, tollen Spielen und Bastelvorschlägen und -ideen. So machen Sie aus dem Frühling und Ostern auch im Unterricht eine schöne Zeit und ein gelungenes Fest. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie jede Menge Informationen rund ums Osterfest in der ganzen englischsprachigen Welt.  Passend für alle Klassen der Grundschule 1-4!

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Seitenzahl: 52

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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ISBN 978-3-947159-03-1 (ebook)

Text & Ideen: Susann Renz & Karin SchweizerIllustration: Marion Schneider

Handbuch „Spring Activities“



Spring Songs

Spring Rhymes

Spring Story

Spring Games

Spring Crafts

Spring Worksheets and Templates


Stories around Easter

Easter around the World

The History of the Easter Egg

Easter Songs

Easter Rhymes

Easter Jokes

Easter about rabbits

Easter Games

Easter Cooking

Easter Crafts

Easter “The blue eared Easter Bunny”

Easter Worksheets and Templates


Spring Song (Tune: Frere Jacques)

It is spring time, it is spring time,

Winter’s gone, Winter’s gone,

Summer time is coming, Summer time is coming,It won’t be long, it won’t be long

Spring is here (Tune: Farmer in the bell)

The days of Spring are here,Warm, sunny days are near,Flowers and bees, and birds in trees,The days of Spring are here.

Plant a little seed (Tune: I’m a little Teapot)

I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground.

Out comes the yellow sun, big and round.

Down come the raindrops soft and slowUp comes the flower, grow, grow, grow!

Planting Flowers Song (Tune: Frere Jacques)

Planting flowers, planting flowers,In the ground, in the ground,Water them and they grow, water them and they growAll around, all around.

Flower Garden (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

The farmer plants the seeds

The farmer plants the seeds

Hi, Ho and Cherry O

The farmer plants the seeds

The rain begins to fall….

The sun begins to shine….

The plants begin to grow

The flowers smile at me

I see Robins (Tune: Frere Jacques)

I see robins, I see bird’s nests,Butterflies too, flowers too,Everything is growing, the wind is gently blowing,Spring is here, Spring is here.

Leaves are growing (Tune: “London Bridge”)

Leaves are growing on the trees, on the trees, on the trees,

Leaves are growing on the trees, it is springtime.

All the grass is turning green

See the birdies build their nests

Watch the flowers start to grow

Pretty Flowers (Tune: Jingle Bells)

Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,Growing everywhere.

Here are some pretty flowersFor your coat or hair.

Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,

Gold and pink and blue.

Red and yellow, orange and purple,

I picked them for you!


Blumen aus Servietten in obigen Farben basteln, an die Kinder verteilen und beim Singen immer die jeweilige Farbe hochhalten. Wenn Sie keine Zeit haben die Blumen zu basteln, können die Kinder auch einfach die jeweiligen Farbkarten hochhalten.

Bastelanleitung Tissue Flower, siehe unter Spring Crafts.

Flowers, Flowers (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)

Flowers look so very nice,

And there are a lot of types.

Daffodils and roses, too,

Smell so good;

You know it’s true.

Flowers look so very nice,

And there are a lot of types.

Spring Rhymes

Planting a seed

“First you take the seed and you plant it in the ground.”

(Mime taking a seed and planting it in your other hand, balled up in a fist)

“Next a rain cloud comes and waters all around.”

(Keep fist with seed same, use other hand to simulate a rain cloud raining down on seed.)

“Next the sun shines brightly, without a sound.”

(Keep fist with seed same, use other hand to shine down by moving fingers over seed.)

“And in just a few days … … a flower is found!”

(Move fist with seed up through other hand and open like flower. This is actually the sign for “new” or “flower”.)


Unter Spring Worksheets and Templates finden Sie ein Buch zum selbstgestalten, passend zu dem Reim.

Little Seeds

Little seeds we sow in spring

growing while the robins sing,

give us carrots, peas and beans,

tomatoes, pumpkins, squash and greens.

And we pick them,

one and all,

through the summer,

through the fall,

Winter comes, then spring, and then

little seeds we sow again.


April is a rainbow month,Of sudden springtime showers,Bright with golden daffodils,And lots of pretty flowers.


A small green frog,

On a big brown log,

A black and yellow bee,In a little green tree,

A red and yellow snakeBy a blue green lake,

All sat and listenedTo a red bird sing,“Wake up, everybody,It’s spring! It’s spring!”


Der Reim eignet sich hervorragend um die Farben kennenzulernen. Anstelle der Worte fügt man die Farben ein. Zur Einführung des Reimes finden Sie unter Spring Worksheets and Templates ein weiteres Arbeitsblatt.

Spring Rain

The storm came up so very quick

It couldn’t have been quicker.

I should have brought my hat along,

I should have brought my slicker.

My hair is wet, my feet are wet,

I couldn’t be much wetter.

I fell into a river once

But this is even better.

Spring Story

Pretty Spring Flowers

“Bear Mother!” exclaimed Bear Sister.

“When can we go outside and play?”

“When the snow turns into flowers,” said Bear Mother.

“Well, when will that be?” asked Bear Brother, standing at the kitchen doorway, listening to his mother and sister talking.

Bear Sister and Bear Brother were getting anxious for spring to come. This past winter had been a long one. There was a lot of snow and it was very cold.

“I want there to be pretty pink flowers when I go outside to play,” said Bear Sister.

“Not pink,” said Bear Brother. “Pink is boring. Pick something nice like purple or blue.”

“Yellow flowers,” said Bear Baby, sitting in his high chair.

“What’s this I hear about flowers?” asked Bear Daddy, coming home from work and hiding something behind his back.

“The Bear children are waiting anxiously until the snow turns to flowers,” said Bear Mother.

“Well maybe this will help,” said Bear Daddy, handing a bouquet of flowers to Bear Mother.

“Pretty flowers!” exclaimed Bear Baby, happily.

“Pretty spring flowers,” said Bear Mother, holding the pretty bouquet up to her nose.”

“Pretty pink, purple, blue and yellow spring flowers,” laughed Bear Baby.

Spring, spring when are you coming?

Ein Kind spielt den Frühling, die anderen positionieren sich auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite. Je nach Möglichkeit mit entsprechendem Abstand. Die Kinder fragen den Frühling: „Spring, Spring when are you coming?“ Der Frühling antwortet: „I’m coming in 5 days/weeks“. Die Kinder gehen nun 5 Mäuseschritte (days) oder 5 Riesenschritte (weeks) vor.