Teachings of Gaur Gopal Das - Amol Raikar - Hörbuch

Teachings of Gaur Gopal Das Hörbuch

Amol Raikar

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Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach, Gaur Gopal Das has a unique manner of teaching spirituality to the younger generation. He has attracted and encouraged many young people all around the world with his dynamic presentations, practicality, logical reasoning, and subtle sense of humour. He applies Vedic concepts to the psyche of the younger generation in a very delicate way. Das's argument of the existence of God has earned widespread acclaim and is held in high regard by intellectuals. His guidance and knowledge have inspired many individuals to look deeper and seek solutions for happier relationships and lives. Let's take a look at some of his important teachings.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 41 min

Sprecher:Raghavendra Ashok
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