The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet - Story Time, Episode 25 (Unabridged) - Brothers Grimm - Hörbuch

The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet - Story Time, Episode 25 (Unabridged) Hörbuch

Brothers Grimm

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A rooster and hen go to eat nuts. They make a carriage of nutshells to come back in; the hen rides and the rooster draws it. The duck attacks them for eating nuts, but the rooster defeats him, and he lets himself be harnessed to the carriage instead. A pin and needle join them. They offer an innkeeper the hen's egg and the duck to let them stay, but in the morning, they eat the hen's egg, stick the needle in the innkeeper's chair and the pin in his towel. The duck also goes off. The innkeeper is pricked by both the needle and pin and the eggshell from the hen flies at his eyes. He resolves to never have such ragamuffins in his inn again.

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Zeit:0 Std. 10 min

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