The Birth of the Fenian Movement - James Stephens - E-Book

The Birth of the Fenian Movement E-Book

James Stephens

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James Stephens' "American Diary" is one of the most important documents of early Fenianism. It uncovers the difficulties facing the movement's founders, and offers an insight into mid nineteenth-century American life and the Irish-American community. It also provides a unique first-hand impression of James Stephens' striking personality. It is one of Stephens' scarce full-length pieces and one of the best written, although it has not previously been published in its entirety.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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The Birth of the Fenian Movement

American Diary, Brooklyn 1859


edited by Marta Ramón


Title PageAbbreviationsINTRODUCTIONby Marta RamónNote on the Text  Diary of James Stephens 1859: Part IDiary of James Stephens 1859: Part IIEPILOGUEby Marta Ramón  APPENDICESI Documents II Biographical notes on key figures Bibliography  Copyright


 COIRChief Organiser of the Irish RepublicCSO, RPChief Secretary’s Office, Registered PapersEMAEmmet Monument AssociationFBFenian BrotherhoodIRBIrish Republican BrotherhoodIRUIrish Republican UnionNAINational Archives of IrelandNA KewNational Archives, KewNLINational Library of IrelandTCDTrinity College DublinUCDUniversity College Dublin


Marta Ramón


James Stephens was born in Kilkenny City, probably in July 1825. According to local tradition and the evidence provided by parish records, he may have been the biological son of Robin Stephens and Margaret Kelly, unmarried, and the adopted son of his known parents, John Stephens and his wife Anne, née Casey. John Stephens worked as a clerk to a local auctioneer and bookseller, and there are indications that he may also have been a small proprietor, although by the time that Griffith’s Valuation was completed in 1849 he was no longer listed as one. James Stephens was educated locally at St Kieran’s School, and later, at least for a term, at St Kieran’s College. He then started an apprenticeship with a civil engineer, and during the early 1840s he worked for the Southern and Western Railway. Between 1847 and 1848, like many of his generation, he was drawn towards Young Ireland’s Irish Confederation, and became involved in its activities.1 When Smith O’Brien passed through Kilkenny in his attempt to rally the population for the July 1848 insurrection Stephens went out to join him, and after the failure he escaped to France. He remained in Paris working as a tutor of English and translator until the end of 1855, when he made his way back to Ireland.

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