The Doctor Who Held Hands - Hulbert Footner - E-Book

The Doctor Who Held Hands E-Book

Hulbert Footner

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This is the fourth book of the successful mystery series Madame Rosika Storey, by Canadian author Hulbert Footner. Almost unknown today, Footner was a Canadian journalist and author of many adventure and mystery novels. In The Doctor Who Held Hands Madame Storey is asked to help in stopping the pseudo-psychological activities of a doctor who has set himself up as a “psycho-synthetist,” seemingly to help his patients, but in fact blackmailing them… Storey is almost imprisoned in her movements from the very start giving the story a bit of claustrophobic feel until little by little she finds a way to break out of the surveillance. The story has a lot of action and a neat twist in the final paragraph.

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