The Dog and the Sparrow - Story Time, Episode 27 (Unabridged) - Brothers Grimm - Hörbuch

The Dog and the Sparrow - Story Time, Episode 27 (Unabridged) Hörbuch

Brothers Grimm

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A dog owner lets his shepherd dog starve from hunger, causing it to leave home. The dog meets a sparrow and accompanies it to the city. The bird captures meat and bread for the dog as a sign of gratitude. When they leave town, night falls, and they decide to go to sleep. During the night, a man in a horse carriage approaches the dog and sparrow. The sparrow alerts the man that he is going to run over the dog who is in the road, but he ignores the sparrow and runs over the dog nevertheless. The sparrow curses the man, announcing that he will turn into a poor man. It pecks the wine barrels the man was transporting open, so that the precious wine leaks out.

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Zeit:0 Std. 7 min

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