The Joshua Generation - Brian Simmons - E-Book

The Joshua Generation E-Book

Brian Simmons



God is your breakthrough. Every promise in his book is yours. Stuck in a spiritual wilderness, it can be easy to forget that God remains the God of overcomers. The power and victory present in the Old Testament still exist for Christians today. In this biblical commentary, Brian and Candice Simmons will take you on a forty-day journey through Joshua with the empowering story of the Joshua generation. Be transformed from a wanderer to a warrior as you learn truths and strategies that will equip you to conquer giants of unbelief and possess your promised land. Just like Joshua, you can trust God's promises during uncertainty. His strength can restore and release you to do his work for his purpose. A new breed of believers is rising, stirred by the acts of Joshua and the people who followed him. Join these overcomers and watch God revive the faith of this generation.

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

The Joshua Generation: A 40-Day Journey into Your Promised Land

Copyright © 2023 Brian Simmons

9781424565283 (softcover)

9781424565290 (ebook)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, public domain. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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To the new breed of courageous women and men,a generation whose eyes are fixed on Jesus,this book is affectionate dedicated.



1 The Book of Joshua: Our Road Map

2 Destiny Marches On

3 Joshua the Servant

4 Key Strategies for a New Breed

5 A New Day

6 Faith and Patience

7 Boldness

8 A Time to Conquer

9 Confident Faith

10 A Covenant of Hope

11 Preparing to Cross Over

12 Getting Your Feet Wet

13 Crossing Over

14 The Ark

15 Twelve Stones

16 Jericho

17 A Divine Pause

18 A Time to Remember

19 Divine Encounter

20 Victory at Jericho

21 Faith Is the Victory

22 God’s Victory Weapons

23 Rehab, a Woman of Faith

24 The Pitfall of Pride

25 Sin in the Camp

26 Our Actions Affect Others

27 Grace Overcomes

28 Launch into Your New Day

29 Victory at Ai

30 Spiritual Warfare

31 Don’t Be Deceived

32 The Five-Fold Deception

33 Redeeming Failure

34 Outnumbered

35 The Day the Sun Stood Still

36 One Battle after Another

37 Possessing the Inheritance

38 Lessons about Your Inheritance

39 No Land for the Levites

40 Walking in My Full Inheritance

Appendix 1: Joshua Defeats Thirty-One Kings

Appendix 2: The Cities of Asylum


About the Authors


The season of God’s mighty power has arrived! A new day has dawned, and with it comes the rising of a new breed of believers. This generation will carry the torch of truth in its hands. Mighty ones who will do his bidding are rising with grace in their hearts, humility in their lifestyles, and truth burning in their bones. This is the Joshua generation!

In this book, we’ll dive heart deep into the study of one of the most amazing generations known in human history. And from this brave band of overcomers, you’ll learn principles and truths that will help you now, in this generation, to fulfill your heavenly mandate and to possess your promised land. Joshua and Caleb were two faithful witnesses who refused to join in with others who gave a bad report after scouting out the land of Canaan. Instead, they believed the report of the Lord and defeated the enemy when others said that it couldn’t be done. The other spies confessed that the giants of the land were too big and the enemy too strong. But Joshua and Caleb brought back a different report, God’s report. This is where breakthrough starts. It starts with God and his report. We must trust what he has said and move out in faith. And it must be a faith that refuses to back down and fit in with the nay-saying crowd. Breakthrough comes when we believe the report of the Lord.

You have that same Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit inside of you is saying, If God says I can have it, then I’ll have it. In fact, I must have it! There may be giants in my path, but they’re no match for the overcomer inside of me. God is living within me, and he is my Breakthrough. Every promise in the book is mine, and I will not be denied, for I believe them and him.

Sadly enough, even in the church, there are those who confess belief but speak a faithless, bad report. No matter what evil we see or what difficulties may come, God is going to bring revival. He has a plan, and it’s to turn our nation back to God. Too many of us wimp out, give up, and take the low road of agreement with hell while heaven is calling us to a higher perspective. Jesus is at our side, and the cloud of witnesses is cheering us on. We’re surrounded and supported by greatness.

I’m afraid most of us live on a mere fraction of God’s blessing, but there is a spiritual bank account that is available for the people of God. Sadly, we’re living under the spiritual poverty line most of the time. We often live in the realm of “not enough.” Do you ever catch yourself saying, I hope I make it; I hope I can get through this struggle; I hope I can walk through this issue? This is the reverse of what God has destined for this glorious generation.

I prophesy to you: there is a generation rising on the earth today that will not sit in Laodicea any longer. They will not rest in a passive, lukewarm spirit. They will march out. They will cross the river Jordan, even at flood stage. They will carry the ark of God’s glory. They will walk under the authority of heaven, and they will conquer every walled city and every foe that stands in their way. As God put it—let me quote the words of God himself—“Every part of the land where you march I will give you,” says the Lord (Joshua 1:3). I believe you are reading this book right now so that you will be inspired to become spiritually aggressive in the things of God. His strength in us is restored, renewed, and released as we wait on him, believe his word, and trust everything that he’s written for us. This is the faith journey you were created for. All the blessings of Abraham are yours, and every promise is yours.

It’s time for you to enter into and possess all that God has given you in Christ. This forty-day journey through the story of the Joshua generation will take you from being a wanderer to becoming a warrior. So, let’s begin this wonderful study of the Joshua generation, a company of overcomers, and let’s be mantled with the understanding that God is with us. And he will equip us to do all that he’s called us to do. Like Joshua’s army, we cannot fail with God on our side.


Father, ignite a greater faith in me for miracles and breakthroughs. Remove my unbelief and fill me with the holy confidence that you are all I need. God, I come running to you for strength, wisdom, and perseverance for the days to come. I want to be a part of the new breed that you are raising up on the earth today. I offer myself to you. Give me the courage of Joshua as I set my heart before you. Amen.



Joshua is the sixth book of the Bible. It begins the section of history in the Word of God known as the “Former Prophets.” Bundled together, Joshua through Esther give us a road map. Joshua teaches us how to move forward with courage to conquer our giants of unbelief and shows us the secrets of possessing our land, our promised inheritance, and our destiny. It’s our road map to victory.

The author of Joshua, of course, is Joshua. His name can mean “YAHWEH is Savior” or “the salvation of YAHWEH.” In fact, the name Joshua is the virtual Hebrew equivalent of the word Jesus. So, this book could be called the book of Jesus—Yeshua!

Moses could not take the people into the promised land, but Jesus can. Moses represents the law, and the law is powerless to deliver the heart of man (see Romans 8:3). With the law, we get stuck in our wilderness, but Jesus (Joshua) is the overcomer. He’s the one who can break us free from the wildernesses of our lives. He can break through every stronghold and every barrier. And Jesus will be the one to bring us in.

Joshua contains the story of how God brought the people of Israel out of their wilderness wanderings. It reveals how YAHWEH watched over his people as they faced warfare all around them. It, therefore, becomes a manual for spiritual warfare for all those who desire to possess their destiny.

With a new day there are always new strategies. One generation passes, and another one arises. And a new generation signals a new beginning. Some of us have been wandering around so long that our sandals and sneakers are worn out. We’re busting our shoestrings, breaking our heels, and wearing holes in our soles. We’ve got to get out of the place of wandering and come into the place of glory where the power of God flows.


Moses was gone, and Joshua was left with the task of leading the people into a new beginning. It was time, a God setup. God had a new and different plan for Joshua. And his plan was to bring the people to a place that God called heaven on earth.

Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul…That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth. (Deuteronomy 11:18, 21 KJV)

God’s intention for Israel in the promised land was to give them a foretaste of heaven. And this heaven was more than a place in the sweet by and by. It was the realm of God where we walked in victory and supernatural power. The promised land was literally heaven on earth.

How would you like to go there? How would you like to go into a new season in your life where depression is gone and relationship tensions are over? Suddenly there’s grace on you, and you can walk in buoyancy and freedom you’ve not known before, a glorious realm of heaven touching the earth. Would you like that? The church needs the message of the book of Joshua more than ever before. We’re living in a day when many of God’s people are walking in defeat and discouragement. But God’s destiny for every one of us is that we shine “fair as the shining moon, bright and brilliant as the sun in all its strength—astonishing to behold as a majestic army waving banners of victory” (Song of Songs 6:10). Today is the time to come out of hiding. We’ll no longer live like prisoners of war, for we were never made to hide as captives. But we are meant to rise up as a Joshua Company.


Joshua was mentored and raised up by Moses. Like Joshua, we, too, must recognize the benefits of drawing from the wisdom of the preceding generation. They have so much that they can teach us. Sometimes it takes a humbling of our heart to realize it, but it’s worth it. A know-it-all spirit will take us nowhere fast. Our fathers have gone before us and plowed the way, and one day we’ll look back and realize that we owe much of our success to them. To make the greatest impact on the world, we can’t afford to ignore what has already been built. And the sooner we build on the foundation of those who have gone before, the sooner we’ll have success. It will be to our detriment if we don’t. We need to respect those who have gone before and add to what they have built.

Joshua, Moses’ assistant (see Joshua 1:1), learned the things of God as he walked with Moses. Elisha walked with Elijah, and the disciples walked with Jesus. And so, in the local church, God sets elders in place. He puts them in places of leadership so that they become holy mentors of others. We can learn from the rich treasures that have gone before us and take the wisdom of the fathers and mothers even further on. And by our example, we can teach a whole new generation about honoring, humbling our hearts, and being mentored. Are you willing to learn and to honor those over you? Or are you convinced that the older generation doesn’t have anything to give? If you believe the latter, you’re missing out.


Almighty God, Lord Eternal, lead me forward. I don’t want to remain locked into my past or frozen with fear over what may come. Feed me the bread of champions. Give me eyes that see how great and powerful you are. Conquer every fear that hides in my heart. I know I can never arise and succeed without you, so give me your might and strength today. Amen.



Leaders come and go, but the purpose, calling, and destiny of the church marches on. There’s a purpose that is bigger and greater than any leader or group of leaders. Yes, we need leaders. We need authentic, apostolic men and women who are fathers and mothers that lead us by example. We always need them. We need the Billy Grahams, the Jonathan Edwardses, the Kathryn Kuhlmans, the Charles Finneys, the William Seymours, the Dwight Moodys, the Maria Woodworth-Etters, the Evan Robertses. But leaders pass away, and we don’t have them forever. And new generations must take their place.

In the beginning of the book of Joshua, Moses, the hero and great leader, had died, and now the biggest challenge for Joshua had come. It was time for him to arise and take Moses’ place. Joshua couldn’t move out on Moses’ revelation. Moses’ revelation was yesterday’s revelation. Joshua had to have a new and fresh revelation that the Father had for him to move into.

The book of Joshua is a picture of the rising of a modern-day company of men and women who will be carrying the cross and resurrection power of Christ. Their goal will be to take possession of age-old foundations while conquering the strongholds of darkness. They will take back the things that have been stolen from us, like our true identity in Christ and our true destiny in his glory. It’s time for us to possess the healing gifts of God, the power gifts that release signs and wonders. Just like it was in the book of Acts, we need to see God’s power multiplied on earth again. For God’s people are arising, and we will demonstrate the glory of God and his power as we speak in his name.


The book of Joshua begins with God’s divine commissioning of Joshua into leadership. For whenever God brings a new beginning, he raises up new leadership to initiate it. When we want to accomplish something, we begin by making our plans and strategies. We often look for a new method, a new, novel, clever way of doing it. But when God has something new and powerful that he wants to accomplish, he always raises up people—a new breed of people. God’s people are God’s methods. The way God moves on earth is through us. And as we mature and arise as a generation that seeks his face, we’ll emerge in a victory that takes all that’s waiting for us. As we believe his Word, his works will begin to flow through us, releasing the victory of Christ over the enemy and his plans for the earth.

Joshua 1:1–3 is the best example of a good generational transfer of leadership. Joshua had been mentored, submitted, and faithful to God and Moses. He had accompanied Moses and had won some battles, and in time, God promoted him and raised him up. And this is still the method that God uses to raise up leaders today.

Moses was one of the best leaders anyone could ever hope to be mentored by. What an honor that would’ve been! Joshua had been Moses’ personal assistant. What an opportunity! Day in and day out, Joshua walked alongside a leader and leaders who heard from God and had devoted their lives to Yeshua. And as Joshua remained faithful to Moses and God, he was promoted and made ready for the transfer of leadership.

After Moses, YAHWEH’S servant, died, YAHWEH spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ faithful assistant, and said, “My servant Moses is dead. Now get up! Prepare to cross the Jordan River, you and all the people. Lead them into the land that I am giving to the Israelites.” (Joshua 1:1–2)

God chose Joshua—not Moses—to bring the Israelites into the promised land. And as it was with Joshua, God has a special calling for each and every man and every woman whom he loves. You, too, can bring glory to God as you fulfill God’s purpose during your days here on earth. No two people have the same calling, so it’s imperative that you hear God’s plan for you personally and then commit to doing it faithfully.

Joshua started out as a slave in Egypt with all the “baggage” that comes with slavery. And like all the Israelites, he was delivered, but the sting and oppression of slavery lingered in his soul. He knew what it meant to be rejected and to feel inferior in culture and society. He had been marred and hurt by his experience, but God used it all to transform a slave into a champion.

You can imagine that Joshua may have been beaten. And no doubt he had worked in the hot sun and toiled for Pharaoh’s kingdom. He was still a young man when he came out of Egypt, but his training for leadership began while working as a slave. God never wastes any part of our lives. Even the most tragic circumstances we walk through God will use for good (see Romans 8:28). The enemy may have meant it for evil, but the Father used it in Joshua to bring him into his promised inheritance and to bring glory and honor to God.

Joshua understood hardship. All he had gone through was preparation for becoming a courageous soldier. As the people of God began their journey through the wilderness, they had their first encounter with the people who were called the Amalekites.

The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” (Exodus 17:8–9 NIV)

Real leaders are those who don’t allow an attack to stop them. Moses put Joshua in charge, for he knew that Joshua wasn’t one who would back down. No longer a slave, it was Joshua’s day to arise. His struggle with the past was over, and he would no longer be oppressed. He was no longer a victim, and a revolutionary spirit was rising up within him. Great men and women of God are never quitters! They don’t turn back. They’ll stand up and say, “Even if everyone else quits, I’ll press on. I refuse to give up and let the enemy take over!” And so, it’s time for you to arise too. The words God spoke to Joshua, he is now speaking to you.

“I repeat, be strong and brave! Do not yield to fear nor be discouraged, for I am YAHWEH your God, and I will be with you wherever you go!”1

Joshua ordered the leaders of the people: “Go through the camp and instruct the people, ‘Pack your bags; for within three days you will cross the Jordan to conquer and occupy the land that YAHWEH your God is giving you to possess!’” (Joshua 1:9–11)


Father of Glory, I ask you to open the heavens over my heart and my home. I want to be filled with your divine purpose every moment of this day. I long to be close to you. As I draw near to you, draw near to me. I want to borrow your life, your strength, and your wisdom for the challenges I face. Mighty Warrior, I surrender to you. Amen.



So far, we’ve seen Joshua as the slave and the soldier, but he was also a submitted servant. He gave his life and his future destiny into the hands of a leader—Moses. That can be a hard test for many. The woundedness of our life, the lack of fathering, and the lack of good role models in the church can become comfortable, convenient excuses to keep us from submitting our lives to others and from living a submitted lifestyle of loyalty, purity, and holiness. But until we can learn to submit to another person and his or her vision, it will be hard for God to bless us. For no matter who’s over us, God is the ultimate authority, and he’s the one who places men and women in positions of authority over us.


Joshua saw all this and learned from what he saw in Moses. While everybody else was doing their own thing, Joshua was watching Moses and the way he dealt with people, how he spoke in secret, in private, and in public. He watched as Moses prayed and God listened to his prayers, and before long, he began to absorb them. Joshua absorbed the same anointing as Moses. And he loved being in the glory just as Moses had. A Joshua generation will be the same way. They will break free of their slavery and become warriors for the kingdom. They will be holy, submitted servants who will do their best to obey even when they have restricting structures—such as their jobs or the pressures of the culture—over them, for in their heart of hearts, they will be seekers of God’s glory.

Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the LORD would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrances to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent. As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses. Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to their tent. The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. (Exodus 33:7–11 NIV)

How close do you want to be with God? Both Moses and Joshua had no trouble with God the Father being close and in their faces. Moses was God’s instrument. So, whenever Moses would return to the camp, he’d go right into the tent of meeting and spend time with the Father. Joshua also loved the presence of the Lord like Moses. When he went into the tent, he didn’t want to leave. When Moses came out, Joshua remained.

There’s something extra special about the Joshua generation. They go into the presence of the Lord, but they don’t want to come out. They just stay right there. Others will say, “Oh well, it’s time to go.”

But the Joshua generation is full of passionate ones who will not be denied. They will live in his presence, and when they do go out, they will touch the masses with his glory, for they will carry it to the ends of the earth. Their hearts say, I just want to worship. I just want to be in the place of his glowing, glistening, and burning presence. I want to radiate with his glory. I know God is here.


Not only was Joshua a slave, a soldier, a servant, and a seeker, but he also was a spy. Another term for this would be forerunner. He went ahead to discover what God was doing. He was prophetic: a leader and a prophet. He had to see what was out there. I think he got this from Moses because Moses had to see what was out in the backside of the desert. And it was that encounter of hearing God speak out of the bush that really launched Moses’ ministry.

Every leader is an explorer at heart because leaders always go beyond what they already know. They aren’t just maintainers. They’ve got to move forward and go beyond. Maintainers will never reach the world. But the world will be reached by those with a mission burning in their hearts. They have a passion for seeing, going, and leading others into the unknown. There have to be adventurous ones, those who are like Joshua and go out as forerunners.

Joshua was a spy who developed strategies for the future. Militarily, he was an awesome general. He knew how to plot out the land of Canaan where the Philistines lived. First, he divided the land of the enemy in half. He used wise strategy over and over until he took nearly the entire land. But he failed to finish the job. So, he had to raise up judges (deliverers) to preside over the people who remained. Joshua was a city-reacher. To this day his military techniques are discussed in the halls of higher learning by the military strategists.


Joshua was Moses’ successor. Can you imagine being chosen to succeed Moses? He had some big shoes to fill. But he was ready, for he had received the anointing and the mantle as a result of his time before Jehovah God.

The LORD said to Moses, “Take Joshua, son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him. Have him stand before Eleazar the priest and the entire assembly and commission him in their presence. Give him some of your authority so the whole Israelite community will obey him.” (Numbers 27:18–20 NIV)

How awesome is this? The spirit of God was in Joshua to lead. “So now lay your hand on him, Moses. Give him some of your authority.” In Joshua 1, God verbally commissioned Joshua to take Moses’ place. And Joshua, Moses’ successor, received the mantle of leadership through the laying on of hands. We, too, have been anointed to burst through barriers and soar into the adventurous, courageous life of faith.


Father God, I need the courage that you can give me. I face difficulties, and sometimes they overwhelm me. Give me the grace and the courage to break through the barriers and limitations that surround me. I thank you today that my strength is renewed when I come into your presence. I take you with me, my God and my strength. I can do all things through the strength that you pour into my life today. Amen.



We can cross over the threshold to becoming an amazing generation of men and women, the Joshua generation! This brave band of overcomers will fulfill their heavenly mandate. A band of believers who believe the report of the Lord and will pursue it when all others turn and run.

Joshua and Caleb were the two faithful witnesses who would not be denied the land God had promised they would conquer. Everybody else said it couldn’t be done. They all said that the giants were too big. The oppressive works of the enemy were too strong for the children of Israel. They were convinced that they would be defeated and that they couldn’t break through. But Joshua and Caleb came back with a different report, a good report. For they were full of faith. And we can be full of faith too. We can be among those who will not be denied, those who press through until we find the breakthrough.

You have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, saying to you right now, If God says you can have it, then you can! There may be giants in your path, but they’re no match for the overcomer on the inside of you. Every promise in the book is yours, and you will not be denied.

In the church, there are those who believe yet speak a faithless and bad report. Don’t listen to them. No matter what evil we see or what difficulties may come, God is going to bring revival. He’s going to turn this nation back to God. Too many of us wimp out and take the low road of agreement with hell when heaven is calling us to a higher perspective. Jesus is at our side, and the great cloud of witnesses is cheering us on. We’re surrounded and supported by greatness. We cannot fail, and we will not fail with God on our side.


You and I need a fresh beginning, so bury the past and seize the new. Carpe diem! Get free from the law with all of its law-keeping, guilt-driven theology, along with its shame, rejection, and inferiority. Moses died (Moses is a picture of the law), and only Joshua (Joshua is a picture of Jesus) can take us in. We need new leadership for our new day of victory. The Joshua type of leadership is more than any human being, religious structure, or new wineskin; it’s Jesus. The law can never deliver the heart of man. You’ll only get stuck in a wilderness, but Jesus is the overcomer. He’s the one who breaks through every stronghold and every barrier. Jesus will bring us into our inheritance.

The first miracle of Moses was to turn the water of the Nile into blood. But the first miracle of Jesus (our heavenly Joshua) was to turn the water of Cana into wine. Now he wants to turn your water into wine.

One generation passes, and another generation rises. It’s always that way. You’ve got to get out of that wandering place and come into the place of God’s glory where the power of God flows. It’s now your turn to arise and to go right on in. Leaders, even great leaders, come and go. We see a waterfall of great leaders cascading through church history. One man, one woman, one leader after another, they come and bless the church, but they pass on. God wasn’t dead; only Moses was dead! But he raised up a Joshua underneath him to carry on. And so, the continual progression of God’s purposes goes on, and wise is the man or woman who understands his or her place in this brief, momentary, fleeting life. We are but a vapor. And we all are like grass that grows for a brief season, and one day we all pass. But God’s ways will remain eternally.


From the overflow of his fullness we received grace heaped upon more grace! Moses gave us the Law, but Jesus, the Anointed One, unveils truth wrapped in tender mercy. (John 1:16–17)

Joshua saw the need for a new beginning for his generation. For God wanted to bring the people into a place that he called heaven on earth. God doesn’t want you to settle for a fraction when he is offering you fullness. God’s intention for Israel in the promised land was to give them a foretaste of heaven. The promised land represents heaven on earth. It’s the realm in God where we walk in his fullness, victory, and supernatural power. It’s the realm where we claim every promise, step out in faith, and know that we can defeat the enemy. How would you like to step into that season right now? A season where suddenly there’s a grace on your life to walk in buoyancy and freedom you’ve not previously known? It’s the place where the glorious realm of heaven touches earth.

We’re no longer prisoners of war, and we need to stop living that way. Joshua was a former slave, but he had to get rid of that slave mentality, and he became a soldier and a warrior. Like Joshua, you, too, were created to be a territory taker and a promise claimer. You’ve been created to walk in Christ’s fullness and not in a partial victory. He’s calling you to arise and take up his anointing. He’s going to crown you with glory on your head instead of ashes. And he’s going to crown you with rejoicing. The sadness of this generation is going to be broken by the jubilee of victory, the jubilee that comes with breaking through. Yes, Lord! We say yes!


Father God, Mighty Warrior, and King of all the earth, I come and ask that you strengthen me with might in my inner being. Give me the warrior’s wardrobe. Help me raise my shield of faith today and help me lay aside anything that would get in the way of my first love and devotion to you. I give you my heart, Lord God. Amen.



It was said that David fulfilled the purpose of God in his generation (see Acts 13:36).2