The Lancashire Witches - William Harrison Ainsworth - E-Book

The Lancashire Witches E-Book

William Harrison Ainsworth

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The novel is based on the true story of the Pendle Witches, who were executed in 1612 for causing harm with witchcraft. Witches lived in the Pendley Hill area of Lancashire. This story will keep you in suspense until the very end.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

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There were eight watchers by the beacon on Pendle Hill in Lancashire. Two were stationed on either side of the north-eastern extremity of the mountain. One looked over the castled heights of Clithero; the woody eminences of Bowland; the bleak ridges of Thornley; the broad moors of Bleasdale; the Trough of Bolland, and Wolf Crag; and even brought within his ken the black fells overhanging Lancaster. The other tracked the stream called Pendle Water, almost from its source amid the neighbouring hills, and followed its windings through the leafless forest, until it united its waters to those of the Calder, and swept on in swifter and clearer current, to wash the base of Whalley Abbey. But the watcher’s survey did not stop here. Noting the sharp spire of Burnley Church, relieved against the rounded masses of timber constituting Townley Park; as well as the entrance of the gloomy mountain gorge, known as the Grange of Cliviger; his far-reaching gaze passed over Todmorden, and settled upon the distant summits of Blackstone Edge.

Dreary was the prospect on all sides. Black moor, bleak fell, straggling forest, intersected with sullen streams as black as ink, with here and there a small tarn, or moss-pool, with waters of the same hue–these constituted the chief features of the scene. The whole district was barren and thinly-populated. Of towns, only Clithero, Colne, and Burnley–the latter little more than a village–were in view. In the valleys there were a few hamlets and scattered cottages, and on the uplands an occasional “booth,” as the hut of the herdsman was termed; but of more important mansions there were only six, as Merley, Twistleton, Alcancoats, Saxfeld, Ightenhill, and Gawthorpe. The “vaccaries” for the cattle, of which the herdsmen had the care, and the “lawnds,” or parks within the forest, appertaining to some of the halls before mentioned, offered the only evidences of cultivation. All else was heathy waste, morass, and wood.

Still, in the eye of the sportsman–and the Lancashire gentlemen of the sixteenth century were keen lovers of sport–the country had a strong interest. Pendle forest abounded with game. Grouse, plover, and bittern were found upon its moors; woodcock and snipe on its marshes; mallard, teal, and widgeon upon its pools. In its chases ranged herds of deer, protected by the terrible forest-laws, then in full force: and the hardier huntsman might follow the wolf to his lair in the mountains; might spear the boar in the oaken glades, or the otter on the river’s brink; might unearth the badger or the fox, or smite the fierce cat-a-mountain with a quarrel from his bow. A nobler victim sometimes, also, awaited him in the shape of a wild mountain bull, a denizen of the forest, and a remnant of the herds that had once browsed upon the hills, but which had almost all been captured, and removed to stock the park of the Abbot of Whalley. The streams and pools were full of fish: the stately heron frequented the meres; and on the craggy heights built the kite, the falcon, and the kingly eagle.

There were eight watchers by the beacon. Two stood apart from the others, looking to the right and the left of the hill. Both were armed with swords and arquebuses, and wore steel caps and coats of buff. Their sleeves were embroidered with the five wounds of Christ, encircling the name of Jesus–the badge of the Pilgrimage of Grace. Between them, on the verge of the mountain, was planted a great banner, displaying a silver cross, the chalice, and the Host, together with an ecclesiastical figure, but wearing a helmet instead of a mitre, and holding a sword in place of a crosier, with the unoccupied hand pointing to the two towers of a monastic structure, as if to intimate that he was armed for its defence. This figure, as the device beneath it showed, represented John Paslew, Abbot of Whalley, or, as he styled himself in his military capacity, Earl of Poverty.

There were eight watchers by the beacon. Two have been described. Of the other six, two were stout herdsmen carrying crooks, and holding a couple of mules, and a richly-caparisoned war-horse by the bridle. Near them stood a broad-shouldered, athletic young man, with the fresh complexion, curling brown hair, light eyes, and open Saxon countenance, best seen in his native county of Lancaster. He wore a Lincoln-green tunic, with a bugle suspended from the shoulder by a silken cord; and a silver plate engraved with the three luces, the ensign of the Abbot of Whalley, hung by a chain from his neck. A hunting knife was in his girdle, and an eagle’s plume in his cap, and he leaned upon the but-end of a crossbow, regarding three persons who stood together by a peat fire, on the sheltered side of the beacon. Two of these were elderly men, in the white gowns and scapularies of Cistertian monks, doubtless from Whalley, as the abbey belonged to that order. The third and last, and evidently their superior, was a tall man in a riding dress, wrapped in a long mantle of black velvet, trimmed with minever, and displaying the same badges as those upon the sleeves of the sentinels, only wrought in richer material. His features were strongly marked and stern, and bore traces of age; but his eye was bright, and his carriage erect and dignified.

The beacon, near which the watchers stood, consisted of a vast pile of logs of timber, heaped upon a circular range of stones, with openings to admit air, and having the centre filled with fagots, and other quickly combustible materials. Torches were placed near at hand, so that the pile could be lighted on the instant.

The watch was held one afternoon at the latter end of November, 1536. In that year had arisen a formidable rebellion in the northern counties of England, the members of which, while engaging to respect the person of the king, Henry VIII., and his issue, bound themselves by solemn oath to accomplish the restoration of Papal supremacy throughout the realm, and the restitution of religious establishments and lands to their late ejected possessors. They bound themselves, also, to punish the enemies of the Romish church, and suppress heresy. From its religious character the insurrection assumed the name of the Pilgrimage of Grace, and numbered among its adherents all who had not embraced the new doctrines in Yorkshire and Lancashire. That such an outbreak should occur on the suppression of the monasteries, was not marvellous. The desecration and spoliation of so many sacred structures–the destruction of shrines and images long regarded with veneration–the ejection of so many ecclesiastics, renowned for hospitality and revered for piety and learning–the violence and rapacity of the commissioners appointed by the Vicar-General Cromwell to carry out these severe measures–all these outrages were regarded by the people with abhorrence, and disposed them to aid the sufferers in resistance. As yet the wealthier monasteries in the north had been spared, and it was to preserve them from the greedy hands of the visiters, Doctors Lee and Layton, that the insurrection had been undertaken. A simultaneous rising took place in Lincolnshire, headed by Makarel, Abbot of Barlings, but it was speedily quelled by the vigour and skill of the Duke of Suffolk, and its leader executed. But the northern outbreak was better organized, and of greater force, for it now numbered thirty thousand men, under the command of a skilful and resolute leader named Robert Aske.

As may be supposed, the priesthood were main movers in a revolt having their especial benefit for its aim; and many of them, following the example of the Abbot of Barlings, clothed themselves in steel instead of woollen garments, and girded on the sword and the breastplate for the redress of their grievances and the maintenance of their rights. Amongst these were the Abbots of Jervaux, Furness, Fountains, Rivaulx, and Salley, and, lastly, the Abbot of Whalley, before mentioned; a fiery and energetic prelate, who had ever been constant and determined in his opposition to the aggressive measures of the king. Such was the Pilgrimage of Grace, such its design, and such its supporters.

Several large towns had already fallen into the hands of the insurgents. York, Hull, and Pontefract had yielded; Skipton Castle was besieged, and defended by the Earl of Cumberland; and battle was offered to the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Shrewsbury, who headed the king’s forces at Doncaster. But the object of the Royalist leaders was to temporise, and an armistice was offered to the rebels and accepted. Terms were next proposed and debated.

During the continuance of this armistice all hostilities ceased; but beacons were reared upon the mountains, and their fires were to be taken as a new summons to arms. This signal the eight watchers expected.

Though late in November, the day had been unusually fine, and, in consequence, the whole hilly ranges around were clearly discernible, but now the shades of evening were fast drawing on.

“Night is approaching,” cried the tall man in the velvet mantle, impatiently; “and still the signal comes not. Wherefore this delay? Can Norfolk have accepted our conditions? Impossible. The last messenger from our camp at Scawsby Lees brought word that the duke’s sole terms would be the king’s pardon to the whole insurgent army, provided they at once dispersed–except ten persons, six named and four unnamed.”

“And were you amongst those named, lord abbot?” demanded one of the monks.

“John Paslew, Abbot of Whalley, it was said, headed the list,” replied the other, with a bitter smile. “Next came William Trafford, Abbot of Salley. Next Adam Sudbury, Abbot of Jervaux. Then our leader, Robert Aske. Then John Eastgate, Monk of Whalley–”

“How, lord abbot!” exclaimed the monk. “Was my name mentioned?”

“It was,” rejoined the abbot. “And that of William Haydocke, also Monk of Whalley, closed the list.”

“The unrelenting tyrant!” muttered the other monk. “But these terms could not be accepted?”

“Assuredly not,” replied Paslew; “they were rejected with scorn. But the negotiations were continued by Sir Ralph Ellerker and Sir Robert Bowas, who were to claim on our part a free pardon for all; the establishment of a Parliament and courts of justice at York; the restoration of the Princess Mary to the succession; the Pope to his jurisdiction; and our brethren to their houses. But such conditions will never be granted. With my consent no armistice should have been agreed to. We are sure to lose by the delay. But I was overruled by the Archbishop of York and the Lord Darcy. Their voices prevailed against the Abbot of Whalley–or, if it please you, the Earl of Poverty.”

“It is the assumption of that derisive title which has drawn upon you the full force of the king’s resentment, lord abbot,” observed Father Eastgate.

“It may be,” replied the abbot. “I took it in mockery of Cromwell and the ecclesiastical commissioners, and I rejoice that they have felt the sting. The Abbot of Barlings called himself Captain Cobbler, because, as he affirmed, the state wanted mending like old shoon. And is not my title equally well chosen? Is not the Church smitten with poverty? Have not ten thousand of our brethren been driven from their homes to beg or to starve? Have not the houseless poor, whom we fed at our gates, and lodged within our wards, gone away hungry and without rest? Have not the sick, whom we would have relieved, died untended by the hedge-side? I am the head of the poor in Lancashire, the redresser of their grievances, and therefore I style myself Earl of Poverty. Have I not done well?”

“You have, lord abbot,” replied Father Eastgate.

“Poverty will not alone be the fate of the Church, but of the whole realm, if the rapacious designs of the monarch and his heretical counsellors are carried forth,” pursued the abbot. “Cromwell, Audeley, and Rich, have wisely ordained that no infant shall be baptised without tribute to the king; that no man who owns not above twenty pounds a year shall consume wheaten bread, or eat the flesh of fowl or swine without tribute; and that all ploughed land shall pay tribute likewise. Thus the Church is to be beggared, the poor plundered, and all men burthened, to fatten the king, and fill his exchequer.”

“This must be a jest,” observed Father Haydocke.

“It is a jest no man laughs at,” rejoined the abbot, sternly; “any more than the king’s counsellors will laugh at the Earl of Poverty, whose title they themselves have created. But wherefore comes not the signal? Can aught have gone wrong? I will not think it. The whole country, from the Tweed to the Humber, and from the Lune to the Mersey, is ours; and, if we but hold together, our cause must prevail.”

“Yet we have many and powerful enemies,” observed Father Eastgate; “and the king, it is said, hath sworn never to make terms with us. Tidings were brought to the abbey this morning, that the Earl of Derby is assembling forces at Preston, to march upon us.”

“We will give him a warm reception if he comes,” replied Paslew, fiercely. “He will find that our walls have not been kernelled and embattled by licence of good King Edward the Third for nothing; and that our brethren can fight as well as their predecessors fought in the time of Abbot Holden, when they took tithe by force from Sir Christopher Parsons of Slaydburn. The abbey is strong, and right well defended, and we need not fear a surprise. But it grows dark fast, and yet no signal comes.”

“Perchance the waters of the Don have again risen, so as to prevent the army from fording the stream,” observed Father Haydocke; “or it may be that some disaster hath befallen our leader.”

“Nay, I will not believe the latter,” said the abbot; “Robert Aske is chosen by Heaven to be our deliverer. It has been prophesied that a “worm with one eye’ shall work the redemption of the fallen faith, and you know that Robert Aske hath been deprived of his left orb by an arrow.”

“Therefore it is,” observed Father Eastgate, “that the Pilgrims of Grace chant the following ditty:–

“Forth shall come an Aske with one eye, He shall be chief of the company– Chief of the northern chivalry.”

“What more?” demanded the abbot, seeing that the monk appeared to hesitate.

“Nay, I know not whether the rest of the rhymes may please you, lord abbot,” replied Father Eastgate.

“Let me hear them, and I will judge,” said Paslew. Thus urged, the monk went on:–

“One shall sit at a solemn feast, Half warrior, half priest, The greatest there shall be the least.”

“The last verse,” observed the monk, “has been added to the ditty by Nicholas Demdike. I heard him sing it the other day at the abbey gate.”

“What, Nicholas Demdike of Worston?” cried the abbot; “he whose wife is a witch?”

“The same,” replied Eastgate.

“Hoo be so ceawnted, sure eno,” remarked the forester, who had been listening attentively to their discourse, and who now stepped forward; “boh dunna yo think it. Beleemy, lort abbut, Bess Demdike’s too yunk an too protty for a witch.”

“Thou art bewitched by her thyself, Cuthbert,” said the abbot, angrily. “I shall impose a penance upon thee, to free thee from the evil influence. Thou must recite twenty paternosters daily, fasting, for one month; and afterwards perform a pilgrimage to the shrine of our Lady of Gilsland. Bess Demdike is an approved and notorious witch, and hath been seen by credible witnesses attending a devil’s sabbath on this very hill–Heaven shield us! It is therefore that I have placed her and her husband under the ban of the Church; pronounced sentence of excommunication against them; and commanded all my clergy to refuse baptism to their infant daughter, newly born.”

“Wea’s me! ey knoas “t reet weel, lort abbut,” replied Ashbead, “and Bess taks t’ sentence sore ta “ert!”

“Then let her amend her ways, or heavier punishment will befall her,” cried Paslew, severely. “‘Sortilegam non patieris vivere” saith the Levitical law. If she be convicted she shall die the death. That she is comely I admit; but it is the comeliness of a child of sin. Dost thou know the man with whom she is wedded–or supposed to be wedded–for I have seen no proof of the marriage? He is a stranger here.”

“Ey knoas neawt abowt him, lort abbut, “cept that he cum to Pendle a twalmont agoa,” replied Ashbead; “boh ey knoas fu’ weel that t’eawtcumbling felly robt me ot prettiest lass i’ aw Lonkyshiar–aigh, or i’ aw Englondshiar, fo’ t’ matter o’ that.”

“What manner of man is he?” inquired the abbot.

“Oh, he’s a feaw teyke–a varra feaw teyke,” replied Ashbead; “wi’ a feace as black as a boggart, sooty shiny hewr loike a mowdywarp, an’ een loike a stanniel. Boh for running, rostling, an’ throwing t’ stoan, he’n no match i’ this keawntry. Ey’n triet him at aw three gams, so ey con speak. For’t most part he’n a big, black bandyhewit wi’ him, and, by th’ Mess, ey canna help thinkin he meys free sumtoimes wi’ yor lortship’s bucks.”

“Ha! this must be looked to,” cried the abbot. “You say you know not whence he comes? “Tis strange.”

“T’ missmannert carl’ll boide naw questionin’, odd rottle him!” replied Ashbead. “He awnsurs wi’ a gibe, or a thwack o’ his staff. Whon ey last seet him, he threatened t’ raddle me booans weel, boh ey sooan lowert him a peg.”

“We will find a way of making him speak,” said the abbot.

“He can speak, and right well if he pleases,” remarked Father Eastgate; “for though ordinarily silent and sullen enough, yet when he doth talk it is not like one of the hinds with whom he consorts, but in good set phrase; and his bearing is as bold as that of one who hath seen service in the field.”

“My curiosity is aroused,” said the abbot. “I must see him.”

“Noa sooner said than done,” cried Ashbead, “for, be t’ Lort Harry, ey see him stonding be yon moss poo’ o’ top t’ hill, though how he’n getten theer t’ Dule owny knoas.”

And he pointed out a tall dark figure standing near a little pool on the summit of the mountain, about a hundred yards from them.

“Talk of ill, and ill cometh,” observed Father Haydocke. “And see, the wizard hath a black hound with him! It may be his wife, in that likeness.”

“Naw, ey knoas t’ hount reet weel, Feyther Haydocke,” replied the forester; “it’s a Saint Hubert, an’ a rareun fo’ fox or badgert. Odds loife, feyther, whoy that’s t’ black bandyhewit I war speaking on.”

“I like not the appearance of the knave at this juncture,” said the abbot; “yet I wish to confront him, and charge him with his midemeanours.”

“Hark; he sings,” cried Father Haydocke. And as he spoke a voice was heard chanting,–

“One shall sit at a solemn feast, Half warrior, half priest, The greatest there shall be the least.”

“The very ditty I heard,” cried Father Eastgate; “but list, he has more of it.” And the voice resumed,–

“He shall be rich, yet poor as me, Abbot, and Earl of Poverty. Monk and soldier, rich and poor, He shall be hang’d at his own door.”

Loud derisive laughter followed the song.

“By our Lady of Whalley, the knave is mocking us,” cried the abbot; “send a bolt to silence him, Cuthbert.”

The forester instantly bent his bow, and a quarrel whistled off in the direction of the singer; but whether his aim were not truly taken, or he meant not to hit the mark, it is certain that Demdike remained untouched. The reputed wizard laughed aloud, took off his felt cap in acknowledgment, and marched deliberately down the side of the hill.

“Thou art not wont to miss thy aim, Cuthbert,” cried the abbot, with a look of displeasure. “Take good heed thou producest this scurril knave before me, when these troublous times are over. But what is this?–he stops–ha! he is practising his devilries on the mountain’s side.”

It would seem that the abbot had good warrant for what he said, as Demdike, having paused at a broad green patch on the hill-side, was now busied in tracing a circle round it with his staff. He then spoke aloud some words, which the superstitious beholders construed into an incantation, and after tracing the circle once again, and casting some tufts of dry heather, which he plucked from an adjoining hillock, on three particular spots, he ran quickly downwards, followed by his hound, and leaping a stone wall, surrounding a little orchard at the foot of the hill, disappeared from view.

“Go and see what he hath done,” cried the abbot to the forester, “for I like it not.”

Ashbead instantly obeyed, and on reaching the green spot in question, shouted out that he could discern nothing; but presently added, as he moved about, that the turf heaved like a sway-bed beneath his feet, and he thought–to use his own phraseology–would “brast.” The abbot then commanded him to go down to the orchard below, and if he could find Demdike to bring him to him instantly. The forester did as he was bidden, ran down the hill, and, leaping the orchard wall as the other had done, was lost to sight.

Ere long, it became quite dark, and as Ashbead did not reappear, the abbot gave vent to his impatience and uneasiness, and was proposing to send one of the herdsmen in search of him, when his attention was suddenly diverted by a loud shout from one of the sentinels, and a fire was seen on a distant hill on the right.

“The signal! the signal!” cried Paslew, joyfully. “Kindle a torch!–quick, quick!”

And as he spoke, he seized a brand and plunged it into the peat fire, while his example was followed by the two monks.

“It is the beacon on Blackstone Edge,” cried the abbot; “and look! a second blazes over the Grange of Cliviger–another on Ightenhill–another on Boulsworth Hill–and the last on the neighbouring heights of Padiham. Our own comes next. May it light the enemies of our holy Church to perdition!”

With this, he applied the burning brand to the combustible matter of the beacon. The monks did the same; and in an instant a tall, pointed flame, rose up from a thick cloud of smoke. Ere another minute had elapsed, similar fires shot up to the right and the left, on the high lands of Trawden Forest, on the jagged points of Foulridge, on the summit of Cowling Hill, and so on to Skipton. Other fires again blazed on the towers of Clithero, on Longridge and Ribchester, on the woody eminences of Bowland, on Wolf Crag, and on fell and scar all the way to Lancaster. It seemed the work of enchantment, so suddenly and so strangely did the fires shoot forth. As the beacon flame increased, it lighted up the whole of the extensive table-land on the summit of Pendle Hill; and a long lurid streak fell on the darkling moss-pool near which the wizard had stood. But when it attained its utmost height, it revealed the depths of the forest below, and a red reflection, here and there, marked the course of Pendle Water. The excitement of the abbot and his companions momently increased, and the sentinels shouted as each new beacon was lighted. At last, almost every hill had its watch-fire, and so extraordinary was the spectacle, that it seemed as if weird beings were abroad, and holding their revels on the heights.

Then it was that the abbot, mounting his steed, called out to the monks–“Holy fathers, you will follow to the abbey as you may. I shall ride fleetly on, and despatch two hundred archers to Huddersfield and Wakefield. The abbots of Salley and Jervaux, with the Prior of Burlington, will be with me at midnight, and at daybreak we shall march our forces to join the main army. Heaven be with you!”

“Stay!” cried a harsh, imperious voice. “Stay!”

And, to his surprise, the abbot beheld Nicholas Demdike standing before him. The aspect of the wizard was dark and forbidding, and, seen by the beacon light, his savage features, blazing eyes, tall gaunt frame, and fantastic garb, made him look like something unearthly. Flinging his staff over his shoulder, he slowly approached, with his black hound following close by at his heels.

“I have a caution to give you, lord abbot,” he said; “hear me speak before you set out for the abbey, or ill will befall you.”

“Ill willbefall me if I listen to thee, thou wicked churl,” cried the abbot. “What hast thou done with Cuthbert Ashbead?”

“I have seen nothing of him since he sent a bolt after me at your bidding, lord abbot,” replied Demdike.

“Beware lest any harm come to him, or thou wilt rue it,” cried Paslew. “But I have no time to waste on thee. Farewell, fathers. High mass will be said in the convent church before we set out on the expedition to-morrow morning. You will both attend it.”

“You will never set out upon the expedition, lord abbot,” cried Demdike, planting his staff so suddenly into the ground before the horse’s head that the animal reared and nearly threw his rider.

“How now, fellow, what mean you?” cried the abbot, furiously.

“To warn you,” replied Demdike.

“Stand aside,” cried the abbot, spurring his steed, “or I will trample you beneath my horse’s feet.”

“I might let you ride to your own doom,” rejoined Demdike, with a scornful laugh, as he seized the abbot’s bridle. “But you shall hear me. I tell you, you will never go forth on this expedition. I tell you that, ere to-morrow, Whalley Abbey will have passed for ever from your possession; and that, if you go thither again, your life will be forfeited. Now will you listen to me?”

“I am wrong in doing so,” cried the abbot, who could not, however, repress some feelings of misgiving at this alarming address. “Speak, what would you say?”

“Come out of earshot of the others, and I will tell you,” replied Demdike. And he led the abbot’s horse to some distance further on the hill.

“Your cause will fail, lord abbot,” he then said. “Nay, it is lost already.”

“Lost!” cried the abbot, out of all patience. “Lost! Look around. Twenty fires are in sight–ay, thirty, and every fire thou seest will summon a hundred men, at the least, to arms. Before an hour, five hundred men will be gathered before the gates of Whalley Abbey.”

“True,” replied Demdike; “but they will not own the Earl of Poverty for their leader.”

“What leader will they own, then?” demanded the abbot, scornfully.

“The Earl of Derby,” replied Demdike. “He is on his way thither with Lord Mounteagle from Preston.”

“Ha!” exclaimed Paslew, “let me go meet them, then. But thou triflest with me, fellow. Thou canst know nothing of this. Whence gott’st thou thine information?”

“Heed it not,” replied the other; “thou wilt find it correct. I tell thee, proud abbot, that this grand scheme of thine and of thy fellows, for the restitution of the Catholic Church, has failed–utterly failed.”

“I tell thee thou liest, false knave!” cried the abbot, striking him on the hand with his scourge. “Quit thy hold, and let me go.”

“Not till I have done,” replied Demdike, maintaining his grasp. “Well hast thou styled thyself Earl of Poverty, for thou art poor and miserable enough. Abbot of Whalley thou art no longer. Thy possessions will be taken from thee, and if thou returnest thy life also will be taken. If thou fleest, a price will be set upon thy head. I alone can save thee, and I will do so on one condition.”

“Condition! make conditions with thee, bond-slave of Satan!” cried the abbot, gnashing his teeth. “I reproach myself that I have listened to thee so long. Stand aside, or I will strike thee dead.”

“You are wholly in my power,” cried Demdike with a disdainful laugh. And as he spoke he pressed the large sharp bit against the charger’s mouth, and backed him quickly to the very edge of the hill, the sides of which here sloped precipitously down. The abbot would have uttered a cry, but surprise and terror kept him silent.

“Were it my desire to injure you, I could cast you down the mountain-side to certain death,” pursued Demdike. “But I have no such wish. On the contrary, I will serve you, as I have said, on one condition.”

“Thy condition would imperil my soul,” said the abbot, full of wrath and alarm. “Thou seekest in vain to terrify me into compliance. Vade retro, Sathanas. I defy thee and all thy works.”

Demdike laughed scornfully.

“The thunders of the Church do not frighten me,” he cried. “But, look,” he added, “you doubted my word when I told you the rising was at an end. The beacon fires on Boulsworth Hill and on the Grange of Cliviger are extinguished; that on Padiham Heights is expiring–nay, it is out; and ere many minutes all these mountain watch-fires will have disappeared like lamps at the close of a feast.”

“By our Lady, it is so,” cried the abbot, in increasing terror. “What new jugglery is this?”

“It is no jugglery, I tell you,” replied the other.

“The waters of the Don have again arisen; the insurgents have accepted the king’s pardon, have deserted their leaders, and dispersed. There will be no rising to-night or on the morrow. The abbots of Jervaux and Salley will strive to capitulate, but in vain. The Pilgrimage of Grace is ended. The stake for which thou playedst is lost. Thirty years hast thou governed here, but thy rule is over. Seventeen abbots have there been of Whalley–the last thou!–but there shall be none more.”

“It must be the Demon in person that speaks thus to me,” cried the abbot, his hair bristling on his head, and a cold perspiration bursting from his pores.

“No matter who I am,” replied the other; “I have said I will aid thee on one condition. It is not much. Remove thy ban from my wife, and baptise her infant daughter, and I am content. I would not ask thee for this service, slight though it be, but the poor soul hath set her mind upon it. Wilt thou do it?”

“No,” replied the abbot, shuddering; “I will not baptise a daughter of Satan. I will not sell my soul to the powers of darkness. I adjure thee to depart from me, and tempt me no longer.”

“Vainly thou seekest to cast me off,” rejoined Demdike. “What if I deliver thine adversaries into thine hands, and revenge thee upon them? Even now there are a party of armed men waiting at the foot of the hill to seize thee and thy brethren. Shall I show thee how to destroy them?”

“Who are they?” demanded the abbot, surprised.

“Their leaders are John Braddyll and Richard Assheton, who shall divide Whalley Abbey between them, if thou stayest them not,” replied Demdike.

“Hell consume them!” cried the abbot.

“Thy speech shows consent,” rejoined Demdike. “Come this way.”

And, without awaiting the abbot’s reply, he dragged his horse towards the but-end of the mountain. As they went on, the two monks, who had been filled with surprise at the interview, though they did not dare to interrupt it, advanced towards their superior, and looked earnestly and inquiringly at him, but he remained silent; while to the men-at-arms and the herdsmen, who demanded whether their own beacon-fire should be extinguished as the others had been, he answered moodily in the negative.

“Where are the foes you spoke of?” he asked with some uneasiness, as Demdike led his horse slowly and carefully down the hill-side.

“You shall see anon,” replied the other.

“You are taking me to the spot where you traced the magic circle,” cried Paslew in alarm. “I know it from its unnaturally green hue. I will not go thither.”

“I do not mean you should, lord abbot,” replied Demdike, halting. “Remain on this firm ground. Nay, be not alarmed; you are in no danger. Now bid your men advance, and prepare their weapons.”

The abbot would have demanded wherefore, but at a glance from Demdike he complied, and the two men-at-arms, and the herdsmen, arranged themselves beside him, while Fathers Eastgate and Haydocke, who had gotten upon their mules, took up a position behind.

Scarcely were they thus placed, when a loud shout was raised below, and a band of armed men, to the number of thirty or forty, leapt the stone wall, and began to scale the hill with great rapidity. They came up a deep dry channel, apparently worn in the hill-side by some former torrent, and which led directly to the spot where Demdike and the abbot stood. The beacon-fire still blazed brightly, and illuminated the whole proceeding, showing that these men, from their accoutrements, were royalist soldiers.

“Stir not, as you value your life,” said the wizard to Paslew; “but observe what shall follow.”


Demdike went a little further down the hill, stopping when he came to the green patch. He then plunged his staff into the sod at the first point where he had cast a tuft of heather, and with such force that it sank more than three feet. The next moment he plucked it forth, as if with a great effort, and a jet of black water spouted into the air; but, heedless of this, he went to the next marked spot, and again plunged the sharp point of the implement into the ground. Again it sank to the same depth, and, on being drawn out, a second black jet sprung forth.

Meanwhile the hostile party continued to advance up the dry channel before mentioned, and shouted on beholding these strange preparations, but they did not relax their speed. Once more the staff sank into the ground, and a third black fountain followed its extraction. By this time, the royalist soldiers were close at hand, and the features of their two leaders, John Braddyll and Richard Assheton, could be plainly distinguished, and their voices heard.

“"Tis he! “tis the rebel abbot!” vociferated Braddyll, pressing forward. “We were not misinformed. He has been watching by the beacon. The devil has delivered him into our hands.”

“Ho! ho!” laughed Demdike.

“Abbot no longer–”tis the Earl of Poverty you mean,” responded Assheton. “The villain shall be gibbeted on the spot where he has fired the beacon, as a warning to all traitors.”

“Ha, heretics!–ha, blasphemers!–I can at least avenge myself upon you,” cried Paslew, striking spurs into his charger. But ere he could execute his purpose, Demdike had sprung backward, and, catching the bridle, restrained the animal by a powerful effort.

“Hold!” he cried, in a voice of thunder, “or you will share their fate.”

As the words were uttered, a dull, booming, subterranean sound was heard, and instantly afterwards, with a crash like thunder, the whole of the green circle beneath slipped off, and from a yawning rent under it burst forth with irresistible fury, a thick inky-coloured torrent, which, rising almost breast high, fell upon the devoted royalist soldiers, who were advancing right in its course. Unable to avoid the watery eruption, or to resist its fury when it came upon them, they were instantly swept from their feet, and carried down the channel.

A sight of horror was it to behold the sudden rise of that swarthy stream, whose waters, tinged by the ruddy glare of the beacon-fire, looked like waves of blood. Nor less fearful was it to hear the first wild despairing cry raised by the victims, or the quickly stifled shrieks and groans that followed, mixed with the deafening roar of the stream, and the crashing fall of the stones, which accompanied its course. Down, down went the poor wretches, now utterly overwhelmed by the torrent, now regaining their feet only to utter a scream, and then be swept off. Here a miserable struggler, whirled onward, would clutch at the banks and try to scramble forth, but the soft turf giving way beneath him, he was hurried off to eternity.

At another point where the stream encountered some trifling opposition, some two or three managed to gain a footing, but they were unable to extricate themselves. The vast quantity of boggy soil brought down by the current, and which rapidly collected here, embedded them and held them fast, so that the momently deepening water, already up to their chins, threatened speedy immersion. Others were stricken down by great masses of turf, or huge rocky fragments, which, bounding from point to point with the torrent, bruised or crushed all they encountered, or, lodging in some difficult place, slightly diverted the course of the torrent, and rendered it yet more dangerous.

On one of these stones, larger than the rest, which had been stopped in its course, a man contrived to creep, and with difficulty kept his post amid the raging flood. Vainly did he extend his hand to such of his fellows as were swept shrieking past him. He could not lend them aid, while his own position was so desperately hazardous that he did not dare to quit it. To leap on either bank was impossible, and to breast the headlong stream certain death.

On goes the current, madly, furiously, as if rejoicing in the work of destruction, while the white foam of its eddies presents a fearful contrast to the prevailing blackness of the surface. Over the last declivity it leaps, hissing, foaming, crashing like an avalanche. The stone wall for a moment opposes its force, but falls the next, with a mighty splash, carrying the spray far and wide, while its own fragments roll onwards with the stream. The trees of the orchard are uprooted in an instant, and an old elm falls prostrate. The outbuildings of a cottage are invaded, and the porkers and cattle, divining their danger, squeal and bellow in affright. But they are quickly silenced. The resistless foe has broken down wall and door, and buried the poor creatures in mud and rubbish.

The stream next invades the cottage, breaks in through door and window, and filling all the lower part of the tenement, in a few minutes converts it into a heap of ruin. On goes the destroyer, tearing up more trees, levelling more houses, and filling up a small pool, till the latter bursts its banks, and, with an accession to its force, pours itself into a mill-dam. Here its waters are stayed until they find a vent underneath, and the action of the stream, as it rushes downwards through this exit, forms a great eddy above, in which swim some living things, cattle and sheep from the fold not yet drowned, mixed with furniture from the cottages, and amidst them the bodies of some of the unfortunate men-at-arms which have been washed hither.

But, ha! another thundering crash. The dam has burst. The torrent roars and rushes on furiously as before, joins its forces with Pendle Water, swells up the river, and devastates the country far and wide.

The abbot and his companions beheld this work of destruction with amazement and dread. Blanched terror sat in their cheeks, and the blood was frozen in Paslew’s veins; for he thought it the work of the powers of darkness, and that he was leagued with them. He tried to mutter a prayer, but his lips refused their office. He would have moved, but his limbs were stiffened and paralysed, and he could only gaze aghast at the terrible spectacle.

Amidst it all he heard a wild burst of unearthly laughter, proceeding, he thought, from Demdike, and it filled him with new dread. But he could not check the sound, neither could he stop his ears, though he would fain have done so. Like him, his companions were petrified and speechless with fear.

After this had endured for some time, though still the black torrent rushed on impetuously as ever, Demdike turned to the abbot and said,–

“Your vengeance has been fully gratified. You will now baptise my child?”

“Never, never, accursed being!” shrieked the abbot. “Thou mayst sacrifice her at thine own impious rites. But see, there is one poor wretch yet struggling with the foaming torrent. I may save him.”

“That is John Braddyll, thy worst enemy,” replied Demdike. “If he lives he shall possess half Whalley Abbey. Thou hadst best also save Richard Assheton, who yet clings to the great stone below, as if he escapes he shall have the other half. Mark him, and make haste, for in five minutes both shall be gone.”

“I will save them if I can, be the consequence to myself what it may,” replied the abbot.

And, regardless of the derisive laughter of the other, who yelled in his ears as he went, “Bess shall see thee hanged at thy own door!” he dashed down the hill to the spot where a small object, distinguishable above the stream, showed that some one still kept his head above water, his tall stature having preserved him.

“Is it you, John Braddyll?” cried the abbot, as he rode up.

“Ay,” replied the head. “Forgive me for the wrong I intended you, and deliver me from this great peril.”

“I am come for that purpose,” replied the abbot, dismounting, and disencumbering himself of his heavy cloak.

By this time the two herdsmen had come up, and the abbot, taking a crook from one of them, clutched hold of the fellow, and, plunging fearlessly into the stream, extended it towards the drowning man, who instantly lifted up his hand to grasp it. In doing so Braddyll lost his balance, but, as he did not quit his hold, he was plucked forth from the tenacious mud by the combined efforts of the abbot and his assistant, and with some difficulty dragged ashore.

“Now for the other,” cried Paslew, as he placed Braddyll in safety.

“One-half the abbey is gone from thee,” shouted a voice in his ears as he rushed on.

Presently he reached the rocky fragment on which Ralph Assheton rested. The latter was in great danger from the surging torrent, and the stone on which he had taken refuge tottered at its base, and threatened to roll over.

“In Heaven’s name, help me, lord abbot, as thou thyself shall be holpen at thy need!” shrieked Assheton.

“Be not afraid, Richard Assheton,” replied Paslew. “I will deliver thee as I have delivered John Braddyll.”

But the task was not of easy accomplishment. The abbot made his preparations as before; grasped the hand of the herdsman and held out the crook to Assheton; but when the latter caught it, the stream swung him round with such force that the abbot must either abandon him or advance further into the water. Bent on Assheton’s preservation, he adopted the latter expedient, and instantly lost his feet; while the herdsman, unable longer to hold him, let go the crook, and the abbot and Assheton were swept down the stream together.

Down–down they went, destruction apparently awaiting them; but the abbot, though sometimes quite under the water, and bruised by the rough stones and gravel with which he came in contact, still retained his self-possession, and encouraged his companion to hope for succour. In this way they were borne down to the foot of the hill, the monks, the herdsmen, and the men-at-arms having given them up as lost. But they yet lived–yet floated–though greatly injured, and almost senseless, when they were cast into a pool formed by the eddying waters at the foot of the hill. Here, wholly unable to assist himself, Assheton was seized by a black hound belonging to a tall man who stood on the bank, and who shouted to Paslew, as he helped the animal to bring the drowning man ashore, “The other half of the abbey is gone from thee. Wilt thou baptise my child if I send my dog to save thee?”

“Never!” replied the other, sinking as he spoke.

Flashes of fire glanced in the abbot’s eyes, and stunning sounds seemed to burst his ears. A few more struggles, and he became senseless.

But he was not destined to die thus. What happened afterwards he knew not; but when he recovered full consciousness, he found himself stretched, with aching limbs and throbbing head, upon a couch in a monastic room, with a richly-painted and gilded ceiling, with shields at the corners emblazoned with the three luces of Whalley, and with panels hung with tapestry from the looms of Flanders, representing divers Scriptural subjects.

“Have I been dreaming?” he murmured.

“No,” replied a tall man standing by his bedside; “thou hast been saved from one death to suffer another more ignominious.”

“Ha!” cried the abbot, starting up and pressing his hand to his temples; “thou here?”

“Ay, I am appointed to watch thee,” replied Demdike. “Thou art a prisoner in thine own chamber at Whalley. All has befallen as I told thee. The Earl of Derby is master of the abbey; thy adherents are dispersed; and thy brethren are driven forth. Thy two partners in rebellion, the abbots of Jervaux and Salley, have been conveyed to Lancaster Castle, whither thou wilt go as soon as thou canst be moved.”

“I will surrender all–silver and gold, land and possessions–to the king, if I may die in peace,” groaned the abbot.

“It is not needed,” rejoined the other. “Attainted of felony, thy lands and abbey will be forfeited to the crown, and they shall be sold, as I have told thee, to John Braddyll and Richard Assheton, who will be rulers here in thy stead.”

“Would I had perished in the flood!” groaned the abbot.

“Well mayst thou wish so,” returned his tormentor; “but thou wert not destined to die by water. As I have said, thou shalt be hanged at thy own door, and my wife shall witness thy end.”

“Who art thou? I have heard thy voice before,” cried the abbot. “It is like the voice of one whom I knew years ago, and thy features are like his–though changed–greatly changed. Who art thou?”

“Thou shalt know before thou diest,” replied the other, with a look of gratified vengeance. “Farewell, and reflect upon thy fate.”

So saying, he strode towards the door, while the miserable abbot arose, and marching with uncertain steps to a little oratory adjoining, which he himself had built, knelt down before the altar, and strove to pray.


A sad, sad change hath come over the fair Abbey of Whalley. It knoweth its old masters no longer. For upwards of two centuries and a half hath the “Blessed Place” grown in beauty and riches. Seventeen abbots have exercised unbounded hospitality within it, but now they are all gone, save one!–and he is attainted of felony and treason. The grave monk walketh no more in the cloisters, nor seeketh his pallet in the dormitory. Vesper or matin-song resound not as of old within the fine conventual church. Stripped are the altars of their silver crosses, and the shrines of their votive offerings and saintly relics. Pyx and chalice, thuribule and vial, golden-headed pastoral staff, and mitre embossed with pearls, candlestick and Christmas ship of silver; salver, basin, and ewer–all are gone–the splendid sacristy hath been despoiled.

A sad, sad change hath come over Whalley Abbey. The libraries, well stored with reverend tomes, have been pillaged, and their contents cast to the flames; and thus long laboured manuscript, the fruit of years of patient industry, with gloriously illuminated missal, are irrecoverably lost. The large infirmary no longer receiveth the sick; in the locutory sitteth no more the guest. No longer in the mighty kitchens are prepared the prodigious supply of meats destined for the support of the poor or the entertainment of the traveller. No kindly porter stands at the gate, to bid the stranger enter and partake of the munificent abbot’s hospitality, but a churlish guard bids him hie away, and menaces him if he tarries with his halbert. Closed are the buttery-hatches and the pantries; and the daily dole of bread hath ceased. Closed, also, to the brethren is the refectory. The cellarer’s office is ended. The strong ale which he brewed in October, is tapped in March by roystering troopers. The rich muscadel and malmsey, and the wines of Gascoigne and the Rhine, are no longer quaffed by the abbot and his more honoured guests, but drunk to his destruction by his foes. The great gallery, a hundred and fifty feet in length, the pride of the abbot’s lodging, and a model of architecture, is filled not with white-robed ecclesiastics, but with an armed earl and his retainers. Neglected is the little oratory dedicated to Our Lady of Whalley, where night and morn the abbot used to pray. All the old religious and hospitable uses of the abbey are foregone. The reverend stillness of the cloisters, scarce broken by the quiet tread of the monks, is now disturbed by armed heel and clank of sword; while in its saintly courts are heard the ribald song, the profane jest, and the angry brawl. Of the brethren, only those tenanting the cemetery are left. All else are gone, driven forth, as vagabonds, with stripes and curses, to seek refuge where they may.

A sad, sad change has come over Whalley Abbey. In the plenitude of its pride and power has it been cast down, desecrated, despoiled. Its treasures are carried off, its ornaments sold, its granaries emptied, its possessions wasted, its storehouses sacked, its cattle slaughtered and sold. But, though stripped of its wealth and splendour; though deprived of all the religious graces that, like rich incense, lent an odour to the fane, its external beauty is yet unimpaired, and its vast proportions undiminished.

A stately pile was Whalley–one of the loveliest as well as the largest in the realm. Carefully had it been preserved by its reverend rulers, and where reparations or additions were needed they were judiciously made. Thus age had lent it beauty, by mellowing its freshness and toning its hues, while no decay was perceptible. Without a struggle had it yielded to the captor, so that no part of its wide belt of walls or towers, though so strongly constructed as to have offered effectual resistance, were injured.

Never had Whalley Abbey looked more beautiful than on a bright clear morning in March, when this sad change had been wrought, and when, from a peaceful monastic establishment, it had been converted into a menacing fortress. The sunlight sparkled upon its grey walls, and filled its three great quadrangular courts with light and life, piercing the exquisite carving of its cloisters, and revealing all the intricate beauty and combinations of the arches. Stains of painted glass fell upon the floor of the magnificent conventual church, and dyed with rainbow hues the marble tombs of the Lacies, the founders of the establishment, brought thither when the monastery was removed from Stanlaw in Cheshire, and upon the brass-covered gravestones of the abbots in the presbytery. There lay Gregory de Northbury, eighth abbot of Stanlaw and first of Whalley, and William Rede, the last abbot; but there was never to lie John Paslew. The slumber of the ancient prelates was soon to be disturbed, and the sacred structure within which they had so often worshipped, up-reared by sacrilegious hands. But all was bright and beauteous now, and if no solemn strains were heard in the holy pile, its stillness was scarcely less reverential and awe-inspiring. The old abbey wreathed itself in all its attractions, as if to welcome back its former ruler, whereas it was only to receive him as a captive doomed to a felon’s death.

But this was outward show. Within all was terrible preparation. Such was the discontented state of the country, that fearing some new revolt, the Earl of Derby had taken measures for the defence of the abbey, and along the wide-circling walls of the close were placed ordnance and men, and within the grange stores of ammunition. A strong guard was set at each of the gates, and the courts were filled with troops. The bray of the trumpet echoed within the close, where rounds were set for the archers, and martial music resounded within the area of the cloisters. Over the great north-eastern gateway, which formed the chief entrance to the abbot’s lodging, floated the royal banner. Despite these warlike proceedings the fair abbey smiled beneath the sun, in all, or more than all, its pristine beauty, its green hills sloping gently down towards it, and the clear and sparkling Calder dashing merrily over the stones at its base.

But upon the bridge, and by the river side, and within the little village, many persons were assembled, conversing gravely and anxiously together, and looking out towards the hills, where other groups were gathered, as if in expectation of some afflicting event. Most of these were herdsmen and farming men, but some among them were poor monks in the white habits of the Cistertian brotherhood, but which were now stained and threadbare, while their countenances bore traces of severest privation and suffering. All the herdsmen and farmers had been retainers of the abbot. The poor monks looked wistfully at their former habitation, but replied not except by a gentle bowing of the head to the cruel scoffs and taunts with which they were greeted by the passing soldiers; but the sturdy rustics did not bear these outrages so tamely, and more than one brawl ensued, in which blood flowed, while a ruffianly arquebussier would have been drowned in the Calder but for the exertions to save him of a monk whom he had attacked.

This took place on the eleventh of March, 1537–more than three months after the date of the watching by the beacon before recorded–and the event anticipated by the concourse without the abbey, as well as by those within its walls, was the arrival of Abbot Paslew and Fathers Eastgate and Haydocke, who were to be brought on that day from Lancaster, and executed on the following morning before the abbey, according to sentence passed upon them.

The gloomiest object in the picture remains to be described, but yet it is necessary to its completion. This was a gallows of unusual form and height, erected on the summit of a gentle hill, rising immediately in front of the abbot’s lodgings, called the Holehouses, whose rounded, bosomy beauty it completely destroyed. This terrible apparatus of condign punishment was regarded with abhorrence by the rustics, and it required a strong guard to be kept constantly round it to preserve it from demolition.

Amongst a group of rustics collected on the road leading to the north-east gateway, was Cuthbert Ashbead, who having been deprived of his forester’s office, was now habited in a frieze doublet and hose with a short camlet cloak on his shoulder, and a fox-skin cap, embellished with the grinning jaws of the beast on his head.

“Eigh, Ruchot o’ Roaph’s,” he observed to a bystander, “that’s a fearfo sect that gallas. Yoan been up to t’ Holehouses to tey a look at it, beloike?”

“Naw, naw, ey dunna loike such sects,” replied Ruchot o’ Roaph’s; “besoide there wor a great rabblement at t’ geate, an one o’ them lunjus archer chaps knockt meh o’ t’ nob wi’ his poike, an towd me he’d hong me wi’ t’ abbut, if ey didna keep owt ot wey.”

“An sarve te reet too, theaw craddinly carl!” cried Ashbead, doubling his horny fists. “Odds flesh! whey didna yo ha’ a tussle wi’ him? Mey honts are itchen for a bowt wi’ t’ heretic robbers. Walladey! walladey! that we should live to see t’ oly feythers driven loike hummobees owt o’ t’ owd neest. Whey they sayn ot King Harry hon decreet ot we’re to ha’ naw more monks or friars i’ aw Englondshiar. Ony think o’ that. An dunna yo knoa that t’ Abbuts o’ Jervaux an Salley wor hongt o’ Tizeday at Loncaster Castle?”

“Good lorjus bless us!” exclaimed a sturdy hind, “we’n a protty king. Furst he chops off his woife’s heaod, an then hongs aw t’ priests. Whot’ll t’ warlt cum “to?

“Eigh by t’ mess, whot winit cum to?” cried Ruchot o’ Roaph’s. “But we darrna oppen owr mows fo’ fear o’ a gog.”

“Naw, beleady! boh eyst oppen moine woide enuff,” cried Ashbead; “an’ if a dozen o’ yo chaps win join me, eyn try to set t’ poor abbut free whon they brinks him here.”

“Ey’d as leef boide till to-morrow,” said Ruchot o’Roaph’s, uneasily.

“Eigh, thou’rt a timmersome teyke, os ey towd te efore,” replied Ashbead. “But whot dust theaw say, Hal o’ Nabs?” he added, to the sturdy hind who had recently spoken.

“Ey’n spill t’ last drop o’ meh blood i’ t’ owd abbut’s keawse,” replied Hal o’ Nabs. “We winna stond by, an see him hongt loike a dog. Abbut Paslew to t’ reskew, lads!”

“Eigh, Abbut Paslew to t’ reskew!” responded all the others, except Ruchot o’ Roaph’s.

“This must be prevented,” muttered a voice near them. And immediately afterwards a tall man quitted the group.

“Whoa wor it spoake?” cried Hal o’ Nabs. “Oh, ey seen, that he-witch, Nick Demdike.”

“Nick Demdike here!” cried Ashbead, looking round in alarm. “Has he owerheert us?”

“Loike enow,” replied Hal o’ Nabs. “But ey didna moind him efore.”

“Naw ey noather,” cried Ruchot o’ Roaph’s, crossing himself, and spitting on the ground. “Owr Leady o’ Whalley shielt us fro’ t’ warlock!”

“Tawkin o’ Nick Demdike,” cried Hal o’ Nabs, “yo’d a strawnge odventer wi’ him t’ neet o’ t’ great brast o’ Pendle Hill, hadna yo, Cuthbert?”