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Englisch Lernen mit klassischen Werken. Die Bücher dieser Reihe eignen sich für Jugendliche und Erwachsen, die mit klassischen Werken ihre Lesefähigkeit verbessern wollen. Englisch Niveaus A2 bis B2. Durchgehend in englischer Sprache. "Die Verwandlung" ist eine berühmte Novelle von Franz Kafka, die 1915 veröffentlicht worden ist. Sie erzählt die Geschichte von Gregor Samsa, einem Handelsreisenden, der eines Morgens aufwacht und feststellt, dass er sich in ein riesiges Ungeziefer verwandelt hat. Diese schockierende Verwandlung hat tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf Gregor und seine Familie. Im Laufe der Geschichte verschlechtert sich Gregors Verhältnis zu seiner Familie. Seine anfänglichen Versuche, mit seiner neuen Identität umzugehen und Kontakt zu seiner Familie aufzunehmen, enden in Frustration und Isolation. Seine Schwester Grete, die zunächst Mitleid mit ihm hat, kümmert sich um ihn. Aber mit der Zeit empfindet sie nur noch Abscheu und Überdruss. Die Familie beginnt, Gregor als Last zu sehen. Sie sperren ihn in seinem Zimmer ein und vernachlässigen seine Bedürfnisse.
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The Metamorphosis
One morning, Gregor Samsa is transformed into a giant insect. He is lying in his bed on his back and can see his big, brown belly. The duvet is barely covering him. He has many thin legs that seem useless to him. Gregor is confused and realises that it is not a dream. His room looks normal, just a little smaller. He sees a picture on the wall of a lady in a fur hat. He looks out of the window. It is raining. Gregor wants to go back to sleep, but he can't turn on his side. He tries, but always ends up on his back. It hurts and eventually he gives up.
Gregor Samsa thinks about how hard his work is. He has to travel a lot. He worries about the train connections and finds the food bad when travelling. He wishes he could get rid of all this stress. Gregor also thinks that getting up early is not good for him. He envies other travellers who can get up later. He would like to quit, but he worries about his parents. In five to six years' time, he hopes to have saved enough money to pay off the debt to his boss. Then he wants to quit. But now he must get up because his train leaves at five o'clock.
Gregor looks at his alarm clock and realizes that it is almost a quarter to seven. He wonders why he didn't hear the alarm clock. Now he has a problem. The next train leaves at seven o'clock, but he's not ready yet. If he misses the train, his boss will be very angry. The business valet has probably already reported that Gregor missed the earlier train. Gregor considers whether he should call in sick. But that seems wrong to him because he has never been ill in five years. Gregor actually feels fine, just a little tired. While he is thinking about it, he hears a cautious knock on his door.
“Gregor,” calls his mum, “it is almost seven o'clock. Don't you have to go?” Gregor is startled when he hears his own voice. It sounds almost like it always does, but there's a strange beeping sound mixed in. Gregor truly wants to explain everything but just says, “Yes, thanks, mum; I'll get up.”
His mum walks away reassured. Through the conversation, his father and his sister, Grete, also hear that Gregor is still at home. The father knocks on the door and calls Gregor. The sister quietly asks if he is all right. Gregor replies to both of them that he is already finished. He tries to make his voice sound normal. His father goes back to breakfast, but Grete asks Gregor to open the door. Gregor doesn't think about it and is glad that he has locked the door.
Gregor wants to get up in peace, get dressed, have breakfast and then think. He can't find a solution in bed. Pulling the covers off is easy for him. But getting up is difficult. He is very broad and instead of arms he has lots of legs that he can't control.
He tries to get out of bed with the lower part of his body, but he is unable to do so. When he tries again, he bumps into the bed. He realises that his body is very sensitive. Gregor tries to get out of bed with his upper body first. He carefully turns his head towards the edge of the bed, which he manages to do. His body slowly follows. But when his head is free in the air, he is afraid to continue. He fears hurting himself. So he decides to stay in bed instead.
Gregor knows that he can't stay in bed forever. He thinks it is better to risk everything to get out of bed. But he also knows that it is better to think calmly than to act rashly. He looks out of the window, but the fog gives him no hope. It is seven o'clock and the fog is still thick. Gregor lies there quietly for a while, breathing easily and hoping that everything will return to normal.
Gregor must be out of bed soon. Soon someone from the shop will come to check on him. He tries to rock so that he falls out of bed evenly. He hopes to protect his head as he falls.