The Story of Christmas - Brian Simmons - E-Book

The Story of Christmas E-Book

Brian Simmons



Read the Christmas story with passion as you celebrate the birth of Christ! Jesus, born over two thousand years ago, his life continues to shape and shake the world today. The Story of Christmas includes the foretelling of his coming to earth by prophetic Scriptures in the Old Testament; the biographical account of his birth as told by Matthew, Luke, and John; the promise of his return declared by Jesus in the Gospels and by John in Revelation; and the power of Christ in us as recorded in the Epistles of the New Testament. Enjoy the richness of this life-changing story taken from The Passion Translation—a new, heart-level translation that expresses God's very heart of love to this generation using Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God's Word.

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Scripture text translated from the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts by Dr. Brian Simmons.

See for all books available.

Published by BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA

© 2015 BroadStreet Publishing Group

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5171-2 (paper back)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5218-4 (e-book)

All Bible text is from The Passion Translation®, including the following books: The Psalms: Poetry on Fire, Luke and Acts: To the Lovers of God, Matthew: Our Loving King, John: Eternal Love, Romans: Grace and Glory, Letters from Heaven: By the Apostle Paul, 1 & 2 Corinthians: Love and Truth, Hebrews and James: Faith Works, and excerpts from Genesis, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Revelation. Excerpts from these books contained in this special edition may be quoted up to and including thirty (30) verses without written permission from the publisher. The following credit line must appear on the copyright page of the work:

Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®, copyright © 2014, 2015. Used by permission of BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. All rights reserved.

When Scripture quotations from TPT are used in nonsalable media, such as newsletters, transparencies, church bulletins, orders of service or similar media, it is not necessary to post a complete copyright notice, but the initials TPT must appear at the end of each quotation. Send other permission requests through the contact form at

Cover design by Chris Garborg at

Interior by Katherine Lloyd at

Printed in the United States of America

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Section 1

The Rescuer Is Promised

Section 2

The Anointed One Is Born

Section 3

The Savior Lives in Us

Section 4

The King Returns for Us

Section 5

Ten Promises of Christmas

Receive the Promises of Christmas

Other Books from the Passion Translation


Every good story offers a great promise. The story of Christmas is no different. It speaks into the hopelessness and restlessness of our day by revealing a God who has been on mission to save us.

From the beginning of our human story, God promised a Rescuer who would come to fix our bro-kenness. When he made good on that promise, he did so in an unexpected way: by sending his Son, the Anointed One! He is the Savior who lives in us, the King who will return for us.

You are invited to experience this story, and unwrap the promises it offers you and your world.

Section 1


For many, Christmas is so hopeful because life can be so hopeless. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, though. In the beginning God made everything very good. Then our ancestors ruined it all. Yet God didn’t given up on us! From the very beginning he’s been on mission to rescue us. God promised a Child-King who would establish his kingdom realm, bring light to the darkness, establish justice on earth, and suffer to heal us all. Thankfully God made good on his promise!

A Child Is Promised

GENESIS 3:14–15

The Lord God said to the serpent … “I will cause a dire hostility to exist between you and the woman, and between your children and her children. And he will render a crushing blow to your head even though you will strike her children’s heel.”

King of the World


Go ahead—sing your new song to the Lord!

Let everyone in every language

sing him a new song.

Don’t stop! Keep on singing!

Make his name famous!

Tell everyone every day how wonderful he is!

Give them the good news of our great Savior.

Take the message of his glory and miracles

to every nation.

Tell them about all the amazing things

he has done.

For the Lord’s greatness is beyond description

and he deserves all the praise

that comes to him.

He is our King-God and it’s right to be

in holy awe of him.

Other gods are absolutely worthless.

For the Lord God is Creator God

who spread the splendor of the skies!

Breathtaking brilliance and awe-inspiring majesty

radiate from his shining presence.

His stunning beauty overwhelms all who come

before him!

Surrender to the Lord Yahweh all you nations

and peoples.

Surrender to him all your pride and strength.

Confess that Jehovah alone deserves all the

glory and honor!

Bring an offering and come celebrate

in his courts.

Come worship the Lord God wearing

the splendor of holiness.

Let everyone wait in wonder as they tremble

in awe before him.

Tell the nations plainly that Yahweh

rules over all!

He is doing a great job, and nothing will

disrupt him,

for he treats everyone fair and square.

Let the skies sing for joy!

Let the earth join in the chorus.

Let oceans thunder and fields echo this

ecstatic praise

until every swaying tree of every forest joins in,

lifting up their songs of joyous praise to him!

For here he comes, the Lord God,

and he’s ready to judge the world.

He will do what’s right and can be trusted to

always do what’s fair!

Messiah, King, and Priest

PSALM 110:1–4

Jehovah-God said to my Lord, the Messiah:

“Sit with me as Enthroned Ruler

while I subdue your every enemy.

They will bow low before you

as I make them a footstool for your feet!”

Messiah, I know God himself will establish

your kingdom

as you reign in Zion-glory.

For he says to you: “Rule in the midst of your


Your people will be your love offerings

like living sacrifices spilled out before you!

In the day of your mighty power

you will be exalted,

and in the brightness of your holy ones

you will shine as an army arising

from the dawning rays of a new day,

anointed with the dew of your youth!

Jehovah-God has taken a solemn oath

and will never back away from it, saying:

“You are a priest for eternity, my King of righteousness!”

A Virgin Will Conceive

ISAIAH 7:10–14

The Lord spoke through Isaiah again and said to King Ahaz: “Go ahead—ask for a sign from the Lord your God! Make your request beyond the realm of possibility! Ask for something miraculous!”

But Ahaz replied, “I don’t want to ask or to challenge the Lord to a test.”

So Isaiah said to him, “Listen, O house of David: Is it not enough that you try my patience? Must you also try the patience of my God? Therefore, the Sovereign Lord himself will choose the sign he gives you—a virgin will carry a child and will give birth to a son! And you will name him, God-With-Us!”

The Darkness Turns to Light

ISAIAH 9:2–7

I will dispel all gloom for those who are fearful of judgment! Although the Lord once greatly humbled the region of Zebulon and Naphtali, he will one day bestow upon them great honor—from the Mediterranean eastward to the other side of the Jordan, and throughout the Galilee of the Gentiles.

For the people who walked in darkness will see a radiant light shining upon them—illuminating even the darkest places. They once lived in the shadows of death, but now a brilliant light is shining on them.

Lord you have given them overflowing joy and made them happy! They are ecstatic over what you have done, rejoicing as those who bring in a great harvest and like those who divide up the plunder they have captured.

For God will break the chains that bind his people and lifted off the bar across their shoulders and the rod the oppressor used on them. You have shattered all their bondage, just like you did when Midian’s armies were defeated!

Every boot of troops on the march, every uniform caked in blood is destined to be burned as fuel for the fire.

A child has been born for us! A son has been given to us! The responsibility of total dominion rests on his shoulders. And he will be known as: The Wonderful One! The Marvelous Counselor! The Mighty God! The Father of Eternity! And The Prince of Peace!