The Swiss Family Robinson - Johann David Wyss - Hörbuch

The Swiss Family Robinson Hörbuch

Johann David Wyss

16,99 €

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A classic tale of adventure and survival, The Swiss Family Robinson has been a bestseller ever since it was published in 1812, just over 200 years ago. Written by Swiss pastor Johann David Wyss, it begins with a shipwreck. A boat carrying a family of settlers to a distant colony is driven onto a reef just off an uncharted tropical island. The sailors desert the ship in lifeboats, leaving the family on board. They weather the storm, build a makeshift raft of empty casks and head for the island. Once on dry land, they set about exploring their new surroundings. Using their wits and ingenuity, they build a new life together and make many amazing discoveries…

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Zeit:4 Std. 56 min

Sprecher:Jonathan Keeble
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