The Table, the Ass, and the Stick - Brothers Grimm - E-Book

The Table, the Ass, and the Stick E-Book

Brothers Grimm

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There was once a tailor who had three sons and one goat. And the goat, as she nourished them all with her milk, was obliged to have good food, and so she was led every day down to the willows by the water-side ...

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The Table, the Ass, and the Stick

The Table, the Ass, and the StickThere was once a tailor who had three sons and one goat ...Copyright

The Table, the Ass, and the Stick

Brothers Grimm

There was once a tailor who had three sons and one goat ...

There was once a tailor who had three sons and one goat. And the goat, as she nourished them all with her milk, was obliged to have good food, and so she was led every day down to the willows by the water-side; and this business the sons did in turn. One day the eldest took the goat to the churchyard, where the best sprouts are, that she might eat her fill and gambol about.

In the evening, when it was time to go home, he said, "Well, goat, have you had enough?" The goat answered,

"I am so full,

I cannot pull

Another blade of grass—ba! baa!"

"Then come home," said the youth, and fastened a string to her, led her to her stall, and fastened her up.

"Now," said the old tailor, "has the goat had her proper food?"

"Oh," answered the son, "she is so full, she no more can pull." But the father, wishing to see for himself, went out to the stall, stroked his dear goat, and said, "My dear goat, are you full?" And the goat answered,

"How can I be full?

There was nothing to pull.

Though I looked all about me—bat! baa!"

"What is this that I hear?" cried the tailor, and he ran and called out to the youth, "O you liar, to say that the goat was full, and she has been hungry all the time!" And in his wrath he took up his yard-measure and drove his son out of the house with many blows.

The next day came the turn of the second $on, and he found a fine place in the garden hedge, where there were good green sprouts, and the goat ate them all up. In the evening, when he came to lead her home, he said, "Well, goat, have you had enough?" And the goat answered,

"I am so full,

I cannot pull

Another blade of grass—ba! baa!"