The World War II History Journals: 1945 - Liam Dale - Hörbuch

The World War II History Journals: 1945 Hörbuch

Liam Dale

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Do you want to learn more about World War II, but don't have time to read/listen to huge, long books? Then let The History Journals take you on an hourly history tour of each year of the war with The World War II History Journals series which includes one book per year from 1939 to 1945. Throughout this series of journals released to acknowledge 80 years since the beginning of WW2, we will be looking at the seven years of that conflict on an annual basis. The conflict, the buildup to war, the major battles, the strategies and technological developments, the effect on civilians, and most importantly of all we'll consider the role of the soldiers, sailors, and airmen who gave their lives fighting for the freedom of others. Although the Allied nations faced the New Year of 1945 with a huge sense of hope, there was still a great deal of work to be done if world peace was to become a reality. Adolf Hitler and his Axis powers were finally facing defeat after seven years at war, but just like any wounded animal in the wild, they continued to pose a very real and dangerous threat. Follow us onward into the history of WW2 in 1945 – and the end of the war. You will learn about: A retreating Japan responds with Kamikaze pilots, Russian push to Warsaw Hitler's suicide German army withdraws after Battle of the Bulge, American forces target Iwo Jima The last rush for Berlin, VE Day, Truman authorizes nuclear bomb testing Hiroshima, Nagasaki, America drops the atomic bomb, Japan surrenders, VJ Day Be sure to read/listen to all the books in the series - one for each year through the end of the war in 1945!

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Zeit:0 Std. 46 min

Sprecher:Liam Dale
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