The Youngs : The Brothers Who Built AC/DC - Jesse Fink - Hörbuch

The Youngs : The Brothers Who Built AC/DC Hörbuch

Jesse Fink

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With sales of over 200 million albums, AC/DC is not just the biggest rock band in the world; it is a family empire built by three brothers: George, Malcolm and Angus Young. One of the most original music biographies of recent times, The Youngs: The Brothers Who Built AC/DC is unlike any AC/DC book you've read before. It tells the extraordinary story of the men behind this musical and commercial colossus through eleven classic songs, revealing some of the personal and creative secrets that went into their making. Important figures from AC/DC's long way to the top open up for the very first time, jaw-dropping revelations are made, while unsung heroes behind the band's astonishing success are given due credit. Accepted accounts of events are challenged, sensational details emerge to cast a whole new light on the band's breakout years in the United States, and a cast of AC/DC insiders and musicians from bands such as Guns N' Roses and Dropkick Murphys give their take on the Youngs' brand of magic. AC/DC's music has never pulled its punches. Neither does The Youngs. After more that forty years, AC/DC finally has the serious book it deserves. ©Harper Collins India 2018

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Zeit:8 Std. 24 min

Sprecher:Sunil Nambiar
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