Uncle Vanya - Anton Chekhov - E-Book

Uncle Vanya E-Book

Anton Chekhov

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"Uncle Vanya", Anton Chekhov's masterpiece of frustrated longing and wasted lives, was originally a much more conventional drama in its earlier incarnation. Previously known as "The Wood Demon", the play was rejected by two theatres before premiering in Moscow in December of 1889 to a very poor reception (it closed after three performances). Sometime between that date and 1896, Chekhov revised the play, altering it radically. 

Chekhov’s "Uncle Vanya" explores the disruption and discontent of a small group of people in rural 19th century Russia, and since its publication has helped pave the way for many of the world’s finest contemporary playwrights.

Uncle Vanya spends his time idling around the country estate of his brother-in-law, Serebryakov, a retired professor, in Russia, 1898. His sister (the professor's wife) dead, Vanya indulges in a romantic malaise over Serebryakov's beautiful, young second wife, Yelena. Meanwhile Doctor Astrov, summoned to the estate to tend to the professor's myriad imagined aches and pains, is also in love with the enigmatic Yelena and remains oblivious to the fact that Serebryakov's daughter, Sonya, yearns for him. Trouble develops when Serebryakov announces his plan to sell the estate (Vanya and Sonya’s home) in order to invest the profits and make a fortune for himself and Yelena.

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Anton Chekhov

Uncle Vanya

Table of contents



Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4


Anton Chekhov


ALEXANDER SEREBRAKOFF, a retired professor

HELENA, his wife, twenty-seven years old

SONIA, his daughter by a former marriage

MME. VOITSKAYA, widow of a privy councilor, and mother of Serebrakoff's first wife



ILIA (WAFFLES) TELEGIN, an impoverished landowner

MARINA, an old nurse


The scene is laid on SEREBRAKOFF'S country place

Act 1

A country house on a terrace. In front of it a garden. In an avenue of trees, under an old poplar, stands a table set for tea, with a samovar, etc. Some benches and chairs stand near the table. On one of them is lying a guitar. A hammock is swung near the table. It is three o'clock in the afternoon of a cloudy day.

MARINA, a quiet, grey-haired, little old woman, is sitting at the table knitting a stocking.

ASTROFF is walking up and down near her.

MARINA. [Pouring some tea into a glass] Take a little tea, my son.

ASTROFF. [Takes the glass from her unwillingly] Somehow, I don't seem to want any.

MARINA. Then will you have a little vodka instead?

ASTROFF. No, I don't drink vodka every day, and besides, it is too hot now. [A pause] Tell me, nurse, how long have we known each other?

MARINA. [Thoughtfully] Let me see, how long is it? Lord—help me to remember. You first came here, into our parts—let me think—when was it? Sonia's mother was still alive—it was two winters before she died; that was eleven years ago—[thoughtfully] perhaps more.

ASTROFF. Have I changed much since then?

MARINA. Oh, yes. You were handsome and young then, and now you are an old man and not handsome any more. You drink, too.

ASTROFF. Yes, ten years have made me another man. And why? Because I am overworked. Nurse, I am on my feet from dawn till dusk. I know no rest; at night I tremble under my blankets for fear of being dragged out to visit some one who is sick; I have toiled without repose or a day's freedom since I have known you; could I help growing old? And then, existence is tedious, anyway; it is a senseless, dirty business, this life, and goes heavily. Every one about here is silly, and after living with them for two or three years one grows silly oneself. It is inevitable. [Twisting his moustache] See what a long moustache I have grown. A foolish, long moustache. Yes, I am as silly as the rest, nurse, but not as stupid; no, I have not grown stupid. Thank God, my brain is not addled yet, though my feelings have grown numb. I ask nothing, I need nothing, I love no one, unless it is yourself alone. [He kisses her head] I had a nurse just like you when I was a child.

MARINA. Don't you want a bite of something to eat?