War and Peace, Vol. 1 - Leo Tolstoy - Hörbuch

War and Peace, Vol. 1 Hörbuch

Leo Tolstoy

54,99 €

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The Neville Jason performance of Tolstoy's War & Peace has been selected as a Top 12 Fiction title for Best Audiobooks Of 2007 by AudioFile Magazine. War and Peace is one of the greatest monuments in world literature. Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars, it examines the relationship between the individual and the relentless march of history. Here are the universal themes of love and hate, ambition and despair, youth and age, expressed with a swirling vitality which makes the book as accessible today as it was when it was first published in 1869. In addition, it is famously one of the longest books in Western literature and, therefore, a remarkable challenge for any reader.

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Zeit:30 Std. 19 min

Sprecher:Jason NevilleNeville Jason
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