When an Atheist… Prays - William King - E-Book

When an Atheist… Prays E-Book

William King

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"When an Atheist... prays" follows William Waldrep, wrongly convicted and imprisoned. He's recruited by secret agencies to thwart a massive cyberattack planned by four nations. Released from prison, William becomes an unlikely hero, navigating espionage and international threats. The story reveals shocking secrets, leading to a life-altering revelation at the White House. It's a thrilling tale of injustice, redemption, and courage in the face of looming danger.

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William King

When an Atheist… Prays

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by William King

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by BooxAI

ISBN: 978-965-578-848-8


BOOK 1 OF 12



1. The Opening

2. The Jury

3. Welcome to Draper

4. Romance in Prison

5. Supermax… & Promontory

6. Parole… Stipulations

7. End Game


(music… playing in the background)

Shows a highly distressed man considering giving up on his life… looking at family pictures of him and his spouse. Intimately kissing on their wedding day. Then, his two cats and little puppy are in a separate picture in his executive office… He paced frantically back and forth, beating his chest like a gorilla. Then, holding his right arm high as well as putting his index finger straight up in the air… Like a boxer would do after winning a huge fight, symbolizing he was STILL number one… right before loosening his tie and collar. Then, quickly screaming… "AHHHHHH!!!" Followed by knocking over pictures and flipping his desk on its side! Mr. Waldrep suddenly stopped… as he stared like a deer in headlights at his own name in BIG gold letters… CEO, Mr. William Waldrep, read directly behind his office chair and desk on the wall up above. As he stood slowly… The music continued to play loudly from his smartphone, which was also connected to his newly added sound system in his office, located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. He was a "GREAT MAN" truly… he was even nicknamed "A.J.," aka short for atheist JESUS… because he was such a pleasant soul… and was just downright a near-perfect man… he gave to the homeless; he was the best husband, a great father to his kids, an awesome boss, friend, and highly respected in the community. He stood up to police brutality and advocated equal rights and pay for women, etc.; he was bigger than Elon in popularity…So, to see him in this condition was unheard of. He looked down at a text from his beautiful wife that read, "DON'T GIVE UP SWEETIE… WE GOT THIS… I KNOW YOU DIDN'T DO THIS… THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT… HANG IN THERE! I'LL SEE YOU TONIGHT?!... Love always your wife…"

Salt Lake City, Ogden, West Valley police departments, and "S.W.A.T" all responded to the light-collected African Americans' 911 call. Mr. Waldrep was a very good-looking man, about 6'3, greatly toned, bald… by choice, with clean-cut facial hair usually, and lots of tattoos, but not today, with his facial hair that had reached a beyond normal recognition status. He demanded to have his name cleared immediately… because of all the false charges and slander on his name and business. "Who knows what I will do if you don't… you FAKE WORTHLESS FUCKERS… I had already evacuated the building. COME GET ME… YOU BETTER BRING AN ARMY!" Mr. Waldrep demanded. About 30 minutes later…

His heart pounded after viewing eight military-style helicopters outside the huge bulletproof glass windows of his office that he quickly tinted by the sound of his voice. "Windows… black out NOW!" William shouted with an agitated but still powerful, deep command…. The windows are one by one tinted. As he still could feel and hear the vibrations of the military helicopters, he started to think about all the good memories… starting from when he was about five years of age to current… Like getting his first kitten… having his first dance at age 13, and meeting his wife at an outside mall in Farmington. He started to shake from his feet, legs, then hands… as he also hyperventilated… (such deep breathing… tears the size of cough drops…) flew from his eyes. Followed by snot running from his nose as he ever so often wiped it on his expensive grey suit with his right arm.The way his sweat dripped and drenched his clothes, you would have thought it was over 120 in his office. He kept pacing back and forth and yelling… "FUCK THESE LIARS… FUCK... I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY WOULD DO THIS. WHY? I KNOW... I KNOW YOU GREEDY SELFISH SONS OF BITCHES!" He logged into his desktop computer via his left index finger, along with a face scan and, finally, a 33 encrypted PIN code to open his bank account that shockingly revealed he had just hit over a billion in U.S. currency.

He quickly transferred all but 25 million to an offshore account. He had previously set up in a trusted colleague's name, which would be hard to trace back to him. Police officers… National Guard, S.W.A.T., all were approaching his office… by elevators… by stairs… you name it.

There were thousands of his own employees, local members of the city, news reporters, bomb squad detectives… all looking up at the foreign scene, like something out of a movie!

People crying, to K-9 dogs wearing bulletproof vests, to actual war tanks facing off against protesters holding various huge signs, some saying. "WE STAND WITH WILLIAM"… to, "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!"… to, "Mr. WALDREP IS FACTUALLY INNOCENT…" etc.

The people of not only Salt Lake, Ogden, and West Valley, I mean people from both coasts and in between… all backed up Mr. Waldrep… they were there, in riot gear, with guns and ammo in hand, people were getting shoved intensely, others were hit in the face with billy clubs. While others were getting handcuffed and dragged into white windowless vans…

His case was publicized in over 100 countries and languages…and was, technically, still awaiting a verdict in a few days. Mr. Waldrep was granted a bail of 750 million that he paid with ease but had several stipulations. He couldn't leave Salt Lake County, and he had to wear an ankle monitor that tracked his every move, and so on.

He hated that thing, especially in the shower. He un-tinted the windows to look down and see the incredible event and massive snow-capped Utah mountains to the east.

He was quite pleased and invigorated by the enormous-sized crowd, chanting altogether, "FREE WILLIAM… FREE WILLIAM... FREE WILLIAM!" Remember, he was once a mayor, even though he NEVER considered himself a politician because, at his core, he was just like you and me. He came from humble beginnings; for him, it's truly a rags-to-riches story… where he originated from a crack whore mother that resembled a young Halle Berry and was a real prostitute that abandoned him for two weeks in a drug-run building. Then, he was adopted by his grandmother and mother's sister to sleep on the floor by the kitchen trash. Yet, became a self-made BILLIONAIRE by way of self-investing in chess, basketball, and fight gear.

The army and officers flooded the hallways as they finally arrived at Mr. Waldrep's grand office door. They cried out, "Waldrep, you're surrounded. This is Captain Fields of the Special Weapons and Tactical unit…" you could also hear echoes of walkie-talkies in the distance… "YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS TO MAKE A CHOICE…. YOU COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP, OR WE COME IN, NOT SO NICE… AND BELIEVE ME! WE WILL HAVE YOU SCREAMING, LIKE A LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL AFTER WE'RE DONE WITH YOU… THE CHOICE IS YOURS… 3… 2…

William had NEVER prayed once in his life, until then… He got on one knee like a football player would when one of their own took a brutal hit on the field, not knowing if they would ever be the same or have a brain injury lasting longer than their finances. He continued to pray as they broke down the door in numbers… They kicked William several times in the head and hog-tied him before putting him in a cop car.