Wrapped in Christ - Brian Simmons - E-Book

Wrapped in Christ E-Book

Brian Simmons



Claim full gospel freedom as you encounter Christ's power in you. The thirteen letters of Paul were written to encourage, inspire, and instruct the church in the importance of right doctrine and right living. His words are bursting with the rich, glorious realities of new life in Christ. Wrapped in Christ shares 365 daily devotions and prayers to immerse you in heaven's freedom, love, truth, hope, and joy. Featuring Scripture from The Passion Translation®, this devotional will strengthen you to live in total life-union with Jesus.

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA


Wrapped in Christ: 365 Devotions from the Pauline Epistles

Copyright © 2022 Brian Simmons

978-1-4245-6368-5 (faux leather)

978-1-4245-6369-2 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ThePassionTranslation.com. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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To all the wonderful pastors and teachers who devoted their lives to feed the flock of God, this book is affectionately dedicated.



January 1: Among the Chosen

January 2: Built Up by Community

January 3: Not Ashamed

January 4: Explosive Faith

January 5: Extravagant Kindness

January 6: Continue in Goodness

January 7: Covered in Peace

January 8: Heart Circumcision

January 9: He Is Forever Faithful

January 10: Christ, Our Tangible Righteousness

January 11: Waterfalls of Favor

January 12: Standing on Christ

January 13: Faith Counted as Righteousness

January 14: God’s Work Is Enough

January 15: Take God at His Word

January 16: Embrace Jesus

January 17: Flawless before God

January 18: Joyful Confidence

January 19: Overflowing with Joy

January 20: Gripped by Grace

January 21: Set Free from Sin

January 22: Filled Up

January 23: Conquered by Christ

January 24: Joyous Freedom

January 25: Fresh New Life

January 26: Renewed by Righteousness

January 27: No More Condemnation

January 28: Spirit of Life

January 29: The Anointed Life

January 30: Fully Accepted

January 31: Beloved Child


February 1: Glorious Hope

February 2: Clear Confidence

February 3: Unending Love

February 4: Rely on His Mercy

February 5: In the Potter’s Hand

February 6: Living Message

February 7: Never Disappointed

February 8: Promised Renewal

February 9: Heart Response

February 10: Grace-Gifts

February 11: Wonder in the Mystery

February 12: Sustainer of Everything

February 13: Genuine Expression of Worship

February 14: Inward Reformation

February 15: Joined Together

February 16: Move in Love

February 17: Don’t Give Up

February 18: A Better Word

February 19: Keep Learning to Love

February 20: True Fulfillment

February 21: Full Immersion

February 22: Open-Handed Welcome

February 23: Living for Christ

February 24: Personal Responsibility

February 25: Walk in Love

February 26: Kingdom of the Spirit

February 27: Harmonious Living

February 28: Patient Growth


March 1: Living Reflections

March 2: Word of Caution

March 3: Instruments of Goodness

March 4: More than Enough Power

March 5: Set Apart

March 6: Extravagant Wealth

March 7: Held Fast

March 8: Message of Power

March 9: No Need to Impress

March 10: Holy Spirit Wonders

March 11: Spirit to Spirit

March 12: Spirit Wisdom

March 13: Coworkers in Christ

March 14: God’s Garden

March 15: God’s Standard

March 16: Fools for God

March 17: Important Qualities

March 18: Wait Patiently

March 19: Ready to Reconcile

March 20: Loving Correction

March 21: Close in Spirit

March 22: Purified and Holy

March 23: Doing Good

March 24: Mingling with the Spirit

March 25: Purchased by God

March 26: True Identity

March 27: Look for Opportunities

March 28: Stay Close

March 29: Free from Anxiety

March 30: Love Leads to Understanding

March 31: Source of Everything


April 1: Absolutely Free

April 2: Directed by the Lord

April 3: Gracious Living

April 4: Joyful Servanthood

April 5: Benefits of Adaptability

April 6: Keep Running

April 7: Pictures of Perseverance

April 8: Opportunities for Trust

April 9: Choosing Better

April 10: Think of Others

April 11: Living to Honor God

April 12: A Good Example

April 13: Under Christ

April 14: Equal before God

April 15: Testimony of Communion

April 16: Search Your Heart

April 17: Same Spirit

April 18: A Variety of Miracles

April 19: Continuous Revelation

April 20: Spirit Work

April 21: One in Christ

April 22: Beauty of Diversity

April 23: Puzzle Pieces

April 24: Pure Purpose

April 25: Incredible Lengths

April 26: Respect and Honor

April 27: Honest Truth

April 28: Beyond the Known

April 29: Just a Glimpse

April 30: Eternal Source


May 1: Deeper Desire

May 2: Strengthened Focus

May 3: Wise Thinking

May 4: Build Up

May 5: Firmly Fastened

May 6: Reality Check

May 7: Resurrection Life

May 8: Victorious

May 9: Unshakable Foundation

May 10: Courage to Continue

May 11: Loving Kindness

May 12: Blessings of Peace

May 13: Comfort Leads to Compassion

May 14: Strengthened to Endure

May 15: Pure Motives

May 16: True Fulfillment

May 17: Partners in Joy

May 18: Discernable Grace

May 19: Undiluted Message

May 20: Empowered Living

May 21: Renewed Focus

May 22: Bright and Radiant

May 23: Clear Vision

May 24: Reflections of Glory

May 25: Mercy Covenant

May 26: Beacons of Light

May 27: Carriers of God’s Glory

May 28: In Light of Eternity

May 29: Higher Perspective

May 30: Guaranteed Hope

May 31: Longing for More


June 1: Driving Ambition

June 2: Seized by Love

June 3: Completely New

June 4: Seize the Moment

June 5: In Every Season

June 6: Make Room

June 7: He Knows

June 8: The Gift of Godly Sorrow

June 9: Victorious Repentance

June 10: Supernatural Joy

June 11: Growth in Generosity

June 12: Extravagant Grace

June 13: Finish Strong

June 14: Mindful Sharing

June 15: Check Your Heart

June 16: Fountain of Joy

June 17: Overwhelmingly Satisfying

June 18: A Better Portion

June 19: Thought Patterns

June 20: Unashamed

June 21: Confidence in Christ

June 22: Treasure of Revelation Knowledge

June 23: God’s Work

June 24: More Than Enough

June 25: What a Delight

June 26: Robed with Power

June 27: Hold Steady

June 28: Flawless

June 29: Unmistakable Love

June 30: All That Is


July 1: Supreme Passion

July 2: Transformed by Christ

July 3: Reason to Praise

July 4: Freedom in Grace

July 5: Entrusted by God

July 6: Something to Remember

July 7: Through Faith Alone

July 8: One with Christ

July 9: New Beginnings

July 10: A Steady Stream

July 11: The Simple Gospel

July 12: Set Free by Faith

July 13: Fully Immersed

July 14: Redeemed and Restored

July 15: True Children of God

July 16: Don’t Go Back

July 17: Willingness to Listen

July 18: Remaining Free

July 19: Love-Filled Faith

July 20: Called to Freedom

July 21: The Law of Love

July 22: Soaring with the Spirit

July 23: Spirit Fruit

July 24: Gentle Restoration

July 25: Empowered by Love

July 26: Joyful Devotion

July 27: Self-Government

July 28: Plant Good Seeds

July 29: Keep Sowing

July 30: Seize Today’s Opportunities

July 31: Lavished in Love


August 1: Chosen

August 2: Waterfalls of Grace

August 3: Illuminated and Inspired

August 4: Look to Him

August 5: Lush with Mercy

August 6: Seated with Christ

August 7: Poetic Expressions

August 8: Prince of Peace

August 9: Beyond Understanding

August 10: Royal Welcome

August 11: Flooded by Love

August 12: Endless, Extravagant Love

August 13: Choose Trust

August 14: No Excuses

August 15: Sweet Harmony

August 16: Abundant Grace

August 17: Appointed

August 18: Recreated in Righteousness

August 19: Living Reflections

August 20: What Goodness

August 21: Life-Giving Light

August 22: Living Honorably

August 23: All the Time

August 24: The Excellent Way

August 25: Victorious Strength

August 26: Always Pray

August 27: Fully Convinced

August 28: Keep Increasing

August 29: Continue to Cling

August 30: Grounded in the Gospel

August 31: Love that Comforts


September 1: Peace and Harmony

September 2: Lamb of God

September 3: Everyone, Everywhere

September 4: Keep Going

September 5: Unlimited Joy

September 6: Free to Worship

September 7: Incomparable Delight

September 8: Wonderful Christ

September 9: Through Every Season

September 10: Withholding Nothing

September 11: Focused in Faith

September 12: Overcomers

September 13: Secret Treasures

September 14: Reason for Existence

September 15: Original Intent

September 16: Awakened to Understand

September 17: Wrapped in Comfort

September 18: Riches of Revelation

September 19: Overflowing Fullness

September 20: Cancelled Debt

September 21: Symphony of Grace

September 22: Resurrection Power

September 23: Continually Renewed

September 24: Robed with Virtue

September 25: Saturated with Beauty

September 26: Walk in Wisdom’s Steps

September 27: Gracious Clarity

September 28: Practical Faith

September 29: Power of the Gospel

September 30: Our Deliverer


October 1: Pure Motivation

October 2: Wholehearted Reception

October 3: Encouraged

October 4: So Much Joy

October 5: Continual Increase

October 6: Dig In

October 7: Call to Holiness

October 8: Conduits of Kindness

October 9: Driving Ambition

October 10: Children of the Light

October 11: Alert with Clarity

October 12: Wise Leadership

October 13: Life of Gratitude

October 14: Unwavering Faith

October 15: By His Power

October 16: Beloved One

October 17: Stand Firm

October 18: Inspired with Strength

October 19: Appeal to Pray

October 20: Faithful Lord

October 21: The Hope of the Messiah

October 22: Life of Worship

October 23: Lord of Peace

October 24: Sincere Faith

October 25: Overflowing with Gratitude

October 26: Kissed by Mercy

October 27: Flooded with Grace

October 28: Gripped by God

October 29: King of Glory

October 30: Keep Interceding

October 31: Prayers for Peace


November 1: One True Leader

November 2: Frustration Free

November 3: Spiritual Shepherds

November 4: Tested and Proven

November 5: People of Our Word

November 6: Distinguished in Truth

November 7: Mystery of Righteousness

November 8: Discernment Is Necessary

November 9: Celebration of Faith

November 10: Nurturing Grace

November 11: Eternal Value

November 12: Faithful and True

November 13: Intention into Action

November 14: Honorable Conduct

November 15: Like Family

November 16: Pure Practice of Love

November 17: All Will Be Revealed

November 18: Respecting Others

November 19: Awe of God

November 20: Heavenly Cravings

November 21: Clear Conscience

November 22: True Satisfaction

November 23: Even Greater

November 24: Fan the Flame

November 25: Know the Source

November 26: Words of Healing

November 27: Empowered by Grace

November 28: Deposits of Wisdom

November 29: Worthy Focus

November 30: Promote Encouragement


December 1: Holy Pursuit

December 2: Fierce Days

December 3: Advancing in Truth

December 4: Sacred Lessons

December 5: Inspired Scripture

December 6: Stand on Scripture

December 7: Heart Full of Faith

December 8: Never Alone

December 9: Glory to God

December 10: Eternal Hope

December 11: Lovers of Goodness

December 12: Pure Hearts

December 13: Godly Qualities

December 14: Be the Example

December 15: Sound Message

December 16: Personified Grace

December 17: Waiting in Anticipation

December 18: Confront the Truth

December 19: Considerate of Differences

December 20: Extraordinary Mercy

December 21: Refreshing Waters

December 22: Waterfalls of Hope

December 23: Faithful Message

December 24: Bring It Back to Christ

December 25: Beautiful Fruit

December 26: Faithful to Love

December 27: Shared Faith

December 28: Love’s Impact

December 29: From Slave to Brother

December 30: In the Same Way

December 31: Benediction

About the Author

If anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person.




Among the Chosen

You are among the chosen ones who are called to belong to Jesus, the Anointed One.


In his letter to the believing church in Rome, Paul wrote to encourage and establish them in their faith. In the same way he encouraged the Roman church, we can be grounded in the gospel of grace that we find within Paul’s writings.

The kindness and compassion of God toward us has called us out as his children. We are among the chosen! All who come to faith in Christ have already been called as sons, daughters, and co-heirs with him in his glorious kingdom. May we each find the open door of Christ’s invitation to know his love in deeper, truer, and more liberating ways. His glorious grace meets us with generosity as we turn to him. He has all that we need to thrive in his merciful righteousness. What a wonderful King he is and how oh so tender he is with our hearts.

Jesus, thank you for calling me your own. You have drawn me to your heart with tender kindness, and I cannot stay away. Flood me with your tangible goodness as I look to you.


Built Up by Community

Now, this means that when we come together and are side by side, something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each other’s faith!


Something incredibly powerful happens when we gather in the company of those who believe in Jesus and are committed to wholeheartedly following his ways. Even when we are first getting to know other believers, our faith can build each other’s confidence. Our testimonies of God’s grace in our lives can be the encouragement that we didn’t even realize we needed.

There is comfort in being able to share each other’s victories and each other’s burdens. We were created for community. We were made to lean on each other in hard times and to celebrate one another in our triumphs. Seek out the company of other believers today, and may you find courage and relief there.

Lord, I know that you have called me to know you, not only through the beautiful relationship between your Spirit and my own but through the body of your believers as well. Flood me with your love through others today and help me to be a conduit of your loving courage to them.


Not Ashamed

I refuse to be ashamed of the wonderful message of God’s liberating power unleashed in us through Christ! For I am thrilled to preach that everyone who believes is saved—the Jew first, and then people everywhere!


The message of the cross is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Jewish nation received the promised salvation message of the Messiah first, and then the rest of the nations received it as well. Jesus Christ is the Messiah of everyone who comes to him through faith. Both the outcast and the fortunate find their home in him.

Can you echo Paul’s statement about refusing to be ashamed of the gospel? Not only is it good news, but it is also the message of God’s liberating power unleashed in us through Christ. That is wonderful news! As you fellowship with the Spirit of Christ today, may you be infused with the power of his love and grace.

Christ Jesus, you are the Lord of my life. I submit my heart to you, and I won’t be ashamed of who you are. Your love is better than any I’ve known before. Thank you for your free gift of salvation. I am undone by your mercy.


Explosive Faith

This gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness—a perfect righteousness given to us when we believe. And it moves us from receiving life through faith, to the power of living by faith.


What would it look like for you to move past simply receiving life and salvation through faith to the power of living by faith, as Paul explains? Are there areas where you are still trying to earn your favor with God? Christ is clear—salvation is through faith alone. And it is through a living relationship with Christ, through fellowship with his Holy Spirit, that we find our true freedom.

We do not need to “do more” to be righteous in God’s sight. The Father sees us through the purity and power of Christ’s righteousness. We are free in the love of God, and there is more revelation to receive about the kingdom of Christ than we could ever contain. Let your faith lead you in wonder!

Jesus, I want to know your liberating love more in my life so that my faith becomes an expression of a life lived in communion with you. Thank you for being my righteousness!


Extravagant Kindness

Do the riches of his extraordinary kindness make you take him for granted and despise him? Haven’t you experienced how kind and understanding he has been to you? Don’t mistake his tolerance for acceptance. Do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?


There is little else in this world that can rightly compare to the extravagant kindness of God. He is infinitely patient. He does not grow weary of giving us the space and opportunity to accept his mercy. He draws us with loving-kindness, not with threats.

His kindness melts our defenses when we realize how indescribably good, merciful, and powerful he is! His love leads him to extend mercy at every opportunity. When was the last time you considered the incomparable love of Christ that reaches out to you at every moment? Remember his kindness today, for he is full of compassion toward you.

Lord God, thank you for your love that leads me to repentance. I don’t want to take it for granted or let the troubles of this world taint my view of you. I draw near, and I ask for your hand of mercy to give me deeper revelations of your kindness.


Continue in Goodness

For those living in constant goodness and doing what pleases him, seeking an unfading glory and honor and imperishable virtue, will experience eternal life.


In this verse, Paul explains the destiny that awaits those who live for the Lord and seek to do his will. He describes these people as living out what they believe, what Jesus has said to do, with their focus on their heavenly reward.

Doing what pleases God comes from faith. We first believe in Jesus, who is the Anointed One and Messiah. Then we live out of that place of faith, aligning our actions with our values. When this happens, we bring honor to the one who calls us his own. If we want to be sure of eternal life, we must not only pay attention to what we profess with our mouths but also what dwells in our hearts and how it plays out in our lives.

Lord, my heart is yours. The faith I have is from you in the first place. Build up the foundation of my faith, teaching me your ways as I submit to you. I’m so grateful you’re not looking for perfection but for willingness to transform. I want to look like you, living a life of loving intention.


Covered in Peace

When we do what pleases God, we can expect unfading glory, true honor, and a continual peace—to the Jew first and also to the non-Jew.


When we live for what pleases God, the expectations of our hopes are great. Though we will walk through trials and troubles in this life, we can fix our eyes on the prize of our lives—the age that is yet to come in the fullness of Christ’s kingdom. We see in part now, but then we will see everything fully. There is unfading glory in our eternal places in his kingdom.

True honor comes from submitting to the Lord and letting him be the final say over our lives. He is kind, patient, powerful, full of love and grace. He is the most loving leader. He is the strongest ally. He is all that we need and so much more than we can imagine. He covers us in his peace even in the midst of our storms. He is with us, steadfast, and good.

Jesus, you are the one I look to today and every day. You are my hope, and I long to please your heart more than any person. Cover me in your glory, honor, and peace.


Heart Circumcision

You are Jewish because of the inward act of spiritual circumcision—a radical change that lays bare your heart. It’s not by the principle of the written code, but by power of the Holy Spirit.


The Jewish nation practiced many rituals in line with the law of God, as given through Moses. One such practice is circumcision. In this passage, Paul encourages those who have come to follow Christ by explaining that their salvation and belonging don’t come from religious rites but from the power of God at work in their hearts.

This is true for all of us. It is not what we do that makes us pleasing before the Lord. It is the power of his work in us that purifies us. The Holy Spirit radically transforms our hearts as we submit to his hand in our lives. We should all rejoice that this is God’s work and not ours. May true confidence and comfort come from the living and active work of God in us and not what we can do for him.

Great God, your power at work in my life is greater than my offerings, and it is my confidence. I humble myself before you and invite you to transform me in even greater ways, doing what only you can do.


He Is Forever Faithful

What if some were unfaithful to their divine calling? Does their unbelief weaken God’s faithfulness? Absolutely not! God will always be proven faithful and true to his word, while people are proven to be liars.

ROMANS 3:3–4

We cannot overstate the significance of God’s faithfulness being based on his character and not on our belief. God cannot go against his vows. He will never abandon a promise that he has made. That would make him a liar, and we know that God cannot lie. He is not wishy-washy or able to be trapped or manipulated. He is full of clarity, truth, power, and love. He is faithful to his Word!

This should be a relief to our hearts and cause us to rejoice. Our God is faithful, regardless of our unbelief. And yet, there is strength and hope in faith that holds on to the faithfulness of God. Let us not give up believing that he will come through on his promises, for the one who promised is forever faithful.

Faithful Father, I cannot begin to thank you for the wonder of your faithfulness in this world and in my life. I give you my worries and fears, and I invite your peace to bring clarity and calm to my mind and heart. I trust you!


Christ, Our Tangible Righteousness

Now, independently of the law, the righteousness of God is tangible and brought to light through Jesus, the Anointed One…It is God’s righteousness made visible through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.

ROMANS 3:21–22

Christ is the gracious gift of God to a dying world. We could never be righteous enough on our own to earn the favor of God. In fact, God never expected we would. He provided the righteousness of his own Son, Jesus, to be our own. Jesus, the Anointed One, was faithful in life and in death, and he resurrected in the power of the Holy Spirit to once and for all defeat the power of sin and death over us all.

It is in Christ alone that we find salvation. He came to set the sinner free, to heal the sick, and to show us the way to the Father. He is our heavenly door, the one we enter through to the throne room of heaven. He is our righteousness, and in him, we are purified, liberated, and accepted. What wonderful news!

Jesus, thank you for being the salvation and righteousness of all those who come to you for shelter. You are my hiding place. Love me to life in your presence as I realize the powerful purifying mercy of your heart toward me!


Waterfalls of Favor

Through his powerful declaration of acquittal, God freely gives away his righteousness. His gift of love and favor now cascades over us, all because Jesus, the Anointed One, has liberated us from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin!


Paul makes it clear that God’s justice is not separate from his mercy and grace. Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. He has taken the weight of our sin and shame, and he has set us free to live in the light of his own righteousness. His loving favor washes over us in the same measure that it cascades over Christ, for we are found in him.

Are you living in the freedom of Christ? Have you found your liberation in his love? There is no substitute for the gracious favor he grants all those who come to hide themselves in him. Align your life with him, and you will find the relief, rest, and freedom you’ve been longing for.

Jesus, you are my liberator! I run to you and hide myself in your love. Wash over me with the generous flow of your mercy-tide. Continually transform me in your loving-kindness, for I am yours.


Standing on Christ

There was only one possible way for God to give away his righteousness and still be true to both his justice and his mercy—to offer up his own Son. So now, because we stand on the faithfulness of Jesus, God declares us righteous in his eyes!


Wherever we find ourselves today, may we be aware of the firm foundation of Christ’s faithfulness upholding our very lives. When we stand on his work, we do not need to rely on ourselves. He is our rock-steady ground. He is our salvation, and we will never find another.

We are not saved by grace only to strive again. We have been saved by grace through faith in Christ alone as our Redeemer. His work is finished, and we come alive in his life within us through fellowship with the Holy Spirit. No matter the state of the world, God is faithful. No matter how hard the days are that we are living in, Christ is still moving to set captives free and to fulfill his Word on the earth.

Christ, you are the foundation I have built my life upon. I will not be moved by shifting ideologies or the winds of the world. I am alive in you, and you won’t let me go! Thank you.


Faith Counted as Righteousness

No one earns God’s righteousness. It can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own works, but believe in the one who powerfully declares the ungodly to be righteous in his eyes. It is faith that transfers God’s righteousness into your account!


Nothing we do could ever earn us God’s favor. Though there is good that we can and should do in our lives, that is not the basis for how we are received by the Father. Jesus Christ alone is our righteousness. It is his work that transforms our hearts. May faith in his love, in his mercy, and in his power to save be the basis of our confidence.

Just as nothing we do can garner us favor, no mistakes we make can take away the power of his mercy in our lives either. Though we cannot escape the consequences of our actions, we should never call into question the love of God toward us. Christ will not withdraw his kindness from a repentant heart. Psalm 103:12 says, “Farther than from a sunrise to a sunset—that’s how far you’ve removed our guilt from us.”

Lord Jesus, thank you for the promise of your righteousness that breaks the power of shame in my life. I am grateful for the strength of your love!


God’s Work Is Enough

Even King David himself speaks to us regarding the complete wholeness that comes inside a person when God’s powerful declaration of righteousness is heard over our life. Apart from our works, God’s work is enough.


God’s work is enough. Sometimes we need to hear a phrase multiple times for its truth to really sink in. There is nothing we can add to or take away from the work of Christ. It is complete. It is whole. It is enough. Right here and now, it is enough.

The powerful declaration of righteousness rings over the lives of those who look to the Lord. He answers those who cry out to him. He covers them with the liquid love of his presence. He declares them blameless in his sight. He sings songs of freedom over their hearts and minds. Submit to him and find that God’s work is enough for you today.

Lord God, thank you for the incredible truth of your sufficiency and power in my life. Thank you for covering me with your confident kindness. Thank you for your mercy that transforms my heart and my hopes! I love you.


Take God at His Word

Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfill it. He took God at his word, and as a result he became the father of many nations.


Paul has already established that God’s faithfulness is not dependent on our faith in him. And yet, he goes a step further and explains how faith benefits us. Abraham received a promise from the Lord that did not seem at all probable, but he believed God and took him at his word. He expected God to fulfill the promise.

When the odds are stacked against you and when things seem hopeless, don’t let go of the promises of God over your life. Don’t give up your faith. The one who has watched over you, who called you forth from the womb, is faithful. He will not let you down. Let faith replace your discouragement and remember who God is! He is faithful and true, and he will never, ever change.

Faithful Father, I need this reminder more than I would like to admit. I believe that you are faithful. I look at your Word, and I remember the testimony of those who have walked with you. You are a God who doesn’t go back on your promises. I believe you.


Embrace Jesus

When we believe and embrace the one who brought our Lord Jesus back to life, perfect righteousness will be credited to our account as well.


Faith is empowering. It leads us not only in our belief but also in our choices. We don’t play small to fear when we believe that God will do what he said he would. May we be like Abraham, who was empowered by faith to continue to glorify God.

In the following verse Paul goes on to say, “Jesus was handed over to be crucified for the forgiveness of our sins and was raised back to life to prove that he had made us right with God” (v. 25). It is Christ’s sacrifice and the power of his resurrection that fill us with life, hope, and expectation. Let’s throw off all that hinders us and believe in the one who brought Christ back to life. The perfect righteousness of God Christ is then our own. Hallelujah!

Jesus, I embrace you, the Father, and the Spirit. Just as you are three-in-one, I find all the parts of myself completely whole in you. Thank you for your overcoming life that fills my own. I believe that I will know your goodness more and more as I follow you and your kingdom ways.


Flawless before God

Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us.


The gift of God’s grace is a beautiful expression of the unconditional love that the Father has toward us. It is not by works that we are saved but through grace. It is the gift of God not earned by the work of our hands. We have been declared flawless before God when we align our lives with Christ. Faith leads us to freedom. What a beautiful and wondrous exchange.

Peace with God is not something that we need to fight for. Rather, it is something that we acquire through surrender. May you find the peace that passes all understanding rises to meet you, surrounds you with comfort, and settles your heart as you look to Jesus, the author of your faith.

Lord Jesus, I find true comfort, peace, joy, and love in you. You wrap around me with the peace of your presence, and your Spirit fills my heart with hope. Thank you!


Joyful Confidence

That’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance.


When times of trouble come, they test our trust. What causes our faith to falter, and what causes it to thrive? We cannot escape the trials of life. We each will experience loss, grief, and pain. There is no way out of it. And yet, is our faith dependent on our circumstances? According to Paul, by no means.

There is a joyful confidence that supersedes our circumstances. The pressures of life that happen to us without our input or control can serve as our great teachers. When we feel as if our trials are breaking us open, we have an invitation to expand in our understanding and trust in God. His faithfulness is sure, and we can partner with faith and hope, holding on to him even as he holds on to us.

Christ Jesus, you are the Lord of my life. When my world is turned upside down, I will continue to trust in you. The ease and comfort of my life does not reflect your favor. Your presence is enough to help me through every hardship. I trust you!


Overflowing with Joy

Even more than that, we overflow with triumphant joy in our new relationship of living reconciled to God—all because of Jesus Christ!


Where is your greatest joy in life? Is it found in the relationships you have or the hard-earned role you have achieved? Even our greatest natural joys and celebrations pale in comparison to the greatness of knowing God through Christ. In all our success, we could never reconcile ourselves to God.

The beautiful and groundbreaking news, though, is that we don’t have to. God has already provided a way through Jesus for us to be fully reconciled to God. We have peace with him, not only being fully known by him, but also knowing him in spirit and in truth. There is now nothing that separates us from the love of God in Christ! What a reason to overflow with joy!

Jesus, thank you for redeeming my life, for setting my feet on the firm foundation of your love, and for calling me into your kingdom as your own. I cannot hold back my overwhelming gratitude toward you today! Thank you for the gift of your grace. I am yours, and I come alive in you.


Gripped by Grace

Now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!


Right here and now, in the midst of our mundane lives, we can find an abundance of grace. The glorious gift of grace is ours no matter the struggles we are facing. We have liberty in the love of our God through Christ!

Are there any areas of your old life that keep you stuck in cycles you want to break free from? The grace of God is available to you. It is sufficient to break the curse of sin’s hold. Jesus says in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free!” Paul also says in 2 Corinthians 3 that wherever the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom. You have the Spirit of God with you, and he is your freedom and righteousness.

Lord, thank you for gripping me with your grace in every moment. Set me free from the lies of shame, fear, sin, and death. I want to live in the light of your face all the days of my life. Shine on me!


Set Free from Sin

We were co-crucified with him to dismantle the stronghold of sin within us, so that we would not continue to live one moment longer submitted to sin’s power.


Christ’s Word over our lives is the final word. When he declares us free from the law of sin and death, we are free indeed. When we continue to live under old mentalities of shame, fear, and doubt, we are not standing fully on the faith of his overwhelming mercy in our lives. It is to our detriment, not to his, when we remain stuck in old ways of thinking and living.

The power of God is stronger than the grave. His love broke the hold of sin and death. It can certainly break the hold that fear has had over our lives. His love is expansive whereas fear keeps us small and controlled. May we live in the fullness of our liberty rather than playing small in cycles that no longer serve us. His ways are always better.

Jesus, it is because of your power in my life that I can live without sin’s hold keeping me stuck. As I come alive in your love, I am awakened to the freedom of your grace at work in my life. Thank you!


Filled Up

If we were co-crucified with the Anointed One, we know that we will also share in the fullness of his life.


When we align our lives in Christ and when we join our hearts to his, we allow for his power to rearrange our mindsets, expectations, and values. If we claim to follow the Lord Jesus and to live for his kingdom, then our lives will reflect it. When our values reveal the kingdom of Christ and the fruit of his life within our choices, we are sharing in his fullness.

Let’s live for God’s pleasure, not simply for our own. When we only live to satisfy our desires, the satisfaction is quick and fleeting. When we live for the desires of God at work within us, we are storing up a heavenly reward that nothing can destroy. Let us move, then, in his compassion, and let us live with his love dripping from everything we do.

God, just as you resurrected Christ from the grave, I believe that I, too, will experience the resurrection of life in your kingdom. While I get a glimpse through fellowship with your Spirit, the promised hope of Christ’s return to rule and to reign, on earth as it is in heaven, is what I look forward to.


Conquered by Christ

Remember this: sin will not conquer you, for God already has! You are not governed by law but governed by the reign of the grace of God.


What a gloriously gracious gift God has given us through the life, death, resurrection, and fellowship of his Son, Jesus. Sin is no longer our master, for Christ is. God has conquered our old selves, and sin no longer has the hold on us that it once did.

Though laws keep people in line, they do not liberate. They are the boundaries for a civil life. No one is perfect in keeping God’s law—not one person! Perfection was never the goal, and God knew it wasn’t possible. He sent his Son to direct us to his kingdom, to be the go-between and our forever High Priest. We are governed by the reign of the grace of God, and that is overwhelmingly good news for all humanity.

Christ, your love has conquered me. You are the leader of my life, and I submit to you. Thank you for grace that governs me, not the letter of the law or standards of perfectionism. I am free to follow your pathway of love, and I won’t stop.


Joyous Freedom

As God’s loving servants, you live in joyous freedom from the power of sin. So consider the benefits you now enjoy—you are brought deeper into the experience of true holiness that ends with eternal life!


Living under the grace of God is not a chore, and it is not boring. There is incredible freedom, overwhelming joy, and satisfying peace in being free from the demands of sin. We now enjoy many benefits of grace, and grace leads us into deeper holiness, not away from it. The righteousness of God as our own is an open door into the liberty of his love.

When Christ’s values become our own, we stop living only to satisfy ourselves. Our worlds expand in his mercy and compassion. Our mindsets are transformed to think about others as much, if not more than, we are concerned with our own comfort. His love is ever reaching, and as we are moved by it, we will find that we, too, reach outside of ourselves to extend his kindness to others.

Yahweh, you have set me free, and I am filled with joy in your presence. I find that the more liberated I become from my old ways of thinking, the more grounded I am in your love. Thank you!


Fresh New Life

Now that we have been fully released from the power of the law, we are dead to what once controlled us…now we may serve God by living in the freshness of a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit.


How empowered do you feel in your life? Do you live in the freshness of new life that Paul is speaking of here? Do you know the incomparable goodness of the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? He moves in subtle ways and in grand gestures. The softening of your heart to another in compassion is as much his work as is the healing of a body.

May you be encouraged to look for how that mercy meets you in little and big ways. Fellowship with the Spirit is your right as a child of the living God. He is near, moving, and always ready to help you. Don’t hold anything back today as you pour your heart out to God. Refreshment awaits you in his presence today.

Holy Spirit, fill me with fresh insights, revelations, and encounters with your Spirit. Awaken my heart, mind, and understanding to your living love. Show me your power at work in my life and give me eyes to see.


Renewed by Righteousness

I give all my thanks to God, for his mighty power has finally provided a way out through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! So if left to myself, the flesh is aligned with the law of sin, but now my renewed mind is fixed on and submitted to God’s righteous principles.


God has given us renewed minds in his Spirit. We are not left to our own, dependent on our old ways of thinking and understanding. His Spirit’s life within us transforms our minds. Life, love, peace, clarity, joy, and so much more grow in his fellowship.

Fix your mind on God’s righteous principles today. May you find renewed hope as you submit to Christ’s ways above your own understanding. Spend time in the gospels and in the teachings of Jesus. He is full of life-giving wisdom to direct our hearts. Spend time with the Spirit through prayer and meditation. Look to the Lord, and you will find his help. He is so much better than we could ever give him credit for.

Anointed One, your mighty power at work in my life is unrivaled. No one else loves me the way that you do—so purely and without hidden motive! I yield my heart to you. Renew and refresh me in your presence again.


No More Condemnation

So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One.


What once condemned us—namely the law and our inability to abide by the letter—has led us to our saving grace. Christ provided a way out of the curse that loomed over us. We do not need to sacrifice animals in order to feel better about our shortcomings. God does not require anything more from us. Jesus Christ is our salvation, our peace, and our hope.

Is there any area of your life where condemnation’s voice is still heard regularly? Be encouraged to take it before the Lord today. What he does not hold against you, you need not hold against yourself. What Christ has liberated you from does not have a claim to you. Simply join your life with his and rest in the confidence of his faithfulness and truth.

Anointed Christ, thank you for the truth of your saving grace breaking the hold of sin over my life. Where I have believed the condemning lies of the enemy, I now yield to you and stand upon the finished work of your cross. I am free in your love—unquestionably free!


Spirit of Life

The “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death.


The Spirit of life is flowing through the anointing of Jesus even now. It is accessible to you and me through his Spirit. His liberating love is as available today as it ever was or will be. The Spirit provides fullness of salvation, of peace, of joy, of hope, and of love. The kingdom of Christ sees no lack, no shortage of goodness.

Is there an area of your life that needs a fresh touch from the Spirit? Is there restoration or redemption that you have been longing for? Look to him, for you will find the fullness of all your hopes and expectations in Christ. He is continually unfolding his kingdom in our lives. There is always more to sustain us, to grow us, and to encourage us. May your heart find encouragement in his fellowship today!

Lord God, thank you for your Spirit of life that sets me free from the law of sin and death. I am not confined by my mistakes. I am defined by your righteousness. Thank you! As long as I have breath, I will thank you.


The Anointed Life

Now every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the Anointed One living his life in us. And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!


The life of Jesus in us is enough to satisfy God! The dynamic power of the Holy Spirit is released in us, empowering our new life in him. All that we need originates and is found in him.

An anointed life does not begin with what we offer. It begins with receiving. God requires nothing from us. Yes, we submit to and believe in him, but that does not earn our way into his kingdom. We receive the gift of grace, and from that place, we rise as new creations in Christ. We live with the freedom and confidence of his finished work being enough, once and for all! We partner with his purposes not because he needs us to but because it is our privilege to do so. We offer our lives as gifts of gratitude right back to the giver of all good gifts.

Anointed One, I am undone by the power of your love in my life. Move, and I will move with you. Transform me in your mercy, and I will never be the same.


Fully Accepted

Now Christ lives his life in you! And even though your body may be dead because of the effects of sin, his life-giving Spirit imparts life to you because you are fully accepted by God.


The breath of the Spirit renews and rejuvenates us in our innermost being. It brings life. Though we experience the decay that comes with living in an imperfect world, even in our bodies, our souls are alive in Christ and continually being made new as we fellowship with his Spirit.