Dr Russell Grigg
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  • Dr Russell Grigg 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Lebensstil 
  • Leeren

Russell Grigg has taught history at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, based at Carmarthen, for more than twenty years. He has a strong knowledge of the county, having published popular and academic articles and books for local magazines such as Carmarthenshire Life and the University of Wales Press. He is well acquainted with source material, as he has co-directed the University's MA course in local history. He gives talks to local history societies and contributes to media programmes based on Carmarthen and the area, such as Who Do You Think You Are with Griff Rhys Jones, ITV's Our Town series (Carmarthen), the BBC Radio 4 Long View series on the Llanelli School Strikes.