Harald Lesch
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  • Harald Lesch 
  • Hörbücher 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
  • Leeren

Harald Lesch is Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Munich. For years, he has brought complex scientific and philosophical topics to the general public in an understandable and impressive way with numerous bestsellers and programs such as "Lesch's Cosmos". Climate change and climate protection are among his main topics.

Cecilia Scorza holds a doctorate in astrophysics and is the coordinator of public outreach and education at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Munich. She has received, among others, the Neumann Prize for Didactics of the German Astronomical Society, the Scientix Prize of the EU and the Kepler Prize for Physics Education. Together with Harald Lesch and colleagues, she initiated the project "Climate Change: Understanding and Acting", which has been running with great success in German-speaking schools since 2018.

Katharina Theis-Bröhl is a professor of physics, mathematics and materials science at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. She uses sketchnotes in lectures and popular science talks to present complex issues in an understandable way. In 2019 and 2022, she organized the "Climate Week Bremerhaven" at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, where scientists, students and the interested public could inform and exchange ideas. She is active in Scientists for Future.